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Mora 1

Israel Mora

Mr. Jack Brown

Academic Writing

March 18th, 2020

Good afternoon, students, parents, teachers, and guests.

The position of the student presidency is frequently taken in vain. This is

understandable due to the lack of commitment shown by past student governments. I

know that most people think that Ohana will be like the others, and although we say that

things will be different, they will most likely end up being the same as always.

For starters, I want to let you know that I am not here to make false promises. From the

start, our foundation and slogan, has been to act as a family, since for us, an ideal

student government, is one that manages to carve the relationship between students and

school authorities. We want to act as a bridge between these two, since sometimes as

students, we feel powerless, even I have thought it, that's why our mission is to give

each of you a voice. You may ask yourselves, "How are they to accomplish such a

task?" Our answer is simple, we will not be expecting you to come to us, we will go to

you so that every idea, comment, and the question is taken into account. One of our

many ideas is to meet with each class representative every month to discuss what you,

the student body, want to do.

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I feel that there is no doubt about the charisma we have as a group. I can assure you that

our term in the student government will be a happy one and full of surprises. You can

all count on new ideas for spirit week, more frequent intramurals between classes,

sports competitions between students and teachers, the return of the ping pong table in

the high school area and surprise activities to encourage and increase school spirit; all in

the attempt to make our school environment a joyful one. Other changes and ideas we

want to share with you are, for example, the introduction of new products in the

cafeteria, a game schedule in the sports fields for students during recess hours, a

ventilation system for the restrooms, the free use of shirts for extracurricular activities

on allowed days, and even adding a typical breakfast to the cafeteria menu. Although all

of the changes mentioned above will be acquired only with the permission of the school

administration, we are committed to negotiating and fighting to the best of our abilities

to make them come true, being always open to the changes you, as a student body,

might also have in mind.

I want to emphasize on the inclusion of the talents beyond the soccer field, and clarify

that changes are for each and every single one you; the ones who write poetry, play

chess, dance, make music, act, etc.

Right now, I was hoping you could ask yourselves which student government you feel

you are most compatible with, and which one you think will give you the best

experience this school year. I encourage you to provide me with the opportunity to

make your school year a different, joyous, and organized one, and to show you that with

Ohana in the presidency, you will see the difference. Although you might feel that these
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promises and changes we offer are difficult or even impossible, I would like to remind

you of the words spoken by the great Nelson Mandela, "everything seems impossible

until it is done." We want our decisions and ideas to influence everyone, not just the

students, but the school as a whole.

I want to end this speech the way I started it, sharing with all of you that Ohana's most

important premise is that we are all a family. As you know, family relationships consist

of the building of trust, protection, and listening to one another. Today I was hoping you

could think of us as a big family. I want you to feel the freedom to approach us with any

questions or ideas you have, regardless of size or relevance. We will listen to you and

do everything in our power to help. If you have an idea that you believe will

revolutionize the school, we will listen to it. If you need help as to how to approach

teachers, we will help. And, even if your concern is within the personal sphere, we will

be there. All this because at the end of the day, you should always remember: "Ohana

means family, and family means that no one gets left behind."

Thank you all very much.

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