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Analytical report

Day care Center

Submitted by
Author’s full name

Submitted to
Dr M,S Arya
MD Blue care hospital

Executive Summary
This report provides an executive summary of a plan to set up a
child care center at an organization. The proposed child care
center will provide a safe, nurturing, and enriching environment
for the organization's employees' children. It will include a
variety of activities and programs that foster physical, cognitive,
and social development, as well as offer age-appropriate
activities for children of all ages. The center will also be staffed
with qualified, caring professionals who will ensure the safety
and well-being of the children.

The proposed child care center will provide the organization

with a number of benefits, including increased productivity,
improved morale and job satisfaction, reduced absenteeism,
and enhanced recruitment and retention. Additionally, the
center will help to foster a culture of respect and appreciation
for the organization's employees, who are often stretched thin
as they balance their professional and family responsibilities.

To ensure the success of the child care center, the organization

will need to invest in the necessary resources. This includes
space, equipment, and furniture, as well as the hiring of
qualified and experienced staff. Additionally, the organization
will need to establish and implement policies regarding safety
and security, staff qualifications and training, and health and
Problem Statement
Among all the problems , employee attrition is one of the key
problem in the today’s scenario despite the changes in the external
environment. Attrition is said to be the critical part for the
organisation’s growth. Recently we have found that there is a
possibility of decrease in employee ratio

The company is thinking of opening a Child care centre for the

parents working in the company for the better productivity by the
Options that a company has

1. Use Existing Space: Organizations may choose to use

existing space, such as an unused conference room, to set up
a child care center. This can be a cost-effective solution as it
does not require additional construction costs.

2. Dedicated Space: Organizations may opt to build a

dedicated child care center in an existing building, or build an
entirely new facility. This requires a significant capital
investment, but can be the most effective option for larger
organizations with multiple employees.

3. Partner with an Existing Center: Organizations may choose

to partner with an existing child care center to provide
services to their employees. This is a cost-effective solution
as the organization does not need to build and maintain its
own facility, but still offers employees access to child care

4. Subsidize External Child Care Costs: Organizations may

choose to provide a financial subsidy to employees who use
external child care centers. This allows employees to select
the center that best suits their needs, while the organization
helps offset the cost
Effects of setting up a child care center
1. Increased morale and productivity: Providing quality
childcare in the workplace can help employees feel
supported and appreciated, leading to increased morale and

2. Reduced absenteeism: Employees with dependents are

more likely to remain in their jobs as they have access to
convenient and quality childcare.

3. Improved staff recruitment and retention: Offering

childcare can help attract and retain talented employees.

4. Improved work/life balance: Allowing employees to bring

their children to work can help them better manage their
work and home life.

5. Increased diversity: Having a child care center onsite can

help attract a more diverse workforce.

6. Reduced costs: Employers can save on recruitment and

training costs by offering a child care center at their
Evaluation of the option table

Day care/ On Third party Paid Shift change Basic Child Health
site tie ups vouchers for Requests facility
third party
Cost ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✖️ ✔️

Employee satisfaction ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Employee efficiency ✖️ ✔️ ✔️ ✖️ ✖️

Loyalty towards the ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✖️ ✖️

Retention ✔️ ✔️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️

Enhanced company ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

Employee Distraction ✔️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️

Description on the evaluation table-

1. If we consider setting up the day care inside the
company- it might lead to the distraction among the
employees, as the parents would constantly want to
check on the child.
2. Which might decrease the employee efficiency and it
might not turn out to be a feasible option for the

1. Yes, an organization should set up a child care center

if there is a need in the community and resources are
available to do so.
2. A child care center can provide a safe, secure and
stimulating environment for children, while also
providing parents with peace of mind.
3. It can also be an opportunity to create jobs and help
support the local economy.
4. Furthermore, setting up a child care center can help
an organization to attract and retain employees, as
well as demonstrate its commitment to its workforce
and the local community.

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