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TASK #5:
Recently, Colombia has a big insecurity problem due to the entry of immigrants. Some immigrants are
doing bad things in this country like stealing and murdering. I think the best way to stop that is to have
total control over the entry of immigrants.
Some immigrants are also invanding public places. Another way to help is to look for a place where they
can be for a while. That is a big problem because the insecurity is an important factor in a country, you
don’t want to be in a dangerous place. Another way to stop that big problem is to immediately report
those who come with bad intentions.

TASK #6:
I enjoy learning another language, and many people say I am very inteligent at it. Right now I am learning
English, that is my second language and in the future I would like to learn French or Japanese. If you
want to learn English, I think you could improve that by watching a lot of movies. That way helped me a
lot, you could try it.
But, honestly the best way to learn English is not by reading books but by speaking all time with another
people who know the language. When I started to learned English I had problems because I couldn’t
understand very well to my professor, but I met people who speak English and I began to practice all the
time with them. You can use the internet, there there are a lot of apps where you could speak with
people who know the language.

TASK #7:

Benjamin Franklin became famous during the eighteen century’s, the time of his kite
experiments to discover the electricity. From 1701 to 1752 and for 51 years, Benjamin
Franklin was experimenting and trying to manipulate the electricity, until he succeeded. In
1747 he flew a kite with a metallic tip tied to a silk thread at the end of which was a key,
also metallic, and managed to manipulate the energy of thunder to store it.
Thanks to his studies on electricity during 1747, Benjamin discovered the positive and negative
terms. His theory was based on Newton's postulates. Since 1747 and four about 200 years,
Franklin’s theory of positive and negative form of electricity is still used.

TASK #8:

Dear Andres
Excuse me uncle for leaving without warning but I didn’t want to be in that country anymore. I know I
shouldn’t have left without warning, maybe, If I had listened to my mother, I wouldn’t have gone with
you, but I wanted to try the experience and I didn’t like it. You have to understand me because I could
not studied there and I couldn’t do anything. I had to go, If you had been more understandable, maybe I
would have talked with you about it, but you didn’t want to hear me. I should have gone to Bogota from
the beginning

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