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Factors Influencing Population Distribution

There are many factors that dictate where people live in a particular country. You can go ahead and ask your parents or guardians about the factors
that influence their current place of residence. You would probably be surprised. Nevertheless, let us find out why some areas are densely populated
while others are sparsely populated.

Factors influencing population disttribution

● Climatic factors - There are some areas, primarily the major cities that are located on the leeward side of the Caribbean islands, away from the
direct force of the northeast trade winds. People sometimes occupy these areas because of the protection from the direct force of hurricanes. There
are other areas that experience continuous rainfall or the opposite thereof (drought), such areas usually have a sparse population.
● Relief of the Land (Topography) - There are persons who have a preference for living in areas that are flat rather than those areas that are
mountainous; flat areas presents less challenge when building a home or cultivating crops.

● Developed Areas (Urban Influence) - There is a high concentration of resources and facilities in the urban areas. These areas are usually ‘buzzing'
with activities such as those in manufacturing, commercial, banking, cultural, recreational, etc and people are attracted to those factors.

● Mineral Resources - Mineral resources are associated with economic activities, which suggest job creation. People will want to live near those areas
because of the availability of jobs.

● Fertile Areas - People have a tendency to settle in areas that are fertile, in particular those interested in farming. Even the non farmer is interested
in a backyard garden, especially during period of hardship and economic recession where one is encouraged to grow what one eats and eat what one

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