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A conjunction is the glue that holds

words, phrases and clauses (both dependent and Following is a selection of words used to link
independent) together. There are three different ideas depending on the direction of your
kinds of conjunctions -- argument:
coordinating, subordinating, and correlative --
each serving its own, distinct purpose, but all  Adding more to a point already made
working to bring words together. (Moreover, furthermore, again, further,
Example: what is more, in addition, besides, above
Peter and Paul are best friends. all, as well (as), Either, neither... nor, not
(the word “and” is a conjunction. It is joining two only...)
entities, which are Peter, Paul).
I am going to the market and to the  Writing in lists (First (ly), second(ly), yet
grocery store. another, in addition, finally, to begin with,
(the word “and” in this sentence is joining two in the second place, moreover,
ideas, which are going to the market and to the additionally, also, next, then, lastly, finally)
grocery store).  Putting the same idea in a different way
My mother asked me if I am going to (In other words, rather, or, better, in that
wash my clothes or wash the dishes. case, to put it (more) simply, in view of
(It is stating that the girl has two choices, to wash this, with this in mind, to look at this
her clothes or wash the dishes) another way)
 Introducing examples (that is to say, in
Conjunctions serve as a cue within a other words, for example, for instance,
sentence, signaling the reader that another idea namely, as follows, as in the following
is coming. examples, such as, particularly, in
Coordinating conjunctions link ideas by particular, notably)
showing how they relate. For example, a word  Introducing an alternative viewpoint (by
like "and" indicates two ideas go together. contrast, another way of viewing this,
Subordinating conjunction indicates that alternatively, again, rather, on the other
one idea depends on another. For instance, in hand, in comparison, on the contrary, in
this fact, though, although)
sentence the word "unless" depends on the  Returning to emphasize your earlier
action that follows it: viewpoint (However, despite x, in spite of
Example: We will be late unless we leave now. x, though, after all, at the same time, on
Correlative conjunctions join elements the other hand, although x may have a
within a sentence, indicating the two are of equal good point)
importance. The words "neither" and "nor" work  Summing up the idea stated (In brief, on
this way in this sentence: the whole, to sum up, thus, in conclusion,
Example: I like neither carrots nor celery. as a whole)

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