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Technical And Industrial Institute

Taiz – Yemen
English Department

By :
Ayat Mohammed Alia

Supervised by :
Faisal Al-Hazmy
(( Acknowledgement ))

First and foremost, Praises and thanks to the God,

the Almighty, for his showers of blessings throughout
my research study to complete the research
I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude
to my research.
Supervisor: T /Faisal AL-Hazmy.
I would also like to thank T/ Rga'a manger of English
department. Who has been very helpful sincerely.
She gave us support and help us to achieve our goal. I
am extremely grateful for her and all the teacher who
had tough us .I am so grateful to my parents for
educating and preparing me for my future.


This research is enquiry into the internet.

The internet is on important part of our life now is a
very vast network of networks using which we can
access any information stored with in it from any
corner of the world.
In this research we talk about create the internet ,
the name of the innovator of the internet , How online
work, the positive and negative , search engines and
terms, How to get rid of addiction of internet, service
provided by internet and develop the inter net.

"Table of contents"

Chapter one:
1.1 introduction
1.2 What is the internet?
1.3 When it create the internet?

Chapter two:
2.1 What is the name of the invented of the internet?
2.2 Benefits of the internet.
2.3 Negative of the internet.

Chapter Three:
3.1 How to get rid of addiction of internet ?
3.2 Conclusion
3.3 References

Chapter one:
1.1 "Introduction"

The internet is an important part of our life it helps

a lot of people.
The internet has been one of the best inventions
that have served people, and all information has
been made available and accessible. The internet
has also contributed to the development of the use
of computers in science ,communications ,medicine
,engineering ,space and astronomy.

Internet commerce has become very common,

space and in all sciences as well ,the distance
between countries has shrunk ,and it is possible to
connect remotely or to bring the information we
need sitting in our place. The internet contributes to
saving the effort and money ,since the search for
information needs dozens books and references
,search through the internet.

1.2 What is the internet?

The internet is defined as a global network
communication system used to a transmit and
exchange date and information through various
media that is , it delivers information and
communication between a global network consisting
of billions of computers and other electronic

1.3 When it create the internet?

-The emergence of the internet.
The internet began in the united states of America
(USA) in the 1960, fund by the ministry of Defense . It
was used to send /share information from computer
to another computer using the telephone lines .
From this it has exploded into the widest used.

Chapter two:

2.1 What is the name of the invented of the internet?

Fenton syr
Cerf and Kahn created the internet protocol(TCP/IP)
That allows for wide spread use of the internet.
Cerf and Khan are referred to as the "fathers of the
internet "as for Robert Khan, whose full name is
Robert Elliot Khan.
Some reliable references indicate that there is
another pioneer and inventor who contributed with
his efforts in the invention of the internet It's Tim
Bemers –Lee Where Time Berners – Lee was the
pioneer in the development of the world wide web

specifically, The definition of HTML (Hypertext
Markup Language )

2.2 Benefits of the internet.

The positive point of internet.
- Develop self – learning and reconnaissance skills.
- Develop interaction skills and share date,
information, Experiences and opinions.
- Teaching the art of buying ,selling, producing and
marketing through e-commerce.
- Follow up one what is happening in the world in
terms of cultural, artistic and sports.

2.3 Negative of the internet.

The negative aspect of internet.
- Access to sites and pages that violate morals.
- Exposure to many fraud, fraud and threats.
- Promoting the concepts of racism A dvocacy of
ideas contradicts religion, morals and customs.

Chapter three:
3.1 8 ways to control your internet Addiction.
1. Self – control : Block out distracting web sites for
asset amount of time .
2. Concentrate:
Maximize focus while shafting between different
3. Focus Booster:
Focuses on single tasks for 25 minutes apiece.
4. Think : Limit your attention to a single application
at time.
5. Anti –social :
Instantly block the social websites are killing your
6.Stay focused :Curb the time you spend browsing
time wasting sites.
7. Time out : Remind yourself to take regular breaks
to keep your focus sharp.


In conclusion, we hope all the people used the internet

very well.

3.3 References
-Legend site
Wikipedia Research site theme
Light site to download electronic books.

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