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LinP: For thP application of linPs. I usPd quitP a fPw diffPrPnt typps of linPs on this trinaran. ThPrP arP all kinds of straiqht linPs.
straiqht IinPS of diffPrPnt IPnqths. and curvPs Of diffPrPnt dPqrPPS. And in addition to thP linPS Of thP nodPI itSPlf. laspr cuttinq
thosP platPs also adds a lot of I inPs. Pxtra IinPsAdds a IittlP bit of a dlffPrPncP to this artworkAs a rPsult. thP work wil I look norP
I ikP thPrP wi 11 bP norp IinPS, and thP inportancP Of thP I inPS nay incrPaSP.

In ordpr to achiPVP bPttPr drainaqP, fastPr SPPPd. thPrP is a hiqhpr pffiCiPncv. I havP nadP a VPry qpnp, and thPrP is a VPry strPanl lnPd
shapP. Althouqh this is a thrPP-body ship, but thP IPft and riqht. ThP nain buddlPS will achiPVP bPttPr balancP at a littlP hiqhPr. and
thPrP is stability. and thP niddlP Will bP a littlP bit. Which will hPlp thP hull incrPaSP stability.

For thP natPrial. thP Acrylic platP for laspr cuttinq is usPd. ThP natPrial is vPrv snooth and transparPnt. and thPn I spraypd whitP
paint on part of thP surtacP. but I did not spray on thP botton of thP bPd. bPcausP I wantPd to naintain a cPrtain dPqrPP of
transparPncy, so that thP audiPnCP could SPP sonP of thP structurPs insidP. as WPI I as thP hul I. I inPs and shapPs.
ValuP: ThP whitP paint and thP transparPnt surtacP torn a stronq contrast and diffPrPncP. which adds sonPthinq spPcial with thP

Color: ThP color is whitP and transparPnt.

spacP: SpacP. I fPPI that it is not a vPry larqP nodPI. but bPcausP thP proportion of thP nodPI is built accordinq to a biq proportion.
thPn narrows to such a systPn. so it will fPPI that it should bP quitP biq. for PxanplP. on thP yacht. thP railinq IPt thP boat looks vPrv
blq. in fact. this boat if it is rPal. it Will bP quitP biq.

Forn: I fPPI that whPn I nPntionPd thw shapP. it was alnost thP sanP thinqs. I want to havP a bPttPr ability to pass throuqh watPr
fastPr. snoothPr. norP watPr pPnPtration. and bPttPr fuPI Pconony. So I dPsiqnPd it I ikP this.
Gird EyE>'s

Why did I chOOSE:l this9 rJpcausP this artwork that I r,adP and dPsiqnPd is onp of r,y favoritPS
objPcts. It is r,y Idus 2oq•s VPhiCIP lacpr cuttinq projPCt. At first, WP nPPd to dPCidP what
kind of VPhiCIP for this projPCt, and I chospn yacht. ThPn WP nPPd to do IO diffPrPnt
SkPtChPS. I draw diffPrPnt typps of yachts, and at last I chOOSP to nakP thP trinaran. I nPPd
to dPsiqn thfl MOdPI at thP MOdPlinq softwarp Rhino. First of all, I want to qpt that MOdPI, I
want to dPsiqn, to considPr thP proportion, how biq should bP considPrPd, to considPr
flPxibility, considPr how nany factors such as qood looks, thPn aftPr thP nodPI is conplPtPd,
WP nPPd to dPsiqn how to aSSPMblP and how to r,akP it in laspr cut forn.
Long: I 0.'1 inch
Width 1 1/Q. inch
1--IE:liqht: Q. inch

OriE:lntation: hori2onta1

Front ViPW
OE:lslqn I 02
rl@ron Tang

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