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Mohammad Farhan Shaikh (BB-29228)

Muhammad Muneeb (BB-29235)
Muhammad Asif Yaseen (BB-7460)
Uzair Ahmed (BB-29237)
Nabi Baksh (BB-7459)

Professor Muzammil Shabbir

Hum 012
October 29, 2022
Before discussing the issues of transgender, we should know what transgender is because

there are a lot of misconceptions.

What Transgender is:

Some individuals are those, whose gender identity is opposite to their true gender, Expressly,

given the external genitalia at birth, The gender they are assigned. Eventually, due to internal

feelings, they do not accept their gender and perceive themselves to be the opposite of it. Due to

this, some persons are called transgender because of this disorder. As a result of this, some

transgender people suffer from psychological disorders. And they are not able to accept their

gender in any way, in medical terms, this transgender psychiatric disorder is known as Gender

dysphoria and gender identity disorder (GID).

Look at the statement from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in this regard:

‘‘The term “transgender” refers to a person whose gender assigned at birth (i.e.,

the sex assigned at birth, usually based on external genitalia) does not align with their

gender identity (i.e., one’s psychological sense of their gender). Some people who are

transgender will experience “gender dysphoria,” which refers to psychological distress

that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender

identity. Though gender dysphoria often begins in childhood, some people may not

experience it until after puberty or much later.

Transgender and Inferior:

There is a lot of misinformation regarding transgender and neutered

(intersex/hermaphrodite) people. However, some people deny the term and believe that

transgender and neuter are not the same. Although the fact is that "transgender" and "neuter" are

neither synonymous nor mutually, rather "transgender" is general and "neuter" is specific, i.e., the

opposite of transgender.

So, some individuals are completely male or female in terms of their internal reproductive

system, but their external organs are suspicious; in such a case, such people may mistake the sex

known from the external organs as their gender, even though a medical examination later discloses
that their true gender is not what they thought. Now, this is the case of the neutered, but also the

transgender, because here the gender identity is against the real gender.

"The Americans psychiatric association" also refers to transgender types, including the

neuter among their persons:

‘‘Other categories of transgender people include androgynous, multi-gendered,

gender nonconforming, third gender, and two-spirit people. Exact definitions of

these terms vary from person to person and may change over time, but often include

a sense of blending or alternating genders.’’

Heterosexuals and Transgenders:

Some have translated "transgender" as "misogynist". However, "Neutral" and

"Khawajasira" are not generic examples of transgender, but both are two distinct individuals. That

is, "Transgender" is general, and "Khawajasira" is special, ‫( مخنث‬Effeminate) is an Arabic word

while Khawajasira is an Urdu word. In Arabic, a person who takes the likeness of a woman and

displays a feminine touch is said to be a misogynist.

While "Khawajasra," also known as "Khasi" in Arabic and "eunuch" in English, refers to a

guy who has had his testicles and genitals amputated, it is also known as "Hijra" and "Zankha" in

Urdu. However, transgender is inclusive, and its many individuals include straight, eunuch,

heterosexual, and so on.

While this demand for gender reassignment surgery in the case of infertility falls under the

category of treating a real disease, Islamic scholastic theology rulings in its multiple cases differ.

However, a gender-perfect person's demand for this operation may be due to a more psychological

disorder, as patients with "gender dysphoria" insist that they are in fact perfectly male or female.

If they want to change their gender due to psychological confusion and want to undergo a gender

reassignment operation for this, the Islamic scholastic theology ruling, in this case, is obviously

different. The Islamic scholastic theology order of gender reassignment operation will be

explained further in these two cases.

Gender transition surgery:

Two types of classification processes are known today, which are as follows:

1. Hormone therapy

2. Gender reassignment surgery

Hormone therapy entails the injection of hormones, which alter physical signs and

characteristics such as voice, hair, chest bulge, and so on to correspond with the desired sex. In

fact, each sex has its own set of hormones that play a fundamental and critical role in sex

determination, the development of sexual and reproductive organs, and the performance of the

related head heat; these hormones are known as sex hormones. Men's sex hormones are known as

"testosterone," while women's sex hormones are known as "estrogen." Because of the disruption
in these hormones, a person's gender is also disrupted, as are his sexual and reproductive organs

and sexual tendencies. In such a case, she is injected with hormones of the desired gender.

It should be acknowledged that these operations are also performed by the congenitally

defective sex, i.e., the male, after which they may be able to achieve sexual pleasure in the same

way that a perfect gender does. So, nowadays, there are many cases of a perfect man or woman

because of this operation. In this way, perfect-gender people who, due to internal feelings, feel

themselves against their original gender, also undergo this operation to adapt to the opposite sex.

In another case the procedure, in reality, a person's gender does not change; rather, a perfect man

undergoes an operation and gains the ability to conceive, give birth, and so on. Rather, only

external signs and sexual organs, among other things, are altered.
Meaning of Change in the Creation of Allah:

The order of change of creation of Allah is derived from the following verse of the Holy


I will certainly mislead them and delude them with empty hopes. Also, I will order

them, and they will slit the ears of cattle1 and alter Allah’s creation.” And whoever

takes Satan as a guardian instead of Allah has certainly suffered a tremendous loss.

{Surah An-Nisa 119)

In this verse, cutting off the ears of an animal is said to be the change of Allah and it

is prohibited. The jurists have not limited their ruling only to cut the ears of animals but

have declared it as a general example. Therefore, it is necessary that the change of creation
of Allah is considered as the original case and example so that in its light, the discussed

problem of neutrality can be solved.

If we look at it from this point of view, the problem of our discussion is easily solved,

because from its point of view, any useful and useful change is permissible, and it is obvious

that it is useless to adopt one gender for the sake of difficulty, because, After that, he can live a

life of honor as a man of perfect sex, and can live a life of honor without many difficulties.

Therefore, considering this description, there is scope for adopting one gender for the difficulty.

It is known and Allah knows best.

‫وهللا تعالى هو الموفق و المعين‬

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