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Rosales Kim Andrew Duane C. ABM12.

Position Paper _ Quiz 2

“Are Paper Bags Really Better for the Planet?”

By Crissie Hontanosas


▪ Is using a reusable bag better for the environment?

▪ Is the paper bag actually preferable than the plastic one?


They cite published data from sources to back up their arguments. other research The author presented
the facts before the argument in order to make it more appealing, referencing data, study, statistics,
comparisons, and logical justifications. It must be a reputable and specific information source, the year
the studies were conducted, and the The researchers' names are stated in particular. To support, verify,
or in any other way The author examined and analysed several kinds of evidence to strengthen the
claim. The Credible pieces of evidence are required to develop and sustain the claim's thesis. The alleged
was strengthened by presenting counterarguments before the author adds her own thoughts.


▪ Paper is made from trees that must grow for years before being harvested, while plastic is a by-product
of the non-renewable petroleum refining process.

▪ The 1990 Franklin Associates assessment on the pioneer found that the Manufacturing paper bags
produced nearly three times as many emissions as the plastic bags. Two other reports with comparable
findings from 2004 and 2007 supported it. findings: Paper bags contribute two to three times more to
global warming than plastic bags.

.▪ Paper comes from trees which take years to grow before harvesting, Plastic is a

by-product of the petroleum refining process; this process is non-renewable.

▪ UK study puts a word of caution on using sturdier, reusable bags. The heavier the material, the greater
is a bag's sustainability. For example, a cotton grocery bag must be used 100 times for its impact to
equal that of a disposable plastic bag.

▪ The current legislation penalizes businesses who accept plastic with a P200,000 fine. This automatically
replaces the substance with paper, which is more harmful.

▪ Additionally, a lot more water is used in the making of paper. both solid waste and water pollution.
Findings also support the use of plastic bags. Even the rate at which paper degrades quickly Now we're
talking about a landfill. Some believe that both substances decay almost when put under landfill
conditions, just as slowly.

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