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Advantages and Disadvantages of HE


 Access to a professional career path in an industry I enjoy

 Independence from my family, being able to live with just my girlfriend and me
which alleviates some mental health stress
 Meeting new people which helps to get my foot in the door
 Living in a new place and experiencing new things which helps to widen my
 Experiencing and gaining knowledge of an industry enjoy


 Money might be a bit tight

 Mental health stress

There are certainly more advantages to HE than disadvantages, however the severity of the
advantages and disadvantages are crucial to my decision.

In terms of advantages, I’ll be putting myself on a path where I’ll develop new skills and be
set up to work in an industry I care for and appreciate, being able to work my way up the
ladder and earn a good wage to support myself and my girlfriend. Many of my university
choices also would require me to move which would help expand my world view as I have
mostly stuck to Bournemouth for my life and rarely ever travelled far outside. Being able to
meet new people and network to increase my chances of being able to work in my desired
field is also a massive benefit of university.

However the few disadvantages do hold a bit of severity to my decision, suffering from
depression and anxiety means that the mental health stress would have a large impact on
me and impede my ability to perform and the stress of being tight on money would
contribute to that as well. However as I have dealt with these issues before I feel I will be
able to persevere through.

So overall the advantages outweigh the disadvantages making HE a good option for me.

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