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This project could not have been completed without the contribution and the enthusiasm of each

group member. Everyone was equally excited to dive into the research and gain a new perspective.

The first task was to brainstorm about the topic.

Since it was a group project, it would have been hectic to divide the work into huge and complex
chunks. Division of work was the key to bring this project to a conclusion. Therefore, we allotted
each member a subgroup, which reduced the burden so as to make sure that the enthusiasm to
learn does not fade away.

With important tasks comes responsibility. We are grateful to each other for the responsibility they
showed during the course of this project.

For this project, we decided to choose the kingdoms and the history of north east, because it often
gets overshadowed by other kingdoms of the time period. But considering the fact that these
kingdoms have had contributed to India’s freedom struggle, it becomes essential to honor their
legacy and their contributions.

The specific part which we chose was the agrarian revolts led by peasants against the policies of the
British government in India that occurred in the north east region. We chose three specific rebellions
that occurred- the Phulaguri uprising, the Munda rebellion and the Jaintia and Garo revolt. Most
people are ignorant about these revolts and the causes behind them, the key figures involved and
the consequences they had for our freedom struggle. These topics receive minimal attention in our
school curriculum books as well.

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