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Welcome to Quantra an e-learning

platform with the best self-paced

interactive courses in algorithmic
and Quantitative Trading domain.
As you go forward in this course
you will come across different study units.
Let us understand how these study units
can help you maximise your learnings on Quantra.
A Jupyter notebook is the heart
and soul of a Quantra course.
This is the most crucial unit
that can’t be skimmed through or skipped.
How are these notebooks helpful to you?
Through these notebooks you will
learn to apply theoretical concepts
in a practical fashion using
a quantitative approach.
Each and every line of code
which is taught in the course
is explained in these notebooks.
If you feel creative you can tweak
the code and explore Python further.
Another crucial unit is coding
or interactive exercise.
These units will help you learn to code
in a fun and guided manner.
Each exercise consists of a task
which needs to be completed through coding.
For example, to calculate returns of a stock
you would need to write a line of code.
If you make a mistake a dynamic message
will be shown to understand your mistakes.
And if you are stuck then you can ask for hints.
There are video units to help
you with complex concepts.
These are animated, interesting and short.
Each video unit comes with subtitles
and other customisable features.
Next comes the primer documents or PDF units.
They provide prerequisites or additional
reading to the concepts covered
in the video units.
Quizzes are your concept checkers.
Answer them correctly and if not,
you will know where you need to improve.
A major component of our course is live trading.
Most of our learners are traders
with their own algo set up and love to
work with different trading algorithms.
You might be using different trading platforms
or have your own API connection with a broker.
Whatever the case maybe we will help you
implement this technique in live markets.
Let us see how first we create a
Python core engine.
We sequentially and continuously run it
through historical data and evaluate the
performance of the model.
If it works well and we don’t need to improve
it further we use the core engine as it is.
And plug the market data and signals through
the broker's API and start with paper trading
followed by live trading.
We will spend 90 percent of our
time in creating this core engine.
For the APIs to get market data and send
signals we will give you a template to
execute it yourself at the end of the course.
However, we strongly recommend you to spend
a lot of time perfecting your engine.
Learn how to optimise strategy parameters
and create an intelligent engine.
That is the main skill we aim to build
through practice and coding in this course.
Complete the course and get a
Certificate of Completion from
Quantra and our associated partners.
If you have any doubts post them
on the Quantra Community and get it answered by
the specialists from Quantra team
as well as other users like you!
Do you need to setup the Python environment
on your local machine?
Not required.
Quantra has got Python environment
built for you on the portal itself.
All the codes and data files are available
as a downloadable ZIP file.
This file is present in the
last unit of the course.

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