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BioK Quick Quiz on Cell division (1.


BioKnowledgy Quick Quiz on Cell division (1.6)

[22 marks]

1. What is the sequence of stages during the cell cycle?

A. G1 → S → G2 → mitosis → cytokinesis

B. mitosis → G1 → G2 → cytokinesis → S

C. G1 → G2 → S → mitosis → cytokinesis

D. G1 → G2 → mitosis → cytokinesis → S
(Total 1 mark)

2. What is produced as a result of mitosis?

A. Two cells, each containing half the number of chromosomes of the original cell

B. Two cells, each containing the same number of chromosomes as the original cell

C. Four cells, each containing the same number of chromosomes as the original cell

D. Four cells, each containing half the number of chromosomes of the original cell
(Total 1 mark)

3. The diagram below shows a cell during mitosis.

What are the structures and stage of mitosis?

Stage of mitosis Structure I Structure II

A. metaphase chromatid nuclear membrane
B. anaphase centromere plasma membrane
C. anaphase chromatid nuclear membrane
D. metaphase centromere plasma membrane
(Total 1 mark) (Chris Paine)

BioK Quick Quiz on Cell division (1.6)

4. Which of the following does not occur during interphase?

A. Replication

B. Translation

C. Cytokinesis

D. An increase in the number of mitochondria

(Total 1 mark)

5. What happens during the G2 stage of interphase?

A. Homologous chromosomes pair

B. Synthesis of proteins

C. Homologous chromosomes separate

D. Replication of DNA
(Total 1 mark)

6. Which of the following take(s) place during either interphase or mitosis in animal cells?

I. Re-formation of nuclear membranes

II. Pairing of homologous chromosomes
III. DNA replication

A. I only

B. I and II only

C. II and III only

D. I and III only

(Total 1 mark)

7. The graph below represents the amount of DNA during the cell cycle. Which part of the graph represents metaphase? C

(Total 1 mark)

8. Which of the following statements correctly distinguishes between cytokinesis in animals and plants?

A. Animal cells use vesicles to build plasma membranes to separate the daughter cells whilst plant cells construct a cell
plate. (Chris Paine)

BioK Quick Quiz on Cell division (1.6)
B. Animal cells form a cleavage furrow as the cell membrane is pulled inwards whilst plant cells use vesicles, to form a
cell plate, which eventually fuses with the existing plasma membrane to separate the cells.

C. Animal cells construct a plasma membrane with microfilaments whilst plant cells use vesicles to form a new plasma

D. Animal cells use contractile proteins to separate the plasma membrane whilst plant cells build a cell wall upon which
the new plasma membranes are formed.

9. Explain how cyclins affect control the progression of a cell through the cell cycle.
- the cell can't progress to the next stage unless specific cyclin reaches its threshold
-cyclins bind to enzymes call cyclin dependent kinases
-the kinases become active and attach to phosphate groups
-the attachment triggers other proteins to become active and carry out tasks (specific to one of the phases of the cell cycle).

10. The following sequence of pictures, made using an electronic imaging technique, shows a cell undergoing division.

(a) State the stage of mitosis typified by image II.


(b) List two processes that involve mitosis.

.........................tissue production/ repair..........................

.........................asexual reproduction..............................................

11. Cancers form as the result of uncontrolled cell division.

(c) State the types of gene that need to be mutated for a tumour to form.


(c) List three different types of mutagen.


...........high energy radiation ( x-rays ).................................................

...............short wave ultraviolet light ..................................................


(c) Distinguish between primary and secondary tumours

A primary tumor is a malignant tumor growing at the site where the abnormal growth first occurred (Chris Paine)

BioK Quick Quiz on Cell division (1.6)
Secondary tumours are formed at different locations where cancerous cells have invaded tissues by uncontrolled cell

12. Explain why cells need to supercoil their DNA molecules.

cells need to super coil because it results in condensed structures called sister chromatids.
- to become more organized

13. Outline how DNA molecules are supercoiled.

- DNA is wrapped around special protein molecules called histones combined loop of DNA and protein is called nucleosone.
- nucleosomes are packaged into a thread. End results is a fiber knows as chromatin
- fiber is looped and coiled yet again
- leading finally to familiar shape of chromosomes. chromosomes are not always present, only when the nucleus is about to divide.

14. Distinguish between cell division and mitosis.

- Mitosis is the division of the nucleus, whereas cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm and the plasma membrane, which happens after

15. Other than maintaining optimum cell size, list four processes involving division by mitosis.

• Embryonic development
• Growth
• Tissue repair
• Asexual reproduction

16. Explain why eukaryotes need to use mitosis in cell division when prokaryotes do not.
Eukaryotes need to use mitosis in cell division because they have nucleus that contain chromosomes, while prokaryotes don't contain a

17. Distinguish between chromosomes and chromatids.

Chromosomes are structural DNA, while chromatids are the exact duplication of chromosomes.

18. Distinguish between mitosis and cytokinesis.

Mitosis is the division of the nucleus, whereas cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm and the plasma membrane, which happens after

19. Outline cytokinesis in plant and animal cells

Cytokinesis occurs in mitosis and meiosis for both plant and animal cells. The ultimate objective is to divide the parent cell into daughter
In plants , this occurs when a cell wall forms in between the daughter cells. In animals , this occurs when a cleavage furrow forms. This
pinches the cell in half.

20. Outline a primary tumour, metastasis and its development into a secondary tumours.
Metastasis: cancer cells break off of the primary tumour and travel to other types of the body. This allows secondary tumours to establish and

21.What factors (other than exposure to mutagens) increase the probability of tumour development in humans?
-Late detection
-Low immune system
-Environment influence
-Life span
-Lifestyle choices
-Hereditary (Chris Paine)

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