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The Silent Ways He Says "I Love You"

I bribed my braver friends to break the male code of silence. If he does any of the following,
he's pretty much saying, you know, that phrase.

I. Fill in the gaps with the correct word from below. There are TWO unnecessary words. (7

allows, deep, deserve, emotion, gaze, great, objects, reverse, secret

You catch him staring at your eyes.

The eyes are more than just windows to a man's soul, they can also tell what's in his heart. Men
always stare at the ________ they desire — it's the reason you catch your man peeping at other
women. So consider: With all that eye candy out there, if it's you he's staring at, his affection runs
________. There are two types of I-love-you looks. There's the ________ stare (you'll have to catch
him in the act). "Watching my girlfriend at a party ________ me a private moment when I can pinch
myself and wonder how I _______ this amazing person in my life — a perspective I can't get when
she's right there in front of me," says Patrick, 30. Then there's the steady gaze. Guys are guarded
when it comes to showing ________. If they lock eyes and it’s an open stare, they're lowering their
shield to let you in. "I'd never hold that sort of eye contact with anyone else, but an intense
________ with my girlfriend reflects how comforted and captivated I am by her," says Chip, 29.

II. Choose the correct alternative. (7 marks)

He stocks his kitchen with stuff you like.

Discovering that his kitchen is loaded/staffed/full with feminine edibles (that would only pass his
lips at gunpoint) shows you're on his mind in the most unexpected, unromantic places -- like on a
solo shopping cart/trip/centre. "One day I checked out my shopping cart and saw all the bags of
baby carrots and bottle of diet soda meant for my girlfriend," says Patrick. "It struck me that it had
become/have become/would become second nature for me to consider what would make her happy,
and that's when I knew I was in love." Thus/Furthermore/Yet, stocking up means he's gone public
with you. You see, men like to maintain at least the image of being free for as long as possible. So
leaving unexpected/unnecessary/unmistakeable evidence in our home that there's a woman present
in our life is a bright red flag that you're The One.

He talks about where he wants to live in three years.

Telling you he plans to move out West one day could/would/may seem like a neon warning not to
get any long-term ideas because your man's getting ready to leave you. However, it might also be
his way of letting you know that he wants you in his future. "Every time I tell my girlfriend where I
see 'me' down the road, I'm really trying to ask whether she sees herself there with me," says Jon,
26. Of course, if he tells you he wants to move to Tahiti, be a beach bum, and chase the local girls,
no chance. If he mentions that he sees himself eventually settling in San Francisco, then
obviously/never/immediately asks if you could ever see yourself living there, he's declaring his
desire for a serious long-term relationship.

III. Fill in the gaps 1-7 with sentences A-F. (7 marks)

Miért várod el magadtól rögtön, hogy beszélj?
He wears the sweater you gave him all the time.
Trusting you behind the wheel of his wardrobe (1). Not that guys are really all that picky about their
appearance, it's just that we pride ourselves on being, well, ourselves. "Blame it on the male ego,
but to permit any tampering with our identity, even if it's for the better, is considered a sign of
weakness," explains Seth, 29. Consequentially, every time a guy wears an item he obviously didn't
pick out for himself, (2). It's a bold statement, one that guarantees he'll have to put up with a certain
amount of abuse from his peers. Translation: (3).

He stands right next to you in public.

Where he stands when you're out together says a lot about where you stand in his life. Consider this
key truth: Call us dogs for it, (4). "It's second nature for men to scan every room they enter for
possible trade-ups if he's still in the market for Ms. Perfect," says Robert, 31. That's why when a
man's still uncertain about his feelings, he'll either stay several feet behind you or get out in front
and lead the path — (5). "But if he's in love, he'll abandon this most basic male instinct," says Chad,
28. Being shoulder-to-shoulder is his way of showing his commitment "Being side-by-side puts my
girlfriend within lips' reach, making it easy for her to whisper in my ear or lean in for a surprise
quick kiss," says Ryan, 27. "It's my way of (6)."

A) but guys are hard-wired to check out women.

B) he's showing that he's letting you take control.
C) he's willing to take his pals' jokes to make you happy.
D) is something no man does readily.
E) telling other women that I'm taken.
F) two safety positions that keep his wandering eyes hidden.

IV. Fill in the gaps with ONLY ONE word based on the context. You have no help. (7 marks)

He doesn't flinch if you pick up his phone.

Men never know what potentially image-damaging force might be waiting for them on the other
______ of their phone line — from ex-girlfriends to an overly curious mom. If we let you ______
the phone, it means there's absolutely nothing about us we want to ______ secret from you. "Men
aren't big on sharing. So when a guy lets you grab the phone — possibly letting you get personal
information you could use to blackmail him for the rest of his life — it means he's planning on
staying with you for a very long ______," says Rich, 29. But more than just sharing his secrets, a
guy handing you the rights to his receiver is essentially the ______ as giving you the key to his
kingdom. "A guy's phone is the last thing left in a relationship that's truly his _______," says
Jeremy, 26. "Giving up that remaining piece of autonomy is something I _______ do with someone
I love."

This is the end of the test.

Miért várod el magadtól rögtön, hogy beszélj?
objects, deep, secret, allows, deserve, emotion, gaze,
loaded, trip, had become, Furthermore, unmistakeable, may, immediately
1-D, 2-B, 3-C, 4-A, 5-F, 6-E
end, answer, keep, time, same, own, only


If you scored 17 marks or more: CONGRATULATIONS! You have passed the exam!
If you scored 22 marks or more: EXCELLENT JOB, your English is great! Now don’t neglect your
language skills.
If you scored less than 17 marks: don’t worry, it only takes a little more practice!

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