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Chapter 2

Theoretical Framework

The relevant literature and studies are presented in this chapter strengthening the

significance of the present study. The synthesis of the art is also presented here for better

comprehension of the study by fully understanding the research.

A. Review of Related Literature

The Department will offer 4 Senior High School tracks for grade 11 and 12 students

under the k to 12 program: Academic, Sports, Arts and Design, and Technical-Vocational

Livelihood. The track will serve as the students specialization, which will contribute to his/her

preferred exit after basic education, higher education, employment, entrepreneurship, or middle

level skills development (Geronimo, 2014).

There are many influences that affect the preferences of grade 10 students in choosing a

track to proceed to senior high school. Some of the preferences that is commonly encountered by

the grade 10 students in terms of gender, socio-economic status, average academic grades, nature

of parent's occupation. In terms of gender, male students consider their socio economic status

and their parents occupation as factors in choosing their tracks in Senior High School while

female students consider their peers as a factor in choosing a track in Senior High School.

(Moneva, 2019).

Instructional effects of tracking could have serious consequences for students and

important implifications for educational policy and practice. Majority of the students came from

Academic track, specifically from the General Academic Strand. The students from the non-

HUMSS strand believe that subject alignment to teacher education and preparation are the
problems that they encountered when they are already in the teacher education program.

(Gorospe & Joaquin, 2022).

B. Review of Related Studies

The applied Tracks will equip the learners with the same competencies required across

tracks. The delivery of the subjects may be adjusted according to the context and content of the

tracks.Therefore, the student learn the same skill/competency despite the different teaching-

learning content and strategy.Although the topics of the research subjects are different, the

students will be learning and applying the same research skills. (Llego, 2018).

The significant difference that exists in the students in different SHS strands suggest that

the academic adjustment and performance of the students vary based on the SHS strand taken. It

can be observed that college freshmen in the health science who took STEM adjusted and

academically performed well compared to other students from different SHS strands. This is

highly indicative that prior knowledge of these students from senior high school in STEM strand

is essential in their adjustment process and performance in the academic milieu.(Alipio,2020).

Choosing a senior high school strand is one of the most challenging decisions that junior

high school students will have to face. 2.3% of the students chose GAS as their senior high

school strand; 15.9% chose HUMSS ,and 73.9% chose STEM, leaving the ABM strand with 8%.

The personal interest factor had the highest level of influence among the factors with a mean of

4.21 followed by job opportunities with a mean of 4.17, socio-economic status with a mean of

3.89,parents with a mean of 3.38.( Martinez,2022)

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