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Определение выбранного вами изобретения

Television is a telecommunication transmission of
an image through a monitor of various devices.

2. Как используется ваше изобретение?

Television transmits a lot of information to the population
through television screens, it transmits images, music, news
and so on. Television is powered by satellite that are
scattered in space around the world.

3. Когда и где было создано выбранное вами изобретение? Кем?

Краткая история

Television became available, let's say in beta, in

the 1920s. And later it became available to all
consumers. According to sources of
information, television has become popular in
the USA and in the UK. And televisions have
become commonplace in every home. In the
1950s, television became so popular that it was
possible to influence public opinion.
Turning to the televisions themselves,
according to sources, it was created in 1926 by
Scottish inventor John Burdon, who later
opened his allied television manufacturing

4. Как ваше изобретение делает жизнь лучше или проще?

Television makes it possible to see the whole
world, just sitting at home. It gives you the
opportunity to watch what is happening on the
ground thousands of kilometers from your home.
Allows you to watch important world news
5. Изменилось ли со временем выбранное вами изобретение?
Yes, it has changed for the better.
Ask how? I will answer.
From conventional mechanical radios, old
televisions, old broadcasters, it has evolved into
modern digital technology that has made life

6. Каков возможный экологический эффект выбранного вами

I don't think that this will harm the environment,
only the fact that television requires a large
amount of electricity is possible.
7. Каков возможный социальный эффект выбранного вами

I think television will have a 100% social effect, as

I mentioned that television influences people's
opinions and this will always continue.
8. Почему вы выбрали это изобретение.

Because television is a very big topic that is

interesting to explore, it is one of the main parts in
the IT industry, learning the whole story about it
brings me good feelings

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