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2nd Quimester Exam


Subject: Medieval Theater

First name: Allessia Tiziana

Last name: De La Cruz Olivares

Teacher: Marisol Gratacos



1. Introduction……………………………………………………. pg.1
2. Summary………………………………………………………
3. Planning………………………………………………………….
4. ………………………………………………………….
5. Pictures…………………………………………………………. pg.5
6. Brief biography of the author………………………………….pg.6

Historia del Teatro Medieval.

What is a model?

The model that was carried out in architecture had one or several rooms designed for the
representation of performing arts shows, because the theater as an architectural space can be
defined as that place designed and built for performing scenic events.

To get started, you'll need to gather some materials, as we'll be using cardboard or foam.
table, scissors, hot or cold silicone, wooden stick, fomix, and paint, since it is possible that you
can also look for several references, images or drawings of Medieval theaters, to better guide
yourself in the design.

The architecture of the medieval theater owed much to the Romanesque and Gothic styles. In the
first case, the low, solid structural characteristics with semicircular arches were used to reflect
the firmness of the Christian faith.

Likewise, the Gothic buildings whose high and elegant vaults were erected pointing towards the
sky, served to denote the intention of the search for God.

Inside the churches there were huge stained-glass windows with picturesque compositions, as
well as paintings that were used to represent each scene.

To assemble the theater, you must observe the model, let's start by cutting the cardboard that we
will use and also cut the foam base, because to give it the shape we can use toothpicks or wood
to form the scale in the theater and make the semicircular area in front of the stage where I would

The cathedrals that often served as interior stages were assembled, since in them there were
certain possibilities of manipulating effects such as lights and shadows. This heritage was taken
advantage of by the Renaissance theater. In the development of the works of the Medieval
Theater, it was used.


The actors moved from one set to another as the action demanded. In this way, they carried out
the representation on the cart and/or on the stalls built for that purpose in the street or on an
adjoining platform. A

Medieval history

There presents a break with the previous model, ancient history. This phase ended due to
changes in political factors. It must be remembered that changes in historical periods are not
changes that occurred on specific dates, the people of their time did not realize that they were
living in different periods of human history.

The delimitation and identification of these periods is developed by historians after every effort
has been made to create chronological breaks that facilitate teaching and research. The High
Middle Ages, also known as the Medieval Period, is marked by the fall of the Roman Empire in

The barbarian invasion caused the fragmentation of a great empire and changed political
relations thereafter. Historians divide the Middle Ages into three periods: the High Middle Ages,
the Classical Middle Ages and the Late Middle Ages. This division was given because in the
Middle Ages it was possible to notice changes in the general structure.

The High Middle Ages, therefore, spans from the 5th to the 10th century and is characterized by
the period of the total collapse of the Roman Empire and the transition to a new structural reality.
The Classical Middle Ages is from the eleventh to the thirteenth century, and it is during this
period that the most popular elements of the Middle Ages are found, such as lords, sovereignty
and vassalage, chivalry. The Late Middle Ages, corresponding to the fourteenth and fifteenth
centuries, represented the transition stage of the new period, when new elements began to change
the medieval structures.

DAY 1     6-12-2022

First, we made a preparation report, we placed the materials that we will use for the
Language project, however we must make the costumes and the stage and place the production
that we will perform, since each day we will make the model that will be the key to our

DAY 2      7-12-2022

The second day we got more detailed information from the teacher about the final
product we had to show to the public. On this day the group was complete so everyone read the
planner again and started to check if there was any mistake in the document and also added more
information we researched. Also, this day my colleague Jose Jimenez was in charge of finding
and attaching the most important information about the creator of the work and also developed
the context of the work, as he put who was the creator of the work and also investigating who is
the creator of the work.
The work is created by Nathalie Marín and she has developed an amazing work with the work
and with the National Symphonic Orchestra of Ecuador.

DAY 3      9-12-2022

This day we were focused on working in the description of Medieval Theater which was
the one selected for our group, aspects such as concept, origin, characters, space, accessories

were mentioned. The third day we were organizing ourselves with the theme of the model and
with the materials that we should bring on Monday, because to start doing the project and
besides we were seeing more information about the medieval theater and we could realize that
through a play we could observe different feelings, however we were shocked that they did it as
real as you could see, so that the audience feels connected with the play. 

DAY 4     13-12-2022
This day we started working on the 

Medieval theater is a type of dramaturgical art that the Roman Catholic church developed
between the 10th and 16th centuries, in other words, during most of the late Middle Ages.
Being a theatrical form of a liturgical nature, the performances were usually staged inside
churches or cathedrals and, of course, were strictly based on religious themes.


Medieval theater, like classical theater, grew out of religious worship, but focused on
Christianity. Byzantine monasteries restored ancient tragedy, with abundant Greek elements, but
adapted to Christian themes: the Passion of Christ, the Fall of Adam, etc.


Dante, who personifies man, as Beatrice, who personifies faith, by the fact Virgil, who
personifies reason, as the actors began as priests and then became professional actors. The plays
are first in Latin and then in the vernacular.

Most outstanding plays:

Among the most popular stand out some such as Jogo de Saint Nicolas and Jogo de
Adam, by author Jean Bodel; or Notre Dame and Os Miracles, by Theophile Rutebeuf.
While the former were pieces oriented to religious life, others such as The Passion, by Arnoult
Gréban, bordered a bit on the profane.


Gradually, thanks to the impetus of the Catholic liturgy, theater reappears as divine
commemoration on the altars of churches. These were very simple representations, without 

any scenography, in which it was the officiants themselves, or the altar boys, who represented
passages from the Bible related to religious festivities. 

-White Blanket 
-First aid bag 
-Yellow T-shirt 
-Blue Light blue trousers 


They used ecclesiastical clothing as a base, but according to the character, types of
accessories such as wings, capes, crowns, etc. were added.

Important authors of the time were:

The corrupt Roman marvels gave way to a new version, but first had to go through a
period of silence. Important authors include Bartolomé Torres Naharro and Lope de Rueda.


● Calisto: He is a young aristocrat, although of moderate wealth.
● Melibea: She is a young bourgeois.
● Pármeno and Sempronio: They decide to take advantage of their master's passion to get
money from him.
● Elicia and Areúsa: They are two prostitutes from Celestina's brothel, who end up being
Sempronio and Pármeno's companions.

Type of text:

The type of text used is dramatic text, as it was used in the Middle Ages is the only
fragment that is still used since the fifteenth century.

They are narratives written in romance by cultured authors NARRATIONS WRITTEN
ROMANTIC BY AUTHORS (Priests or Cults Latin texts) Clerics, since it has a didactic and
moral objective, by the fact of being able to propose models of moral conduct the stanza that is
used is the Quaderni via 4 verses of 14 syllables with a strong caesura in the middle of the verses
consonant rhyme.




 What is medieval theatre. (s. f.). Spiegato. Recuperado 6 de enero de 2023, de

 Escobar, J. (2019, 13 noviembre). Teatro Medieval.

 Medieval. (2022, 2 junio). HistoryExtra. Recuperado 5 de enero de 2023, de


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