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The Factor affect of student decision in senior high school strand

In Partial Fulfillment in the Subject

Submittied by:

Jafferson L. cortez
Grande 10-st.john

Submittied to:

Ms.Rooby Stephanie A.Tabios

School Principal

6rdof June 2023


Selecting a senior high school strand is one of the most important choices students
will make at the difficult time when junior high school. Students are choosing their future
selves and learning from prior lessons about selecting a strand and its effects. what
results when a strand is picked. It was study by (Princes Aires Malaguial, Goji
Gacoscos, Edward Martinez, Hassanal Abusama, Anamarie Valdez 2023). Picking a
major for senior high school determines the set of subjects you will study and may
influence your future career path. It is important to choose a path that aligns with your
interests and goals. The four strands available in the Philippines are academic,
technical-vocational-livelihood, sports, and arts and design. Each strand has its own set
of specialized subjects and career tracks? According to the study of (Monreal, 2021).
Even so, there are several perspectives on choosing a strand, and each student must
take into account a number of criteria, such as their financial condition, their parents'
and friends' recommendations, as well as their preferences for reacting in particular
circumstances (Tortor et. al, 2020). And there are some evidence Oi describes how the
school choice market works, including the number of choices made if the closest school
is the first choice, and the likelihood that the first choice school will extend an offer.
These metrics demonstrate that many households in Other countries actively employ
school choice.
The goal of this research is to determine the decision or strand that you will choose for
your future self and to find out which strands are the most logical for you to select in
light of your personality. [Stating Research Hypothesis] In senior high school, a
student's decision to enroll in a particular strand is greatly influenced by their academic
standing and personal preferences.

Review of Literature

Once students have confidence in their academic talents and understand their
studies' significance, their academic performance and overall well-being can be
improved. The growth of Icelandic students' academic self-concept and sense of
learning purpose is examined in this essay. The emphasis is placed on the students'
track and school type with particular attention paid to the time from the conclusion of
obligatory school through the upper secondary level. Models of mixed ANCOVA show
that change in both dimensions resulted from the interaction between time and school
type and track using survey and registration data spanning four years. Academic
students at all-academic schools had a decline in academic self-concept and feeling of
purpose, whereas vocational students experienced an increase. By the study of
(Jónsdóttir , Blöndal 2021).
A course that offers students engaged and proactive learning is the Technical-
Vocational Livelihood Track. In order to shape the next generation of people for larger
and more effective engagement in national development, the schools have been
assigned very severe tasks. As a result, there are higher expectations for them. To
ensure that the goals are successfully attained, laboratory resources, facilities, and
instructions must be assessed to see if they meet current demands by (Barcelona,
2019). the potential and difficulties in implementing the Senior High School Sports
Track program throughout the Philippine K–12 system's transitional years. To achieve
the study's goals, a qualitative phenomenology research design was used to create
more detailed portraits of the possibilities and difficulties faced by the chosen senior
high school teachers in the Philippine province of Cotabato. The main method for
gathering the required data was a series of interviews. Six (6) major themes revealed
by study participants were identified through triangulation and validation of the data.
Encourage other schools to provide a sports track program, create and improve
projects and programs for teacher development, set entrance and retention guidelines
for senior high school sports track students, and suggest Curriculum mapping helps
match student capabilities with instructors' expectations, employ more qualified
teachers, and allocate funds for equipment purchases and facility upgrades. In order
to enhance the Senior High Sports Track Program in the Philippines, the data were
later used to provide actionable suggestions. Study by ( Poblador et. Al, 2022

A growing concern about educational opportunity has led to recent empirical

research in sociology of education. Status Attainment Studies, School Effects Studies,
Research on the Organization of Schools and Instruction, and Research on School and
Classroom Processes can all be connected to this topic. The chapter explains how
these study areas are connected to a concern for social equality and how they have
grown beyond that original focus. There has been some comparative, international,
and cross-cultural study done on these traditions, but this overview is only on
American-based research by ( Hallinan, 1988). People changing occupations
emphasizes the importance of time and opportunity frameworks in career
development. Many views of the opportunity structure are grounded on vacancy-
driven models, with more recent work on labor markets and economic segmentation
adding to the characterization of specific structures. To generate occupations,
structural traits interact with people's contacts, job-relevant resources, and limits.
Although careers develop over time, different characteristics of time (such as time
spent in the company vs time spent in the labor force) have distinct effects on mobility
( Rosenfeld, 1992). According to Altbach, Berdahl, and Gumport (1999), the main
objectives of the twenty-first century include encouraging economic development,
improving the country's capacity to compete globally in terms of scientific and
technological innovation, and preparing citizens to participate effectively in
democracy. Similar to this, stakeholders in higher education (such as teachers,
policymakers, and the general public) generally concur on a set of broad learning
outcomes, including, but not limited to, critical thinking, effective communication,
appreciation of diversity and multiple perspectives, and meaningful interpersonal
relationships (Strayhorn, 2006b). These overarching objectives constitute a common
set of learning outcomes that go beyond a simple understanding of the subject matter
to higher levels of reasoning that entail application, analysis, and sophisticated
methods of assessing data from many sources (Bloom, 1956).

The opinions of teacher educators were questioned in focus groups as they

discussed the recommendations of experts. According to research, relatively little
focus is being placed on the specialized expertise that instructors require to promote
early literacy through the use of technology. This is a result of a variety of issues,
including the opinion that many modern technology (such as tablets) are rarely
employed in educational settings. Additionally, teacher educators themselves
experience difficulties implementing technology in their own courses effectively. Pre-
service educators have also noted a significant absence of integrated knowledge in
their institutions, despite the availability of specialists in early literacy and technology
in teacher training institutes. Recommendations for research, policy, and practice are
made in light of these findings ( Voogt et. al, 2016).

Students in the front office strand's technical vocational livelihood track

demonstrate how the interaction between peer pressure and decision-making affects
behavior. Participating in the study were 120 students from various institutes at the
school ( Mosqueda et. al, 2022). the unique requirements of an expanding immigrant
population in the US, including foreign students. Preventative measures can be taken.
Stress and loneliness may result from uncertainty about American academics, culture,
and interpersonal connections. Although many students request referrals to a
counselor or clinician when they have health issues, they seldom do so. To decrease
transition issues and avert crises, close collaboration among all personnel working
with overseas students is required. Technique-specific difficulties specific to
counseling overseas students are covered (Aubrey, 2009).
The study's young participants, all of whom come from poor socioeconomic
backgrounds, were making plans for the future that were influenced by their passions,
perceptions of their abilities, and, it appears, their families. From these statistics, a
supporting image of these families is beginning to take shape. Young people's
interests were supported, and their plans were made in accordance with their
aptitude. Most people would interpret this to suggest that their future ambitions will
include increasing social mobility. Despite this, there was no evidence of parents who
were highly ambitious pushing their kids in wrong paths (Beavis, 2006). Averaging
approximately 70%, the national high school graduation rate1 Far too many pupils
across slipping between the gaps in the educational system, graduating from high
school without the abilities required for success in life, at work, and at college.
National statistics and anecdotal evidence indicate that educational achievements for
Children who are underprivileged or members of minorities typically do lower than
their peers. However, current studies are regularly demonstrating academic variables
—also referred to as "early-warning data," "risk factors," or "on-track measures"—that
more than economical considerations in determining a student's likelihood of
dropping out ( Pinkus, 2008).

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