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clinical manifestations
       Dermatophytosis superficial infection of the skin, nails and hair caused by
Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton. This fungus can invade all layers of the
stratum corneum and produce symptoms through activation of the host's immune response. 1–3

 It is usually brownish-red, scaly with more defined edges and skin that is red with
 Appearance that looks like a ring, which is also known as a ringworm.
 Papules or vesicles that are scratched will break apart so that when they dry they
will form crusts and scales.
 Initially in the form of a circle / small circle on the skin and gradually widened.
 Presence of skin tissue damage and inflammatory reactions in the skin of the host.
 The rash on the skin is sometimes very itchy. The rash can vary depending on the
type of fungus causing the infection.
 Usually a rashappears on exposed skin of neck, trunk, and/or extremities

1. Rosita C, Kurniati. Etiopatogenesis Dermatofitosis (Etiopathogenesis of

Dermatophytoses ). Berk Ilmu Kesehat Kulit dan Kelamin. 2018;20(318):247-249.
2. Dr. dr. Ago Harlim, MARS SK. PENYAKIT JAMUR KULIT. Published online 2017.
3. Yee G, Aboud AM Al. Tinea Corporis. Pediatr Clin Advis. Published online August 8,
2022:562-563. doi:10.1016/B978-032303506-4.10327-X

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