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Chapter 5 : FILE HAN DLI NG 223


You know that CSV files are delimit ed files that store tabular data (data stored in
rows and
columns as we see in spreads heets or databas es) where comma delimits every value,
i.e., the
values are separat ed with comma . Typica lly the default delimit er of CSV files is the
(,) but modem implem entation s of CSV files allow you to choose a differen t delimit er
charact er
other than comma . Each line in a CSV file is a data record.
Each record consists of one or more fields, separat ed by
commas (or the chosen delimite r).
The separa tor cha racter of CSV files
Since CSV files are the text files, you can apply text file procedures is ca lled a delimiter. Defa ult and
on these and then split values using split() function BUT there most popula r delimiter is comma.
is a better way of handlin g CSV files, which is - using csv Other popular delimiters inclu de the
module of Python . In this section, we are going to talk about t ab (\tl, colon (:), pipe (I) and
semi-colon (;) cha racters.
how you can read and write in CSV files using the csv module
method s.

Python csv Module

The csv module of Python provide s function ality to read and write tabular data in CSV
It provide s two specific types of objects - the reader and writer objects - to read and
write into
CSV files. The csv module 's reader and writer objects read and write delimite d sequenc
es as
records in a CSV file.
You will practica lly learn to use the reader and writer objects and the functio ns
to read and
write in CSV files in the coming sub-sec tions. But before you u se csv m odu le, m
ake sure to
import it in your program by giving a statement as :
import csv

5.7.1 Openin g/Clos ing CSV Files

A CSV file is opened in the same w ay as you open any other text file (as explain ed in
section 5.3
earlier) , but make sure to do the follow ing two things:
(i) Specify the file extensi on as .csv
(ii) Open the file like other text files, e.g.,
Dfil e = open(" stu.csv ", "w")
+---_ CSV file opened in write mode with fi ·le handle as Dfile
Filel = open(" stu.csv ", "r") +---_
CSV file opened in read mode with file handle as File1

An open CSV file is closed in the same manner as you close any other file, i.e., as
Dfile. close( )

Like text files, a CSV file will get created when opened in an
output file mode and if it does not exist already . That is, for The csv files are popular because of
the file modes, "uf', "w +", "a" "a+", the file will get created if these reasons : (i) Easier to create,
(ii) preferred export and import
it does not exist already and if it exists already , then the file
format for databases and spread-
modes uf' and w +"will overwr ite the existing file and the
11 11
sheets, (iii) capable of storing large
file mode II a" or II a +" will retain the content s of the file. amounts of data.
Role of Argument newline . of csv Files
5 •7 •1A in Op en ing ·fy an ad dit ion al ar gu me nt r
While opening csv files, in the ~e w ine , Which
op en (), yo u can1spe ci
of ne wl in e arg · t sp ec ify ho w w ld
. um en t is o
is an optional bu t 1m portan t ar·gument· Th erok'e g f'l ou
Python handle newlme . . wh ile wo r wi th csv 1 es.
characters m .
As csv files are text files, wh . . h so me of tra ns lat 10 ns oc cu r - su eh as
ile storing t em, h typ es
translation of end of lin e (EO rat ing sy ste m yo u are wo r k.
L) character as pe rt e oped' mg on etc.
Different operating system ff ren tly . Th e M S- DO S
s store EOL 1 e .f t h
Windows an d OS/2), UNIX, · h t ms all us e d1 f er en
an d Macmtos O pe rat mg sy s e
bl 5 4 1ists the EO L ch ara cte
c ara cte rs to
designate the en d of a line wi .
rs us ed by
thin a text file. Followmg ta
different operating systems. e ·
T able 5.4 EOL characters use
d in different operating system
Symbol/Char MeaninJ! op era tim ! Syste m
CR [ \r ] Carriage Return Macintosh
LF [\il ] Line Feed UNIX
CR/LF [ \r \n ] Carriage Return/Line Feed MS-DOS, Windows, OS/2
NULL [\0 ] Null character Other OSs
No w wh at wo uld ha pp en if yo
u create a csv file on one op era
The EOL of one operating sys tin g sy ste m an d us e it on an
tem will no t be tre ate d as EO other.
if yo u ha ve given a.character L on an ot~ er op era tin g sy ste m.
, sa y'\ r', in yo ur text str ing Also,
an d if yo u try to op en an d rea (not as EO L but as pa rt of a
d from this file on a Ma cin tos tex t str ing )
OS will treat every '\ r' as EO h sy ste m, w ha t w ou ld h ap
L - yes, including the on e yo pen ? Mac
So wh at is the solution? We u ga ve as p art of the tex t str ing.
ll, the solution is pre tty sim
Just su pp res s the EOL transl ple. ~ ID@Qij
ation by specify thi rd arg um
en t
of op en () as ne wl ine =' ' (nu
ll string - no space in qu ote
If yo u specify the ne wl ine arg s). Additional opt ion al arg
um ent as
um en t while wr iti ng on to a new line = " (null string; no spa
file, it will create a csv file wi csv ce in
th no EOL translation an d yo between) wit h file open(
will be able to us e csv file in u ) will
normal wa y on an y platform ensure tha t no tra nsl ati on
Th at is, op en yo ur csv file as . end of
: line (EOL) cha rac ter takes
Df1 l e = open( "st u . csv ", "w
", ne wl ine . . . - - - - null string · no sp
= ,,) · b
Or ' ace m etween
~ CSV file opened in write mode wit
h file handle
Fil el = open( "s tu . csv ", "r" as Dfi le (no EO L translation
, ne wl ine = '•) ~ cs
. . --- -- V_file opened in rea
. d mo de with file handle
Not only this IS useful for workm
g across different platfo as•Fil el (no EO L translation)
same platform for writing and
reading. yo u will be able to ~s 1.
wh en we talk ab ou t rea din g , It ~ also us efu l wh en yo u wo
from the csv files. Pr o rk on the
pprea ate the role of the newlin
Let us no w lea rn to wo rk wi
th csv module's gr am 5 .21 on wa rd .t ·11 e arg um en t
th d . . 1 b
5 . 7.2 Wn·t·1ng in · CSV F'I me o s to wn te / rea d s. WI e cle ar to yo u.
I es .
mt o CSV files.
Writing into csv files involv
es the conversion of th
an d th_en storing it in the for
m of csv file. For w r~ se ~
followmg three key pla ye rs da ta int o ~e wr ita ble de lim
functions2. ite d for m
g nto a cs v files, yo u no rm
2. Other than the above shown fun all y us e the
ctions, there are other full,C,ijol\J,.
scope of the syllabus, hence we •
shall not cover these;.,. this ,.,._ 0
~t like
1.,.1.ld.JI er. Did:Writer() function but th
ese are beyon d the
These are:
csv. writer()
returns a writer object which writes data into CSV file
<writero bject>.w riterow( )
writes one row of data onto the writer object
<writero bject>.w riterows ()
writes multiple rows of data onto the writer object

B~fore we ~roceed, it is importan t for you to understa nd the significance of the writer object.
Smee ~sv files a:e _delimited flat files and before writing onto them, the data must be in
csv-wntable-dehmited-form3 , it is importan t to convert the received user data into the form
approp:i ate fo_r the cs: files. This task is performed by the writer object. The data row written
to ~ wnter ~bJ~ct (written using writerow () or writerows() functions) gets converted to csv
writable dehm1ted form and then written on to the linked csv file on the disk.
Following figure 5.8 illustrates this process.
csv.writer object

It converts the user data data
into csv writable form ,
i.e., delimited string form ~ - ~ - - _ _ , , ,
as per csv settings.
csv.writerow() is
used to write onto
the writer object CSV fil e on
storage disk

Figure 5.8 Role of the csv writer object.

Let us now learn to write onto csv files. In order to write onto a csv file, you need to d o the
following (Note, in order to appreciate the use of newline argument, we shall initially create csv files
without the newline argumen t first and later we shall create csv files with newline argumen t too.)
(i) Import csv module
(ii) Open csv file in a file-handle (just as you open other text files), e.g.,
fh = open ("studen t. csv", "w")
(iii) Create the writer object by using the syntax as shown below:
<name-o f-writer-o bject> =csv. writer( <file-han dle>, [ delimiter = <delimite r character >])
If you skip this argument, comma will be used as the delimiter _ _ . - .
stuwri ter = csv. writer(f h) ____ you opened the file with this fi!e handle in previous step

In the above statemen t, delimiter argumen t is not specified. When you skip the delimiter
argumen t, the default deli_miter character, ~hich _is . comma, is used for separ~~ g
characters. But if you specify a character with delimiter argumen t then the spec1f1ed
characte r is used as the delimiter, e.i,
stuwrite r = csv.wri ter(fh, delimit er=' I')
The above statemen t will create file with delimiter character as pipe symbol (' I').
3. It depends on something called dialect, which by default is set for producing excel format like csv files. It can
even _be
excel-tab where tab character is the delimiter. You can set the dialect using dialect argument but we shall only work with
the default dialect and hence won't use dialect argument here. For further details on dialect argument, you ma,, r!"fer
to the
Python's documentation.

(iv ) Obtain user data and form a Python sequence

(list or tuple) out of it, e.g.,

st (11 'Neelam' 79 .e) •

urec = , ' . • g user d ata onto the writer object usmg csv.wnterow()
(v) Write the Python sequence contanun
or csv.writerows( ) functions, e.g.,
csv.writerow(Sturec) . .
. . functions can be used for writing onto the Writer
Both the writerow() and wnterrows() . () function little later. For now let
b. W 11 d. b th w to use wr1terows '
o Ject. e sha . . iscuss a ohu
us focus on writing throug wn ero ?t
w( ) function , i.e., writing single row at a time.

1 s header rows, which are written in the

CSV files can also take the names of co umns a ive column headings as "Rollno"
same way as any row of data 1s written, e.g., to g ,
"Name" and "Marks", you may write : ·
stuwriter.writerow( ['Rollno', 'Name', 'Marks'])
(vi) Once done, close the file.

You only need to write into the writer object. Rest of the work it will do itself, i.e., converting the
data into delimited form and then writing it onto the linked csv file.
Let us now do it practically. Following program illustrates this process.
n 5.19
Write a program to create a CSV file to store student data (Rollno., Name, Marks). Obtain data from
user and Write 5 records into the file.
import csv
fh = open ( "Student . csv" , "w" ) #open file
stuwriter = csv. writer(fh)
stuwriter . wri terow ( [ ' Rollno ' , ' Name ' , ' Marks ' J ) #write header row
for i in range(S) : '----_ -
print( Student record", (i+l) )
• Column headings written

r ollno = i nt ( input ("Enter roll no : "))

name = input ( "Enter name: ")
marks = float ( input ("Enter marks: 11 ) )

sturec = [rollno, name marks] #

stuwri ter. wri terow( sturec) -
--..____ create sequence of user d ata
...........__ TI

fh. close() ~--------

#close file - - - - Python sequence created from user data

The samp le run of the above program is as sh b Py~hon data sequence written on the writer
0 b1ect using writerow()
own elow:
Student record 1
Student record 3
Enter rollno:U
Enter rollno:13 Student records
Enter name:Nistha
Enter name:Rustom Enter rollno:15
Enter marks:79
Enter marks:75
St udent record 2 Enter name:sadaf
Student record 4 Enter marks:as
Enter rollno:12
Enter rollno:l4
Enter name:Rudy
Enter marks: 89 Enter name:Gurjot
Enter marks: sg
Now if you open the folder of your
. p Ython program, you will
· see that Python has created a file
by the name Student.csv
i l
• I Python work .
Share View
v See, a CSV file ork p
,.. ( look at its Type)
*Quick, Name Type has got created.
LJ ::itut.aat UAI rile - - _, ., l(.tl
1111D1 r
uAT rile - - - -
♦ D1 .,I' ent
@ D, ;I ,. test
1 KB
~ test1 Python File 1 KB ..,
31 items

And if you open this file in Notepad or any other ASCII editor, it shows:

file Edit FQrmat .Yiew Help

~ollno, Name, Marks
11, Nistha,79.0
Compare the data with
what was typ!;!d in sample •
run of the above program
13,Rustom,75 . 0 -~- .~ -~-~
14, Gurjot,89.0
15, Sadaf,85 . 0 ..,

The writerows( ) Function

If you have all the data available and data is not much lengthy then it is possible to write all data
in one go. All you need to do is create a nested sequence out of the data and then write using the
writerows( ) function. The writerows( ) method writes all given rows to the CSV file, e.g., to
write following nested sequence, you can use the writerows() function:

Sturec = [ [11,Nistha, 79.0], [12,Rudy,89.0], [13,Rustom, 75.0] ]

<writerobject>.writero ws(Sturec)
-..____ Each inner list will now be written as a
separate record in the csv file.
Following program illustrates this.

r, 5.20 The data of winners of four rounds of a competitive programming competition is given as :

t:ram [ 'Name' , 'Points ', 'Rank' ]

['Shradha', 4500, 23]
[ 'Nishchay', 4800, 31]
['Ali', 4500, 25]
['Adi', 5100, 14]
Write a program to create a csv file (cornpresult.csv) and write the above data into it.
22 8 PYTHON _ Xii

imp ort csv

· fh = ope n(" com pre sul t.cs v,, "w")
cw rite r = csv .wr ite r (fh )
compda ta = [
['N am e', 'Po i nts ', ' Rank' J,
[ 'Sh rad ha' , 4500, 23] ,
[ ' Nis hc hay ', 4800 , 31 ] , This nested sequence cont~ins mul
tiple records'
[ 'Al i ' , 4 500 , 25] , data in the form of inner lists

['Adi' , 510 0, 14] ]

Cllllilf'it@f',llllilf'it~~(~(l)Jllf,d~t:~) .__
_ d . •tten in one go using writ erows()
fh.. clo s e() - - - Neste 11st wri .

The above pro gra m will cre ate

a csv file and in
No tep ad, it will look like : file f dit FQrm at Y..iew
Nam e,P oin ts,R ank
You can also create the nested Shr adh a,4 500 ,23
seq uen ce pro gra m- Nis hch ay ,48 0°, 31
matically by app end ing one rec
ord to a list wh ile Ali ,
450 0 25
wri tin g usi ng writerow s( ) functio Ad ,
n. Solved problem 48 i,51 00, 14
per forms the same. < > ~.
Ple ase note tha t till now we hav '
e cre ate d csv files wit hou t usi ng
me ans tha t EOL tra nslatio n has the ne wl ine arg um ent , which
tak en place internally. Ho w thi s
clear to you soo n wh en we sta rt im pac ts a csv file, wil l become
pro gra mm ing in the fol low ing
sec tio n.
5.7 .3 Reading in CSV Files
Rea din g fro m a csv file involv
es loa din g of a csv file's dat a,
del imi tati on) , loa din g it in a Py tho pa rsi ng it (i.e., rem ovi ng its
n iterable and the n rea din g fro m
Pytho n seq uen ce tha t can be iter thi s iter abl e. Re cal l tha t any
ate d ove r in a for-loop is a Python
strings are all Py tho n iterables. iterable, e.g., lists, tuples, and
For rea din g fro m a csv files, you
nor ma lly use fol low ing function
, csv . reader() returns a fllU \dtr objijet wh ich loa
an iterable after par sin g delimitedds dat a fro m CSV file int o
dat a
Th e csv.reade~ object do~s :he
opp osi te of csv.writer object. Th
fro m the csv file, par ses 1t, z.e., e csv.reader obj ect loa ds dat a
rem ove s the del imi ter s and ret
Py tho n iter abl e wh ere fro m you urn s the dat a in the for m of
can fetch one row of dat a at a a
tim e. (Fig. . )
c1v.r11dor object MEMORY
It parses the delimited One row
H· ···• csv file data and loads "'"7\ Loop for reading of data
it into an iterable. ,-,.,



One row
CSVfile on fetch one row at 8 time of data
storage disk
- from ~•d ar object
using a loop
i One row
of data

Figure 5,9 Role of csv.reader object.


Let us now learn to read from csv files. In order to read from a csv file 1 you need to do the
following :

(i) Import csv module

· rea d mo d e Qust
(ii) Open csv file in a file-h andl e m ·
as you open other text files),
0ftll.~~~~'=~ «'<:~-',, ~ ~ ) )
~ '= ~ c·~~1t-.<ct};IJ'"i, '"1f""»

The file being opened must already exist otherwise an exception will get raised. Your
code should be able to handle the exception i.e., through try .. except. (Alternatively you
can use the with statement as mentioned below.)
(iii) Create the reader object by using the syntax as shown below:

<name-of-reader-object>= csv. reader( <file-handle>, [delimiter =<delimiter character>]) ••

stureader = csv. reader ( fh) 4-===-- you opened the file with this file handle in previous step

You may also specify a delimiter character other than a comma using the delimiter
argument, e.g.,

(iv) The reader object stores the parsed data in the form of iterable and thus you can fetch
from it row by row through a traditional for loop, one row at a time :
·...-=---=- Loop to fetch one row at a time in rec from the iterable
for rec in stureader :
print (rec) # or do any other processing

(v) . Process the fetched single row of data as required.

(vi) Once done, close the file.

All the above mentioned steps are best performed through with statement as the with
statement will also take care of any exception that may arise while opening/reading a file. Thus
you should process the csv file as per the following syntax, which combines all the above
mentioned steps :

with open ( <csv-file>, <read mode>) as <file handle> :

<name-of-reader-object>= csv. reader( <file-handle>)
for <row identifier> in <reader object> :
: # process the fetched row in <row identifier>

Let us do it practically.
.. . :.
Following program is doing the same. r ' ,,r j"'l:;"\ ,"!"; ,,,-rjl...- :i.•. ... ••

• ~,...,' i ~)~"'-:·•~"' /'1;~• '1'f' •,: -~-Jr~f),:'.', ...- ,...-;:/'

t,~~ ~~"t. , i; ;

r, 5.21 .1
You created the Ii e com
. Lhe previous prog ram as shown below.
presu!Lcsv tn
. tie and m.. - 0
lr~ram Write a program to rea d the records of this csv l L--' - ~
file fd;t FQnnat y;ew tie P
display them. Name, Points, Rank
Note. Before we write the code for . Pro9 ram ' recall that the Shradha, 4500, 23 1
eated without Nishchay,4800,
given file created in
. the prevwu
· s program, . was er
() function. So Ali· ' 4500 ' 25 3
specifying the new/me 1 .
. argumen t ·n the fr/e open ) code before Adi,5100,14
have a look at the previous program's (program 5·20
starting with this program's code. ..,
import csv
With open ( compresult. csv , r 11 11 11
) as fh ··
creader = csv. reader( fh)
for rec in creader :
print(rec) Loop to fetch one row a t a .
time in rec from the iterable in creader

The above program will produce the result as :

['Name', 'Points', 'Rank']
[' s hradha', '4500 ', '23']
---------- -----
['Ni shchay' , '4800 ' , '31 'J
Where have these empty rows come

We never entered empty rows. Refer

['Ali', '4500 ', '2 5'] to the sample run of program 5.20.
[] Then what is the source I reason of
these empty rows ?
['Adi ' , ' 5100 ' , '14 ']

Compare the above output with the sample run of previous program (program 5.20). We never
entered empty rows. Then where have these empty rows come from? Any idea?
You guessed it right. We did not specify the newline argument in the file open() function while
creating/writing this csv file (compresult.csv, in this case) and thus EOL translation took place,
data resulted
was in the
internally rows after every record while reading. In fact, the above shown file

['Name', 'Points', 'Rank'] \r

[\n'Shradha ', '4500 ', '23 'J \r

\n - - - - - on Wind
E""Y aws"'cord
data Une wasofappended
OS because with EOL character '\r\n'
EOL translation

[ 'Nishchay', '4800', '31 '] \r


So what is the solution? You are right again©. We should have created the file with newline
argument set to null string (' ') so that no EOL translation COUid lake place.
In fact, the above situation can be handled in two ways :
(i) M_eth~dl. _Create/write onto csv file with newline='' argument in open() function so
this situation would not arise. Programs 5.23(a) and (b) illustrate this solution.
(ii) Method2. To read from a file which is created with EOL translation (i.e., no newline
argument), open it with newline argument set to the EOL character of the OS where the
csv file was created. For instance, if you created the csv file on a Windows OS, open file
for reading with newline argument set as ' \ r \n' because the EOL on Windows is stored
as '\r\n', i.e., as :
Now the file will be read considering every '\r\n'
character as newlinej
open( <csvfilename>, <readmode>, newline= '\r\n' ) ◄

Recall that the table 5.4 lists EOL characters on various operating systems.
Program 5.22 handles this situation using method 2 listed here. Let us have a look at it.

r, 5.22 The csv file (compresult.csv) used in the previous program was created on Windows OS where the

EOL character is '\r\n' . Modify the code of the previous program so that blank lines for every EOL
are not displayed.

impo rt csv
with open("compresu lt.csv", "r", newline= '\r\ n' ) as fh:
cr eader = csv . reader(fh) '
for rec in creader : Now the file will be read considering every '\r\n' character as
print (rec) end of line and not as a separate line

The output produced by above program is: The newline argument can be
specified in independent open()
[' Name ' , ' Points' , 'Rank'] statement as well as in the open()
[' shradha ', '4500', '23'] of with statement.
[' Ni shchay' , '4800' , '31' J
[' A1 i ', ' 4500', '25 ']
[' Adi ' , ' 5100' , '14']

. 1·isted problem of blank lines in between records using the method 1

Let us now treat th e earIier d
• we sh a11 create the file with newline.argument and then we shall not nee
listed above. For this,
·any newline argument w h 1·1e rea ding as no EOL translation would have taken p1ace.
Programs 5.23(a) and (b) are illustrating the same.

. a program to create a csv file by StJppressing the EOL translation.

5.23(a) Wnte

og am import csv
_ This argument ensures that no EOL
...., -..- - - translation takes place
fh = open("Employee .csv", "w", newline= )
ewriter = csv.writer(fh)
empdata = [ • • •]
['Empno', 'Name','Designation, Salary ,
[1001, 'Trupti','Manager',56880],
[1002, 'Raziya', 'Manager', 55900 ],
[1003, 'Simran', 'Analyst',3 5000 ],
[1004, 'Silviya', 'Clerk',2s0°e],
[1005, 'Suj i', 'PR Officer' , 31000 ]
print( "Fiie successfully created")
The above program created a file as shown below :

Employee - Notepad 0 X
Eile .Edit FQrmat ':f__iew Help
Empno,Name,Designation,Salary ~

1004,Silviya,Clerk,2500 0
1005,Suji,PR Officer,31000 "'
.,. ..

Let us now read from the above created file. This time we need not specify the newline
argument as no EOL translation has taken place. Program 5.23(b) is doing the same.

r, 5 •23 (b) Write a )imgram t.o iftfild and display tl!w «:lD]l)(tg}1}ltf§@flE'riwp1l\;J-ye~~~<! iiro.l ~ p,~ic;n:is; 1)~1i1!1l.

lr~ram import csv

with open("Employee.csv", "r") as fh : .,..__ ____, See, we did not specify newline argument in
the open() as no EOL translation took
ereader = csv. reader (fh) place when the file was created.
print ("File Employee. csv contains : ")
for rec in ereader :

The output produced by the above program is :

File Employee.csv contains :

['Empno', 'Name', 'Designation'' 'Salary']
1. What are text files ? [:1001:, :Tru~ti:, 'Manager'' '56000']
2. What are binary files ? [,1002,, .R~z,ya,, 'Manager', '55900']
[ 1003 , s,mran , 'Analyst', '35000']
3. What are CSV files ?
['1004', 'Silviya', 'Clerk' '25000']
4. Name the functions used to read and [ '1005' ' SuJ'i', 'p f '
write in plain text files. , Ro ficer', '31000']
5. Name the functions used to read and
write in binary files. See, nofilblank lines in
the · between
' the records this time because
csv e was created with no EOL translation.
6. Name the functions used to read and
write in CSV files.
With this we have come to the end of this chapter.

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