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What is the age when a person become an adult?

different ages that independent from each other

Different fields of concept the represent becoming an adult

Major filed:

+ Definition:

 A person who is fully grown or developed

 A person who has reached the age of majority – the age that can be legally considered as an

+ Laws: a mass differences between countries in their laws

 Right to drink (average 18 – usa:21)

 Right to drive ( aver: 18 – usa&can:16/14/ Georgia:19 )
 Right to consent (aver: 16 – Saudi&iran: 20
Jpm&spn: 13)
 Right to vote (aver: 18 – brz& argentina: 16/ Malaysia&oman: 21)

You can be considered as an adult in one country and not be considered as an adult in other country

having laws representing age is problematic

At the age of 21, you can be universally recognized as an adult

+ Responsibility: play a big role

Age of understanding: 7

Almost all nations today agree to separate juvenile court from the adult court

2003: 2.2 million people under the age of 18 were given an adult sentence

The youngest life sentence in modern times: age 12


Once an organism gains the ability to reproduces, it’s an adult in most cases

Puberty: 10 to 15 years of age


Fully developed brain makes an adult: 25 to 30 years of age

+ Culture:

Celebrations and actions in different country done to mark the adult phase

In Jewish: Bar Mitzvah and a Bat Mitzvah at 12 for girls

In Japan: have a coming of age day at 20

A tribe in Brazil: at the age of 13 and older to commit themselves to a series of painful bullet ant bites

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