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Meditatia lui Deepak Chopra este in engleza, exercitiile vor fi transmise in engleza, este nevoie

doar sa intelegi engleza, nu sa si vorbesti.

Buna dimineata, V-am introdus in grupul al carui nume il vedeti deja. Sunt 21 de zile menite sa va
introduca intr-o perioada de lucru cu voi insiva. Bucurati-va de drum si nu va ganditi la destinatie!
Va imbratisez si va urez succes si bucurie!🤗🙏

Urmareste pasii, ai la dispozitie 24 h sa parcurgi exercitiile si meditatiile zilnice. Nu uita sa trimiti

semnul ca ai rezolvat tema zilnica🤗🙏🏻


Seems like we have completed the „boarding“ 😉 I just wanna use the opportunity to share again
the guidelines, so you have all information in one chat 😊

Please, read all these rules again for getting and staying on the boat and making this journey
effective for you.

1) After receiving the activity at around 9 am (2AM NY)you will have 24 hours to complete the
meditation and task. We start Thursday!!!!

2) Please use pen and paper to do the written exercise. 📝✍

3) Before you start, sit comfortably, take a few deep breaths and relax. Or use any relaxation
technique that you like.

4) If you have questions send me a message.

5) Comments and thanks are not required.

6) Be present when you perform daily activities!

7) I will send the meditation and task around 09:00 AM(2AM NY ). This way you will have time to
do the exercise and the meditation during the day or the night. You don t need to do them (task
and meditation) one after the other. For example, you can do the task during the day and
meditation in the evening (this is just an example)
8) If the activity is not carried out in time the person should consider to get off the boat (group)

I will ask all those who do not do the daily activity to withdraw from the group. There is no
judgment but we need to take care of a flow and the purpose is to nurture it with constancy.

9) Once the activity is finished, simply write "done" or ✅ on the group, as a checklist form for

10) The deadline to complete the activity will always be at 09:00 am (2AM NY) of the next day.

Give yourself the opportunity to Challenge yourself and change.

Looking forward to go for a journey with everyone of you 😊Thursday morning we will start ☀

And just a reminder: If someone of you feels during the 21 days the need to leave the boat
(because they don t feel the right resonance with it or just because of time issues) there will be no
judgement at all )🙏🏻
Good night, beautiful souls and wait to hear from me Thursday morning!


Day 1
Good morning travelers! 🙂

As promised, here you have the Day 1 task:

"Make a list of 50 people who have added any value to your life". It can be friends, family, but also
work colleagues, your favourite writers/singers/gurus :-)

Think of the people who gave you something meaningful, that made you grow somehow. People
that inspired you.

The list must have 50 names.

It sounds harder than it is. You can do it!

It's important that you look inside yourself when you choose a name to write.

Look to have fun with the task! Remember those nice things you have received from them. Enjoy
writing each name.

You have 24 hours to complete the task and meditation. Once you have completed today’s
challenge, write "Done" or ✅ into the group.

The inspirational phrase for today is:

"Yesterday was a good day. Today will be a better one and tomorrow will be an absolutely
amazing day."

Below you have the audio meditation. You can choose to hear it before or after the task.

ps: if possible, switch the phone into "airflight mode" when listening to the meditation

Have a peaceful day!


Good morning! 😊 Buna dimineata!

Important sa nu uiti sa anunti, indiferent cand ai terminat tu ambele taskuri-poate sa fie la 3
dimineata!!!- sa trimiti un semn ✅🙏👏👍care sa simbolizeze ca ai terminat.
Astazi incepem! Enjoy!🙏🏻☺
Remember, you have 24 hours to fulfill the task and the meditation, in whichever order feels right
for you. Enjoy spending a while only with and only for yourselves!🙏
Good morning🌞

Here are the tasks for Day 2:

Write a list, doesn't matter how long, of the people you consider to be prosperous in your family or in your
social environment. People who have achieved their life goals (all or some) and are happy.

Attention🔥, it is not only a question of financial prosperity, but of happiness!!

  ✨ Remember: the more you give attention, care and love to yourself in these processes, the more you will
receive. ✨
Day 2 Mantra

Ahum bramasmi
The core of my being is the ultimate reality
Nu uitati sa trimiteti bifa cand terminati exercitiul

Good morning travellers! 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼

Here we have the task for Day 3 🖋

Find a pen and paper and write all the debts you have. These could be from the credit card, mortgage, loans,
other people, etc. Just write the debt source name, it doesn't matter the amount.

Then write all the monthly fixed expenses (just the source, not the value). For example electricity, gas,
water, gym, phone, internet, etc. All that you have to pay in a month.

Day 3 Mantra
Sat cit Ananda

Existence, consciousness, bliss


Day 4 Mantra

Ahum bramasmi

The core of my being is the ultimate reality

Day 4
Good morning all🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞

We are on day 4 of the 21-day challenge!!!

The task for today:
Find a piece of paper, your journal or notebook 📝, and design banknotes, checks or any other form of
payment. 💶 💵 💰 💎 Make enough of them to pay ALL the debts and expenses listed in yesterday's
activity. You are free to create as much as you want and cancel those debts!

Be creative, use colors and shapes freely, allow yourself to be a child again. When making these designs feel
the pleasure of your debts and expenses washing away. If you like, you can take a picture of your drawing
and share it with us🙂🙂🙂🙂

You are doing a great job!

Enjoy the next meditation (audio below) and have a wonderful day! 🌻🌈🌞

Day 5

Good morning happy souls!

We are on Day 5
Can you believe that? :-)

Today we continue with the exercises to change the limiting beliefs about money. And this goes beyond the
financial aspect, it is aimed to help us accept and feel that we are worthy of abundance. The universe is

Exercise Day 5

"I (your full name) start creating from today a new relationship with money. Money is good, clean and
useful for my growth, satisfaction and well-being. Money brings positive things to my life. The success I
have brings money and wealth to me and to those close to me. I deserve to be prosperous and have money
and resources in abundance.
Money is my friend and the value of what I invest in increases every day.
Success and money accompany me, here and now."

For the first part of the exercise: This statement must be written at least 5 times (if you make 10 times it's
ideal) by hand in your notebook. You will see how much fun there is in writing this. It will really make you
think. 🖋
For the second part of the exercise: record audio with this statement on your mobile phone (or computer).🎤

This activity is very important and is one of the longest. Take a deep breath, allow yourself to relax, and the
beautiful brain will learn through repetition. So warm up your hand to write and connect with these words to
harmonize your relationship with money.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy meditation🌈🌞

Love ❤

Day 6

Good Morning! A little sunshine for you on this foggy day🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞

We are on Day 6

Day 6 exercise:
Write a list of people (just first name) that in some way take out energy from you. Usually, when these
people are around you tend to feel uncomfortable or annoyed. 😞😒

It may be that some people that you listed on Day 1 will be in this list, but don't worry about that, you can
use some of those names as far as the conflict is not too big.

The people that you will list could be close or far away at this point in your life. The important thing is how
do you feel about them.

For example, they could be work colleagues, bosses, family, politicians, or somebody that disapproves you
without reason.
Remember, even when these people take energy away from you, they are also teaching you something.

Take a deep breath, leave aside any judgment and start writing those names.

To conclude you can practice compassion towards them and send blessings. 🙏🙏

Enjoy your practice and CONGRATULATIONS for arriving up to this point! 😀

Have a glorious day!
❤ Love & Light 🌈

ay 6 mantra
Ram ram ram

Everything I desire is within me.

Today's exercise is an eye-opener on how much we actually invest in ourselves...

Day 7 exercise

Find 5 or more invoices/receipts from investments that you have done for your personal
development. They could be courses, tools for your profession, workshops, trips, healthcare, etc.
Once you found them write the list of these investments and the amount.

Take the total amount and multiply it x 7


From now on, on each purchase you do for yourself, you can write that phrase on the receipt. And
remember the power of words. 🙏

Have a wonderful day!! 🙂

Day 7 Mantra
Sat cit Ananda

Existence, consciousness, bliss

Day 8
🌈Good Morning🌈

Day 8 exercise

Write down your top 5 negative aspects that limit you. Those that don't allow you to get what you're looking
for in life, independently if it's material or not.
These are aspects that you want to change. Without them, you recognise that things will improve in your

Try to go as deep as you can. Search in your heart what these limitations are.


Love & Light🌞

Day 8 Mantra
Om bhavam namah

I am absolute existence.
Today’s mantra day 9

OM Vardhanam Namah

I nourish the universe

And the universe nourishes me.

Much love
Day 9
Good Morning! 😀🌅

Day 9

Today's task:
Look back to yesterday's activity and choose 2 of those aspects you would like to improve.

Write a plan of action of at least 2 points with realistic objectives. Set a short deadline for those 2 points and
start applying them.

Have a Beautiful, Bountiful and Blissful day!!

Day 10! 😁🌈🌞

We are almost half way!!!

I'm glad to see that everybody is enjoying the exercises and meditation and getting positive things out of
them. 😎

Today we will expand this beautiful wave of energy to others. 💫

Day 10 exercise 🙂

 Today's task is based on the law of giving and receiving, the law of energy and movement. Stagnant energy
doesn't flow neither brings us anything. Today's exercise is a turning point in this journey.

Today you will be the captain of your ship ⛵, you are in charge of creating your abundance group. This
group does not need to have many members, 3 people are enough. Every day, you will have the mission to
pass the guidelines from day 0 (zero) to the end of 21 days, just as you received them and you will continue
to receive from me.
If someone has technical difficulties in opening the group, ask for help, there will certainly be someone
close to you who can guide you. 👨‍💻

⭐ Guidelines for opening the group: ⭐

- Call the "21 Days of Abundance" group - Choose a profile picture that represents abundance for you.
- Invite your friends to participate with a short message (like the one You received from me) before adding
them to the group.

Invitation: It is important to explain the intention of the group and to clarify that there will be daily tasks and
deadlines for delivery. The person must be willing to participate.

To make things easier, you can always use the previous messages I sent, such as rules, exercises, copying
and pasting or adding your own touch.

Remember that you will have to send the exercise and the meditation every day and follow the people who
have done the tasks (optional removing from the group those who do not respect the deadlines if they do not
cancel themselves). 🕘
For some this task can be a bit challenging (in cases stressful as well), because of having to commit to
something else in an already busy life, or because the ego is afraid of failing and being rejected. The answer
is: Challenge yourself! Get Courage!

Allow your love to expand by feeling that you can contribute to the growth of people. It seems difficult, but
remember that you only need to copy and paste the messages that have been sent here. And remember to
check at the beginning of each day who has done the exercises. 💕

I encourage you to keep going because it's worth it! It was for me!
However, I will understand and respect those who do not believe it is time to move forward with this

IMPORTANT: the deadline for forming the group is until after tomorrow (48 hours) so you will have
enough time. When you have done it, write "Group done", so it will not be confused with the exercise of
tomorrow to which you will respond as usual.

And now enjoy the meditation of the 10th day!!! 🌀🌀🌀‍‍🙏🏻 🙏

‍ ♀
🏻 ‍♂
Mantra day 10


My actions are aligned with cosmic law


Day 11
Day 11 mantra - Law of least effort


My actions achieve maximum benefit with least effort


Day 11

Good morning everyone 🙂

From now on the tasks are going to be more interesting. :-D

Day 11 task:

In a few lines describe your Mother:

Write about:
Her positive side
Her negative side
What have you learnt from her?
What gifts did she give you?
What did she take away from you?

IMPORTANT: This exercise is about your mother. However, if you feel that, due to a polarity
reason it's better to do this exercise about your father go for it.

Note: if your mother/father are not in this plane anymore take a moment to do a short meditation
about him/her to connect first.

In the following days, we will have another 2 exercises that will follow up on this one.

Enjoy, Discover...

💫💫💫💫Good luck!! 💫💫💫

Day 12

It's exciting to see how far we have arrived! Well done!! :-D 💫

💙💜Day 12💜💙

Ask your mom, or dad if yesterday’s exercise was around him, about the biggest pain or defeat in
their lives, or the dream that they haven't been able to accomplish.

Note: if you mom/dad is not in the physical place or for any reason you think is better not to ask
directly. Take a moment to meditate on him/her and ask the question from your heart. The answer
will be there.
Write the answer in your journal/piece of paper. Enjoy your day!! 🌱
Mantra for day 12

OM RITAM NAMAH law of intention and desire

My actions and desires are supported by cosmic intelligence


Day 13
Mantra day 13🌸🌸
Law of detachment


My actions are blissfully free from attachments to outcome

Day 13
Wishing you a peaceful day! 🌞💚🌈

We have another amazing day with a great opportunity of growth!

Day 13

Take a moment to think about the description you have done about your mom/dad on day 11.
Then think about your current situations in life and observe if you find repetitive patterns.

Are there any similarities with your mom/dad?

Which ones are they and how do they manifest?

Write these reflections on your journal/paper.

🙏Have a great day 💕🦋

Day 14
Good, glorious morning everyone! 🌞 🌞🌞🌞
Happy day!! 2 weeks down!!✨🌞💎

Day 14

Today's task is to enjoy the day noticing all the abundance that surrounds you.

Each time you see abundance be grateful. By the end of the day write at least 3 ways on how the
abundance has arrived to you, whatever is in big or small things.

Have a great day!

Mantra day 15 💖💚💖


The core of my being is the ultimate reality


Day 15

Good morning, darlings! 🌻 🌻🌻🌻

Write a thank you letter to somebody that you feel has hurt you at any point in your life.

Before starting to write, empty any resentment or negative feelings about that person. If you're
struggling to clear up those feelings, write them on a piece of paper and then rip it off or burn it.
The important thing is that you're in balance at the moment to write the letter.

Write this letter on paper.

Let it all out and feel your soul at ease🌸🌸🌸🌸

Day 16
Good morning. Oh, my God, we are on 🌞Day 16🌞
Write a list of things that you still have pending in life.

Things that you want to do but have been postponed due to different reasons, maybe fear to fail.

The point of this list is to forgive yourself about not having done those things yet.

For each item in the list write the following:

I, @ your name @, fully forgive myself for not having done/completed/reached "the thing you're missing to

Write all that you want without limit. Modify the phrase at your liking but always forgiving yourself from
the heart.

Enjoy today's meditation🙏🏼

Day 17 mantra
Sat cid ananda

Existence consciousness bliss

Welcome to day 17!!
It's incredible that we just have a few days to go!! 🌞 ✨💎 you see it was not that hard 🤗
Make a list of the material and spiritual things you have in your life.
Example: family, friends, phone, house, tv, clothes, love, hot water at home, food every day, a comfortable
bed, personal resources.
There is no limit to what you can write there.
Recognize all the gifts you have 🎁🎁🎁

Have a great day!!

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