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Final Research Report

Bovio Consulting, for Glossier

To: Kyle Leahy, CEO Glossier
From: Katie Martin, Annette Garcia
CC: Sonia Bovio, Account VP
Date: November 13, 2022
Re: Bi-weekly research report for October 31 – November 13, 2022
Between Oct. 31 and Nov. 13, 2022, Glossier earned 38 mentions in the media, which were mainly brief
mentions in articles about cosmetic companies and makeup products. This is an 11.76% increase in
media mentions from the previous research period, likely due to the holiday season. Additionally, there
was a 360% increase in positive mentions from the previous reporting period. On its Instagram page,
Glossier posted 17 times, approximately a 6% increase from the previous research period. Additionally,
Glossier received an average of approximately 23,500 likes per post.
Traditional Media Coverage
During this 14-day period, Glossier earned 38 mentions in the media, an 11.76% increase from the
previous reporting period. This is likely due to the holiday season and many stores offering sales for Black
Friday and other holiday shopping events. Several Glossier mentions were from listicles providing
readers with gift ideas.
This bar chart depicts Glossier’s media coverage throughout the entire research period, from early
September to mid-November.
Type of Coverage from Oct. 31 - Nov. 13, 2022
From Oct. 31 to Nov. 13, 2022, Glossier earned a total of 38 mentions. Of those, 34 were brief, three
were features and one was a significant mention. With the holiday season in full swing, Glossier was
mostly mentioned briefly in articles listing gift ideas and alerting readers about holiday sales. For
example, “73 Unique Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Everyone on Your List,” written by Brigitt Earley from
Oprah Daily, mentioned Glossier’s Balm Dotcom as a stocking stuffer idea.
Type of Coverage – Cumulative
Throughout the entire research period, Glossier’s coverage was predominantly brief, with few feature
articles and even fewer significant mentions.
Sentiment from Oct. 31 - Nov. 13, 2022
During this research period, Glossier’s coverage sentiment was mostly positive. Of these mentions, 23
were positive, 15 were neutral and there were no negative mentions. There was a 360% increase in
positive mentions from the previously evaluated period, going from five to 23.
Coverage Sentiment – Cumulative
For the duration of the 10-week research period, Glossier’s coverage sentiment was significantly neutral,
moderately positive and there were no negative mentions reported.

Overall Media Evaluation

Throughout the evaluated period, from early September to mid-November, Glossier saw consistent
coverage in traditional and digital media, both in terms of quantity and quality. Across the five reporting
periods (10 weeks), the average number of mentions in the media was 34.6, a majority of which were
brief and in a neutral tone. As mentioned, Glossier was mostly mentioned briefly in articles listing and/or
reviewing beauty and makeup products. The company earned few feature articles, which typically
resulted from new product launches or sale announcements, such as the Swiss Miss Balm Dotcom,
released in October, and its Cyber Week deals and discounts. In fact, the largest number of mentions
Glossier received, 38, was in the last reporting period of Oct. 31 – Nov. 13, which was during the holiday
season. As for Glossier’s coverage sentiment, it was predominantly neutral and partially positive.
However, there were no negative mentions reported, going to show the public’s general perception of
Glossier skews favorable, or at least, impartial.

Glossier’s Instagram Account

During the 14-day period of October 31 through November 13, 2022, Glossier maintained general
growth in its overall metrics, however, engagement decreased from the previous reporting period.
Although Glossier earned 43.8% fewer likes than the previous reporting period, it still earned 118% more
likes than the previous average. Glossier received an average of approximately 23,500 likes per post. The
post that received the greatest amount of engagement was a Reel that accompanied the announcement
of Glossier’s candles. There were two in the collection, one that was being brought back for the holidays
and another new scent. The post received over 52,000 likes, over 956,000 Reel plays, and over 480
comments. Each post was accompanied by links to Glossier’s Instagram shop.
Glossier posted 17 times to its Instagram account, about a 6% increase from the previous reporting
period. The posts featured four stand-alone photos, 12 Reels, and one carousel. Glossier received
400,177 likes across all posts. This marked a decrease of nearly 44%, however, was still a significant
increase from the previous reporting averages. It earned a total of 2,503 comments, a decrease of over
64%. However, Glossier still earned more comments on average than in the first three reporting periods,
marking an increase of about 170%.
Glossier nearly maintained its exceptional growth with Reel plays when compared to the prior research
period, decreasing only by about 1% from the previously high period. It earned 4,776,140 plays. Four of
the 12 Reels featured the Glossier Candles that were released as a limited edition special for the holiday
season. Four separate Reels were regarding Glossier’s first-ever holiday kit release. Two of the Reels
covered the opening of the new Brooklyn location of Glossier in New York. One Reel promoted the
limited-edition Swiss Miss Balm Dotcom, and another was from Election Day and included an ALCU
ambassador encouraging followers to vote. All Reels earned an average of over 20,000 likes, with the
highest likes earned on one Reel being over 52,000.
Overall Instagram Evaluation
Glossier saw success in its social media strategy from the beginning of the researchers’ tracking period in
early Sept. 2022. Its Instagram account began with 2,678,000 followers and was averaging approximately
183,000 likes, 900 comments, and 1,114,000 Reel plays per post. At the end of this reporting period,
Glossier has 2,692,102 followers and averages 556,000 likes, 4,700 comments, and 4,800,000 Reel plays.
In the first three reporting periods, Glossier lost followers in two consecutive periods, but earned back
more than it had begun with. Glossier saw great success in its Reels which attracted the most interaction
from followers. Additionally, the brand found the most engagement when it was promoting a new
product launch or creating content with brand ambassador Olivia Rodrigo.

Coverage is tracked using Meltwater. Traditional media coverage included in this
bi-weekly report is limited to articles appearing in the top 10% of media outlets in the
United States that include the word “Glossier.”

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