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What is the most interesting topic/lesson for you in our subject? Explain why.
Due: December 17, 2021 (Friday)
Where will you submit?
No required words. Make it brief and precise.

When we study Rizal's life and works, we discover how brilliant and amazing Jose Rizal
was while he was alive. We discovered how, out of all of the country's most important figures
throughout its history, he was chosen as the country's national hero. We admired him for a
variety of reasons, including his ability as a poet and the uniqueness of his literary works, as well
as his ability to overcome bullies and comprehend and perform well on his subjects.
However, we also learned in this class that he was also recognized for having a "long list of ex-
lovers" in addition to being exceptional at other things.

This lesson, about Rizal as a lover, piqued my interest because we had assumed he was
somewhat different from the rest of us, but it turned out that he was no different, and that he is
weak when it comes to love. "Marupok" was a word that suited him perfectly because he had
been captivated by various women throughout his life. Through this lesson, we discovered that
he got various love stories and experiences from various women, which is why his life became
relatable, particularly to young people who have been in love. As a result of this, I realized that,
despite his enormous success, Jose Rizal was still an ordinary human being with feelings and
silliness like the rest of us, as evidenced by his love stories.

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