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Asignatura Ingles Docente Lic. Irene Sánchez Jornada Vespertina
Nivel/Subnivel EGB-S. Curso 9nos
Quimestre Segundo Parcial Cuarto
Fecha de inicio del proyecto 20 de mayo de 2022 Fecha de fin del proyecto 17 de junio de 2022

Project description:
En este proyecto interdisciplinario denominado “Democracia: la ponemos en práctica”, los estudiantes conocerán la
importancia de la construcción de la democracia basado en el respeto a los derechos humanos, la justicia, la libertad, la
solidaridad, la igualdad jurídica de todas las personas mediante un Comic que refleje la participación en la democracia.
Weekly Objective: Definir la democracia como gobierno del pueblo mediante la producción de un cómic, usando los
superlativos en inglés en las actividades realizadas.
Activities Week 1 (May 20 to 27)

Topic: The Democracy with Superlatives

Activity 1: Write the comparative and superlative forms

Activity 2: Complete with the superlative.


Did you know? One of the most important effects education has on society is giving the people who live in a society the
skills they need to compete in the global marketplace and the skills they need to produce technological goods that can
be sold on the open market 7 may 2018.
Education is important in the creation of any democratic society.
As Franklin D. Roosevelt says, “Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to
choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education”. People need a good education if they want a
good democracy.
Education is needed to make a society geopolitically stable.
Without a proper educational system available to everyone, terrorist could use free education as a way to radicalize
people. In other words, geopolitical stability is one of education´s most powerful effects on society.
Education leads to economic prosperity in the global marketplace.
One of the most importance effects education has on society is giving the people who live in a society the skills they
need to compete in the global marketplace, and the skills they need to produce technological goods that can be sold on
the open market. Socrates best expressed this idea when he stated. “Prefer knowledge to wealth, for the one is
transitory, the other perpetual”
Education gives people the knowledge they need to elect capable leaders.
Plato stated, “In politics we presume that everyone who knows how to get votes how to administer a city or a state.
When we are ill----- we don´t ask for the handsomest physician, or the most eloquent one “Education helps the
members of society see through the manipulations used by politicians to get votes so that the members of the society
can vote for the leader who is best able to run the society.
Education helps promote tolerance in a society and helps reduce common conflicts between diverse populations in an
urban setting.
Helen Keller said that “The highest result of education is tolerance” Educating members of society about other people
who either live in the society or its neighboring states have the power to reduce many conflicts.

Activity 3: Read the text carefully. Underline the sentences where the superlative adjectives are used and write them.
Activity 4: Make a vocabulary with 10 unknown words and check their meaning.
¿Sabías qué?
La Democracia
Es el sistema político que defiende la soberanía del pueblo y el derecho del pueblo a elegir y controlar a sus
El cómic y la historieta tienen como propósito representar a más de eventos cotidianos o fantásticos, también el llevar
el mensaje de una democracia justa a través de una serie de secuencias icónicas y verbales que pueden variar en
extensión, de algunas cuantas viñetas, hasta varias páginas.
Relación con valores: JUSTICIA

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