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Genetic Engineering

From the smallest single-celled organism to the largest creatures on earth, every living
being is defined by its genes. The DNA contained in our genes acts like an instruction
manual for our cells. Four building blocks called bases are strung together in precise
sequences, which tell the cell how to behave and form the basis for our every trait. But
with recent advancements in gene editing tools, scientists can change an organism's
fundamental features in record time.

CRISPR Explained:-

It is short for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats. It consists

of 2 components, the Cas9 protein that can cut DNA and a Guide RNA that can
recognize the sequence of DNA to be edited. To use CRISPR Cas9, scientists first
identified the sequence of the human genome that's causing a health problem. Then
they create a specific Guide RNA to recognize that particular stretch of A's, T's, G's
and C's in the DNA. The Guide RNA is attached to the DNA cutting enzyme Cas9 and
then this complex is introduced to the target cells. It locates the target letter sequence
and cuts the DNA. At that point scientists can then edit the existing genome by either
modifying, deleting or inserting new sequences. It effectively makes CRISPR Cas9 a
cut and paste tool for DNA editing. In the future, scientists hope to use CRISPR Cas9
to develop critical advances in patient care or even cure life-long inherited diseases.
Scientists can now engineer drought-resistant crops and create apples that don't brown.
They might even prevent the spread of infectious outbreaks and develop cures for
genetic diseases.

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