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Name: Fazarillah Zulfa Salsabila

Number absen:20

How to make Mango juice


•2 mangoes (make sure the mangoes are ripe)
•2 tbsp sugar
•Sweetened condensed milk (to taste)
•Water (to taste)
•Ice cubes or shaved ice (to taste)

•Peel the mango and wash it with clean water. Cut the mango flesh according to taste.
•If the mango has been cut into small pieces, puree in a blender with water.
•Add sugar, sweetened condensed milk and a little ice to the blender. Puree until the mango
flesh is really smooth.
•If the mango is smooth, juice the mango and serve in a serving glass.
•Add ice cubes to the glass and add milk on top.

#covering:Mango juice is ready to be served and enjoyed with your beloved family.

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