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Arterial Lines (A-line)

Also known as an art-line or a-line, which is a thin tube typically

inserted into the radial or brachial arteries or the femoral, poste-
rior tibial or dorsal pedal artery for the lower extremities.

1. Measures arterial blood pressure in real time
2. Obtain samples for arterial blood gas analysis

Dr. Rice’s clinical note: Arterial lines are not typically used for admin-
istration of medications. In practice, it is much more common for drugs
to be administered through a venous catheter.

Most commonly used with:

1. Critically ill patients

2. Hypertensive crisis
3. Uncontrolled hypertension
4. Post MI

Copyright 2018., The PT Hustle, LLC ACUTE CARE LINES


Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC)

Also known as the PICC line and is a long thin tube inserted
into a peripheral vein and advanced to the superior vena cava.


1. Administration of chemotherapy drugs

2. Extended antibiotic therapy
3. Parenteral Nutrition
4. Administration of drugs that should not be injected peripher-

Dr. Rice’s Clinical Note: PICC lines can remain in place for days to
weeks and can deliver proteins, electrolytes, carbohydrates, vitamins,
and minerals when a patient is unable to absorb nutrients using a
feeding tube.

Most commonly used with:

1. Cancer
2. Critically ill patients
3. Patients requiring frequent blood draws

Copyright 2018., The PT Hustle, LLC ACUTE CARE LINES


Hickman Catheter (CVC)

Also known as the central venous catheter or central venous

line which is a clear tube inserted in the jugular vein or other
large vein and advanced to the superior vena cava.


1. Deliver chemotherapy
2. Withdrawal of blood for analysis
3. Monitoring central venous pressure

Dr. Rice’s clinical note: Hickman Catheters remain in place for ex-
tended periods. These are used when the patient will receive long-
term intravenous drug administration.

Most commonly used with:

1. Cancer
2. Sepsis
3. Patient requiring frequent blood draws
4. Long-term pain medication administration

Copyright 2018., The PT Hustle, LLC ACUTE CARE LINES


Swan Ganz Catheter (PAC)

Also known as the pulmonary artery catheter which is a long

thin tube with a balloon tip on the end typically inserted into
the right side of the heart.


1. Monitor pulmonary artery pressure

2. Measure effectiveness of cardiovascular medications
3. Diagnose right heart failure
4. Measure right ventricular filling pressure

Most commonly used with:

1. Heart failure
2. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
3. Heart Function Post-MI
4. Cardiomyopathy

Acute Care Handbook for Physical Therapists, 4th Edition
by Jaime C. Paz, MS, PT and Michele P. West, MS, PT

Copyright 2018., The PT Hustle, LLC ACUTE CARE LINES

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