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Asia Afrika Street No.10, Jakarta

Fax (021) 222333
Email :

Makassar, 10 March

Number : 015/KH/III/2021
Subject : Proposal on cooperation
HR Art Building Societeit De Harmonie Makassar
Riburane No 1 Street

Dear Sr/Madam
Because next month will be commemorated as 5 years of my work as a painter. that's
why we want to open an exhibition with the theme 'self love'. This theme is different from
other themes because this theme is very closely related to the current reality. It is planned that
the exhibition will be held in
Date : 20 April 2022
Time : 10.00-17.00
With this letter I want to convey, so that your gallery will cooperate and be successful in
making this exhibition. Thank you very much for your attention, i`ll be waiting for your
response very soon


Nurfathiyyah Ramadhani

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