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Unit 1 Social Movements: Meanings, Significance and Components

Discuss with suitable examples the significance of social movements.

Explain the meaning and components of social movements.

Unit 2 Approaches to Study Social Movements: Liberal, Gandhian and Marxian

Explain the Marxian approach to study social movements.

Explain the Theory of Relative Deprivation.

What is liberal approach to the study of social movements ? How does it compare and contrast with
other approaches ?

Unit 3 Classification of Social Movements including New Social Movement

Describe the nature of new social movements. How different are they from earlier movements ?

Make a distinction between old and new social movements.

Describe the New Social Movements (NSMs).

What are the differences between reform and revolutionary movements ?

Unit 4 Democratisation and Changing Nature of Indian Society

Examine the impact of economic liberalization in Indian society.

Unit 5 Globalisation and Social Movements

Explain the impact of Globalization on Indian society and culture.

Assess the impact of economic globalization on Indian society.

Unit 6 State, Market and Social Movements

Unit 7 Dalit Movement

Discuss how politicization has benefitted Dalit and backward class movements.

Discuss the political mobilization of Dalits since the 1980s.

Unit 8 Backward Class Movements

Trace the origin of the Backward Classes Movement in India.

Explain the economic impact of State policies on backward classes.

Discuss reservation as the tool of social justice.

Unit 9 Ethnic Movements with Special Reference to Tribals

How can the tribals be relieved of serious issues facing them ?

. Describe ethnic movements in North-East India.

What are the general features of ethnic movements in North-East India ?

Unit 10 Women's Movements

Unit 11 Regional Movements

Explain the purpose and major achievements of regional movements.

Unit 12 Religious and Communal Movements

Unit 13 Agrarian Movements

Trace the evolution of agrarian movements in India.

Unit 14 Working Class Movements

Unit 15 Fisher Folks Movement

Unit 16 Environmental and Ecological Movements

Discuss Narmada Bachao Andolan.

Unit 17 Social Movements and Democracy: An Assessment

Discuss social transformation under present Indian democracy.


How has Information Technology impacted Indian society ? Elaborate.

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