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from: emilythorne@abcoaching.

Subject line Title: Job Opportunity - Business Trainer Position at AB

Dear Hannah, Ms. + last name

I hope this email finds you well.

My name is Emily Thorne, a recruiter at AB Coaching, which

specializes in providing business training courses for individual
managers. As the business is expanding, we are currently looking
to hire a business trainer and one of our current trainers, Anthony
Coles, mentioned that you two used to work togerther and that you
might be a good fit.

From what I have seen in your LinkedIn profile, your background is

impressive and you’ve done some interesting things, similar to our
projects. Especially, we find your training at Alpha Inc. for managers
In particular/Particularly
three months ago very informative and compatible with what we are
aiming for.

Here, at AB Coaching, we’re always looking for more great people

like you, so we’d like to get to know you. Can you please provide us
with more details regarding the type of courses you run and their
prices, as well as your availability?

If you’re interested in learning more, we’d love to connect.

I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy, and I look
forward to hearing from you soon.

Best, not formal

Emily Thorne

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