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1. Why do we have the most expensive gas in the region?

2. Do hand labor in Nicaragua makes us more attractive to investors? How is it related to

3. Is it cheaper to buy a property here in Nicaragua than any other country in Central
America/Latin America? 

1. We have the most expensive gas in the region because of three different taxes the
government puts into the gas. “Impuesto Específico Conglobado (IEC), el Impuesto
Especial para el financiamiento del Fondo de Mantenimiento Vial (Iefomav) y el
impuesto destinado al Instituto Nicaragüense de Energía(INE)”

2. Yes, the cheap hand labor attracts investors. Since the hand labor is very cheap
many big companies here to the zona francas and produce their products in Nicaragua.
Since it is produces in Nicaragua, the country charges the investors a tax for producing
their products here.

3. It is said that Nicaragua has the cheapest real estate in the region. Because of the
actual protests versus the president.

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