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The Role of Stress Factors during Aging

of the Immune System
Moisés E. Bauer,a Cristina M. Moriguchi Jeckel,b
and Clarice Luzc
Faculdade de Biociências and Instituto de Pesquisas Biomédicas and b Faculdade
de Farmácia, Pontifı́cia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul,
Porto Alegre, Brazil
LabVitrus, Porto Alegre, Brazil

This manuscript reviews current evidence suggesting that aging of the immune system
(immunosenescence) may be closely related to chronic stress and stress factors. Healthy
aging has been associated with emotional distress in parallel to increased cortisol to
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) ratio. The impaired DHEA secretion together with the
increase of cortisol results in an enhanced exposure of lymphoid cells to deleterious
glucocorticoid actions. The lack of appropriated growth hormone signaling during im-
munosenescence is also discussed. It follows that altered neuroendocrine functions
could be underlying several immunosenescence features. Indeed, changes in both in-
nate and adaptive immune responses during aging are also similarly reported during
chronic glucocorticoid exposure. In addition, chronically stressed elderly subjects may
be particularly at risk of stress-related pathology because of further alterations in both
neuroendocrine and immune systems. The accelerated senescent features induced by
chronic stress include higher oxidative stress, reduced telomere length, chronic glu-
cocorticoid exposure, thymic involution, changes in cellular trafficking, reduced cell-
mediated immunity, steroid resistance, and chronic low-grade inflammation. These
senescent features are related to increased morbidity and mortality among chronically
stressed elderly people. Overall, these data suggest that chronic stress leads to prema-
ture aging of key allostatic systems involved in the adaptation of the organisms to en-
vironmental changes. Stress management and psychosocial support may thus promote
a better quality of life for elderly people and at the same time reduce hospitalization

Key words: aging; immunosenescence; glucocorticoids; lymphocytes

Introduction munosenescence. The popular knowledge of

immunosenescence is the decline of immune
Aging is a continuous and slow process that functions. The updated view is a remodeling
compromises the normal functioning of var- of major immunological components involv-
ious organs and systems in both qualitative ing multiple reorganization and developmen-
and quantitative terms. Aging has been as- tally regulated changes.1 Immunosenescence
sociated with several dynamic immunologi- could be the result of the adaptation of the
cal alterations that are collectively called im- body to the continuous challenge of bacterial
and viral infections. These remodeling features
can be demonstrated by significant decrements
in adaptive immunity in parallel with overall
Address for correspondence: Dr. Moisés E. Bauer, Instituto de Pesquisas maintenance or increased innate immune func-
Biomédicas, Pontifı́cia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PU-
CRS), Av. Ipiranga 6690, 2◦ andar, P.O. Box 1429, Porto Alegre, RS
tions during aging. The remodeling immune
90.610-000, Brazil. system is particularly observed in centenarians,
Neuroimmunomodulation: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1153: 139–152 (2009).
doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2008.03966.x 
C 2009 New York Academy of Sciences.

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140 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

who present many intact adaptive or innate shortened telomeres, limited proliferative po-
immune functions and are thus good examples tential or replicative senescence, production of
of successful aging. tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin
The clinical consequences of immunose- (IL)-6, and resistance to apoptosis.12–16 When
nescence may include increased susceptibility diseased subjects are excluded, immunosenes-
to infectious diseases, neoplasias, and autoim- cence involves impaired humoral responses to
mune disease.2 This altered morbidity is not new antigens, lower cytotoxicity, and blunted T
evenly distributed and should be influenced cell proliferation. The latter is one of the most
by other immune-modulating factors, includ- documented age-related changes observed dur-
ing the genetic background and chronic stress ing aging.17,18 The effector phases adaptive im-
exposure.3 Indeed, several immunosenescence- mune responses are largely mediated by cy-
related changes resemble those observed fol- tokines. Different subpopulations of CD4+ T
lowing chronic stress4 or glucocorticoid (GC) cells synthesize specific cytokines and have been
treatment.5 The present paper summarizes re- designated Th1 [interferon (IFN)-γ, IL-2, lym-
cent findings suggesting that stress factors may photoxin α] or Th2 (IL-4, IL-10) cells. Both
accelerate immunosenescence. human and mouse models have demonstrated
that aging is associated with a Th1 to Th2
Changes in Adaptive Immunity shift in cytokine production.19,20 This altered
cytokine profile could be further involved with
One of the major features of human im- reduced T cell functions, including lymphocyte
munosenescence is thymic involution, charac- proliferation and development of different T
terized by a progressive age-related reduction cell subsets.
in size of the thymus and replacement of lym- Immunologists have recently characterized a
phoid by fat tissue and associated with the new T cell subset (CD4+ C25+ FoxP3+ ) with an
loss of thymic epithelial cells and impairment important regulatory role in suppressing exces-
in thymopoiesis.6 This thymic involution has sive or misguided immune responses that can
been proposed to be a result of changes in be harmful to the host. These lymphocytes are
the thymic microenvironment that result in its called regulatory T (Treg) cells and are respon-
failure to support thymopoiesis.7 The decline sible for turning off immune responses against
in the output of newly developed T cells re- self antigens in autoimmune disease, allergy, or
sults in a diminished number of circulating commensal microbes in certain inflammatory
naive T cells (CD45RA+) and impaired cell- diseases.21,22 It is interesting that aging, GC, or
mediated immunity. In contrast, one of the ma- chronic stress can increase peripheral Treg cell
jor characteristics of immunosenescence is the numbers.23
accumulation of expanded clones of memory Also, there are some qualitative changes as-
(CD45RO+) and effector T cells as a conse- sociated with remodeling adaptive immune re-
quence of the continuous life-long exposure to sponses. In particular, the T cell receptor (TCR)
a variety of antigens.8 In particular, this phe- repertoire seems to be shortened during aging.
nomenon is faster and more marked in CD8+ Data on the variable segment β (Vβ) families
T cells.9,10 The end result is a filling of the im- of the TCR show a progressive shrinkage of
munological space with memory and effector the TCR repertoire in the CD4+ and CD8+
cells.11 subsets and a concomitant marked clonal ex-
In addition, a decrease of CD28+ T cells pansion of single Vβ families. This repertoire
in parallel with a progressive accumulation has been shaped by the selective action of spe-
of CD28− T cells with aging has been ob- cific T cell clones able to modulate the im-
served.10,12 These cells display several aspects mune response to endogenous and exogenous
of senescence, such as oligoclonal expansion, antigens.24,25
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Bauer et al.: Stress Factors and Aging 141

Changes in Innate Immunity gested by increased serum pro-inflammatory

cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6), acute phase pro-
The innate immunity constitutes the first teins [C-reactive protein (CRP)], and soluble
line of defense against a broad range of in- IL-2 receptors (sIL-2Rs).38 It was postulated
fectious agents. The nonspecific identifica- that inflammatory responses appear to be the
tion of antigens requires binding to pathogen- prevalent triggering mechanism driving tissue
associated molecular patterns via pattern damage associated with different age-related
recognition receptors [e.g., toll-like receptors diseases, and the term inflammaging has been
(TLR)] expressed on various leukocytes, in- coined to explain the underlining inflammatory
cluding macrophages, neutrophils, dendritic changes common to most age-associated dis-
cells (DC), and natural killer (NK) cells. The eases.39 Inflammaging appears to be a universal
mononuclear phagocyte lineage plays a pivotal phenomenon that accompanies the aging pro-
role in innate immunity. Aged phagocytes, such cess and which is related to frailty, morbidity,
as macrophages and neutrophils, showed an and mortality in the elderly. Indeed, chronic in-
impaired respiratory burst and reactive nitro- flammation is considered to be involved in the
gen intermediate production with a decreased pathogenesis of major age-related diseases, in-
ability to destroy pathogens.26,27 cluding Alzheimer’s disease, atherosclerosis, di-
The antigen-presenting cell function of DC abetes, major depression, sarcopenia, and can-
is generally well retained in elderly people28 cer. In addition, low-grade increases in lev-
but their numbers (and their precursors) are re- els of circulating TNF-α, IL-6, sIL-2R, and
duced with age.29 Monocyte-derived DC from CRP and low levels of albumin and choles-
elderly individuals were not impaired in their terol, which also act as inflammatory markers,
ability to induce T cell responses30 or prolifera- are strong predictors of all-cause mortality risk
tion of T cell lines.31 Recently, a study measur- in several longitudinal studies of elderly cohorts.
ing the induction of the costimulatory ligands However, low-grade inflammation could be ob-
CD80 and CD86 on monocytes found that served in strictly healthy elderly individuals,40
TLR-mediated induction was compromised in suggesting that inflammaging could be better
elderly individuals and, importantly, that this associated with pathological aging or with com-
correlated with decreased response to the in- mon morbidities frequently observed during
fluenza vaccination.32 aging, including hypertension.
NK cells are a population of heterogeneous
lymphocytes that provide a critical role of the Major Endocrine Changes
innate immune response against a broad vari- In addition to immunosenescence, the en-
ety of infections and tumors. Most studies re- docrine system also undergoes important
port increased NK cell numbers in contrast to changes during aging (endocrinosenescence).
impaired cytotoxic function during aging.33,34 A decline in growth hormone (GH), sex hor-
This impaired function has been associated mones, and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
with reduced intracellular stores of cytotoxic with aging has been demonstrated.41 DHEA
molecules, such as perforin.35 Moreover, the is the major secretory product of the hu-
impaired NK cell cytotoxicity represents a high man adrenal and is synthesized from choles-
risk factor for the appearance of infections in terol stores. The hormone is uniquely sul-
advanced age.36 An NK cell count in the low- fated (DHEAS) before entering the plasma,
est quartile was associated with a threefold in- and this prohormone is converted to DHEA
crease in mortality of all causes in the subse- and its metabolites in various peripheral tis-
quent 2 years.37 sues.42 Following secretion, total DHEA in the
Chronic low-grade inflammation has re- circulation consists mainly of DHEAS—the
peatedly been observed during aging, as sug- serum concentration of free DHEA is less than
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142 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

1%. Serum DHEA levels decrease by the sec- studies have linked the age-related decline in
ond decade of life, reaching about 5% of the DHEA production to increased serum levels of
original level in elderly people.43 It has been IL-6.52,53 In addition, increased plasma TNF-
suggested that DHEAS/DHEA may antago- α levels were correlated to major depression in
nize many physiological changes of endogenous the elderly.54 However, we do not know exactly
GCs, including enhancing immunomodulatory to what extent these changes may be related to
properties.3 altered psychological and HPA axis functions
There is also evidence suggesting that aging in elderly people.
is associated with significant activation of the We have investigated whether the psy-
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis in choneuroendocrine status of healthy elderly
increased production of cortisol in humans.40,44 individuals was associated with changes in
The HPA axis is pivotal for the homeostasis of lipopolysaccharide-induced monocyte produc-
the immune system and its dysregulation has tion of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α
been associated with several immune-mediated and IL-6) and sIL-2Rα production by T cells
diseases. For instance, HPA axis overactivation, in vitro.40 Cells of healthy elderly individu-
as occurs during chronic stress, can affect sus- als produced equivalent pro-inflammatory cy-
ceptibility to or severity of infectious disease tokines and sIL-2Rα when compared to cells
through the immunosuppressive effect of the of young adults. These data are in disagree-
GCs.45,46 In contrast, blunted HPA axis re- ment with previous work showing that human
sponses are associated with enhanced suscep- aging was associated with increased serum53
tibility to autoimmune inflammatory disease.47 or monocyte pro-inflammatory cytokines.55,56
It is noteworthy to mention that elderly sub- However, these data should be interpreted with
jects are particularly at risk for both infectious caution because cellular sources other than
and chronic inflammatory diseases. Further- monocytes can produce cytokines and thus
more, chronic inflammatory diseases may be increase serum levels. Considering that our
associated with premature aging of the im- cohort of elderly subjects was significantly dis-
mune system and present several similarities tressed, we hypothesize this could have normal-
of immunosenescence, including shortening of ized the cytokines investigated in this study as
cellular telomeres, decreased TCR specificities, a result of anti-inflammatory GC actions. On
loss of naive T cells, and increased production the other hand, there is also some evidence of
of pro-inflammatory cytokines.48 Dysregula- increased pro-inflammatory cytokines during
tion of the HPA axis may contribute to—but it is major depression.54,57,58 Therefore, it becomes
not solely responsible for—immunosenescence. difficult to dissociate the cytokine changes ob-
Chronically stressed elderly subjects may be at served in elderly subjects with those induced by
risk of stress-related pathology because of fur- psychological stimuli.
ther alterations in GC immunoregulation (im-
mune signaling).
Healthy Aging Is Associated
Interplay between Cytokines with Significant Distress
and Hormones during Aging
Recent work suggests that cytokines and hor- Psychological distress may be an important
mones could be considered as possible links be- risk factor for immunosenescence. Human ag-
tween endocrinosenescence and immunosenes- ing has been associated with several psychologi-
cence.49 Indeed, it has long been known that cal and behavioral changes, including difficulty
pro-inflammatory cytokines can readily acti- in concentrating, progressive cognitive impair-
vate the HPA axis during infection in animals50 ments, and sleep disturbances.59,60 Although
or after administration in humans.51 Other individually identified, these alterations may
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Bauer et al.: Stress Factors and Aging 143

be associated with major depression. Indeed, immune-enhancing properties (as further dis-
depression is highly prevalent in several age- cussed in this chapter).
related chronic degenerative diseases, includ- Higher cortisol levels in parallel with lower
ing cardiovascular diseases, Parkinson’s disease, DHEA levels will consequently lead to higher
Alzheimer’s dementia, cancer, and rheumatoid C/D ratios throughout the day. The assess-
arthritis.61 In addition, both aging55 and ma- ment of molar concentrations constitutes an-
jor depression57,58 have been associated with other way to evaluate the adrenal function in
increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines the organism.49,72,73 The measurement of iso-
and could thus contribute to further immuno- lated hormonal samples may be an oversim-
logical diseases in frail elderly individuals. plification, and the C/D ratio may contribute
We have recently demonstrated that healthy to the effective determination of functional hy-
aging was associated with significant psycho- percortisolemia. The impaired DHEA secre-
logical distress. In particular, it was found that tion, together with the increase of cortisol, re-
strictly healthy (SENIEUR) elderly individuals sults in enhanced exposure of various bodily
were significantly more stressed, anxious, and systems (including brain and immune system)
depressed than young adults.40,62 The literature to the cytotoxic and modulatory effects of GCs
regarding age-related psychological changes is and thus more allostatic load. Some brain cells
controversial, and other researchers did not (hypocampus) and lymphocytes are specially
find these changes.63 This could be a result of targeted by the cortisol because they express
methodological issues because specific clinical higher densities of mineralo-receptors and GC
interviews are required to assess depression in receptors.4 The peripheral tissues of elderly
elderly people. people may thus be more vulnerable to the GC
In parallel with psychological distress, we actions in a milieu of low-protective DHEA lev-
have also observed that SENIEUR elderly els. The antagonist action of DHEA to cortisol
individuals have significantly higher (approx- in the brain suggests that measurement of cor-
imately 45%) salivary cortisol production tisol alone may provide an incomplete estimate
throughout the day compared to young of hypercortisolemia.
adults.40 Cortisol peaked in the morning and In our previous study, psychological distress
presented a nadir at night, with a regular cir- was positively related to salivary cortisol lev-
cadian pattern for both groups. These data els and negatively correlated to DHEA levels
further suggest that healthy aging is associ- during aging.40 Therefore, it becomes difficult
ated with significant activation of the HPA to dissociate these neuroendocrine changes ob-
axis.44,64–66 Increased cortisol levels are also served in elderly individuals with those pro-
seen in demented patients,67 major depres- duced by psychological stimuli. It should also
sion,68 or during chronic stress.69,70 be pointed out that endocrinosenescence in-
In addition, it was observed that healthy cludes a substantial decline in several hor-
elderly individuals had lower DHEA levels mones, including GH, testosterone, proges-
(a reduction of 54%) throughout the day terone, and aldosterone—all of which with
compared to young adults.71 Furthermore, reported immunomodulatory properties. Thus
elderly individuals also displayed a flat circa- endocrinosenescence may be considered as an
dian pattern for DHEA secretion. The mor- important risk factor for immunosenescence.
phological correlates of the age-related changes
of DHEAS/DHEA secretion are progressive Similarities between Aging, Stress,
atrophy of the zona reticularis of adrenal and Glucocorticoid Treatment
glands.72 The lack of appropriate DHEA lev-
els could be another detrimental factor during All leukocytes exhibit receptors for the
immunosenescence because this hormone has neuroendocrine products of the HPA and
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144 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

sympathetic-adrenal medullary axes. It seems elderly individuals were significantly more

reasonable to speculate that increased corti- distressed, had activated HPA axis, and had sig-
sol and lower DHEA may thus contribute to nificant lower (a reduction of 53.6%) T cell pro-
immunological changes observed during aging. liferation compared to young adults.71 Inter-
This section provides evidence that the age- estingly, the HPA axis may be implicated with
related immunological changes are not exclu- this change because salivary cortisol levels were
sively observed during aging. In fact, they are found negatively correlated to T cell prolifera-
also similarly found during chronic GC expo- tion. Similarly to aging, psychological stress76,80
sure, as observed during psychological stress or or GC treatment81,82 is also associated with
GC treatments in vitro or in vivo. a Th1 to Th2 shift in cytokine production.
Most, if not all, immunological changes are
similarly observed during aging or chronic GC
exposure. Changes in cellular trafficking are the Role of DHEA during
major changes produced during chronic GC Immunosenescence
exposure. Trafficking or redistribution of pe-
ripheral immune cells in the body is of pivotal The lack of appropriate DHEAS levels dur-
importance for effective cell-mediated immune ing aging could be another detrimental factor
responses. Stress-related increase in GC74 or for immunosenescence. This androgen and its
GC treatment5 also atrophy the thymus and, metabolites have reported immune-enhancing
to a lesser extent, other lymphoid tissues, trig- properties in contrast to the immunosuppres-
gering apoptotic death in immature T and B sive action of GCs. Indeed, this hormone may
cell precursors and mature T cells.75 There- be considered a natural antagonist of GCs, and
fore, thymic involution is not an exclusive phe- the impaired DHEA secretion, together with
nomenon of aging. In addition, both naive or the increase of cortisol, results in enhanced ex-
memory T cell subsets decline during chronic posure of lymphoid cells to deleterious GC ac-
stress or treatment with GC.4,76,77 Interestingly, tions. Therefore, previous studies have evalu-
GC or chronic stress can also increase periph- ated the immunomodulatory DHEA(S) effects
eral Treg cell numbers.78,79 In spite of the sev- in vitro as well as DHEA(S) properties during
eral similarities among age- and stress-related in vivo supplementation. The immunomodula-
immunological alterations, only a few studies tory in vitro effects include increased mitogen-
have addressed the role of stress factors on hu- stimulated IL-2 production,83,84 increased ro-
man immunosenescence. Overall, these results dent or human lymphocyte proliferation,85
indicate that there are complex psychoneu- stimulated monocyte-mediated cytotoxicity,86
roendocrine interactions involved with the reg- diminished TNF-α or IL-6 production,53,87 and
ulation of the peripheral pool of lymphocytes. enhanced NK cell activity.88
In particular, both psychological stress and GCs DHEA(S) replacement therapy has yielded
may synergize during aging to produce alter- significant beneficial effects for healthy el-
ations in T cell trafficking. derly individuals, including increased well-
Changes in cell-mediated immunity are also being, memory performance, bone mineral
similarly described in aging, chronic stress, or density, and altered immune function.89 It has
GC exposure. For instance, blunted T cell been shown that DHEA supplementation sig-
proliferation is one of the most documented nificantly increased NK cell counts and activ-
age-related changes observed during aging.17,18 ity and decreased IL-6 production and T cell
Yet, these changes are not exclusive of aging, proliferation in elderly subjects.90 These data
and stress or GC treatment are also associated highlight the potential use of DHEA as an anti-
with decrements of T cell proliferation.75,76 In- aging hormone and suggest that DHEA supple-
deed, we have observed that healthy SENIEUR mentation would attenuate chronic low-grade
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Bauer et al.: Stress Factors and Aging 145

inflammation and age-related frailty by inhibit- factor (IGF)-1 enhances immune function in
ing production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. monkeys.100 The GH, directly or through
Because of its enhanced immunomodulatory GH induction of IGF-1, has been implicated
properties, several studies investigated the po- in lymphocyte development and function. It
tential of DHEA(S) as adjuvants in vaccine has been shown to maintain competence of
preparations. Initial studies reported increased macrophages, T cells, and B cells, and stimulate
adjuvant effects on the immunization of aged antibody production and NK-cell activity.101
mice with recombinant hepatitis B surface anti- However, GH is not exclusively produced by
gen91 or influenza.92 These studies reported pituitary gland, and human immune cells are
increased antibody titers to vaccines or even also capable of secreting several neuropeptides,
effective protection against challenge with the including GH.102,103 The role of lymphocyte-
influenza infection.92 More recently we studied derived hormones in immune responses is not
the adjuvant effects of DHEAS during immu- well understood, although they might have a
nization to Mycobaterium tuberculosis in mice.93 role in modulating cell function within the mi-
Only young mice co-immunized with M. tu- croenvironment of lymphoid organs. The im-
berculosis heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and munoreactive GH has shown several immuno-
DHEAS showed an early increase in specific enhancing proprieties and may be important in
IgG levels compared to old mice. However, modulating both humoral and cellular immune
splenocytes of both young and old mice that function.102,104
received DHEAS showed increased IFN-γ pro- In a recent study we investigated whether
duction following priming in vitro with HSP70. somatosenescence could be correlated with re-
These data further highlight the importance spective reduced immunoreactive GH levels.
of DHEAS as a hormonal adjuvant as a re- We also analyzed the role of psychological dis-
sult of the role of this cytokine in the cellu- tress of healthy SENIEUR elderly subjects on
lar response against mycobacteria. However, GH levels.71 We found that elderly individu-
these animal data are in contrast to previous als had significantly lower (a reduction of 77%)
studies reporting DHEA(S) with minor94 or no serum GH levels compared to young adults. In
adjuvant effects95–97 during immunization to contrast, no changes in GH production by acti-
influenza or tetanus in human elderly popula- vated monocytes or lymphocytes were observed
tions. Therefore, extrapolation from studies on between elderly and young adult subjects.71 In-
murine models to humans should be regarded terestingly, psychological distress (stress, anxi-
with caution—especially because of lower cir- ety, and depression) was found negatively cor-
culating DHEA(S) levels in rodents. related to serum GH levels only. No differences
in serum GH levels were observed between
groups when controlling for psychological vari-
Role of Growth Hormone ables. Chronic psychological stress may pro-
during Aging duce severe effects on the production of GH by
lymphoid cells. Indeed, a significantly reduced
Previous studies have demonstrated that expression (a reduction of 60%) of GH mRNA
serum GH levels are significantly reduced dur- has been observed in peripheral lymphocytes
ing aging98 (somatosenescence). The lack of pe- in stressed elderly individuals (caregivers of pa-
ripheral GH-immune signaling may be detri- tients with Alzheimer’s disease) compared to
mental for immunosenescence. In particular, controls.105 These data suggest that age-related
in GH-deficient rodents, there is significant im- psychological distress may be implicated with
mune dysfunction, which is reversed after GH impaired GH production and that immunore-
replacement.99 In addition, treatment with re- active GH is probably dissociated from pitu-
combinant human GH or insulin-like growth itary GH levels.
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146 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Ghrelin, an endogenous ligand of the treatment of autoimmune diseases, organ trans-

GH secretagogue receptor, has recently been plantation, and allergies. It has also been shown
demonstrated to inhibit the expression and pro- that aging is associated with changes in GC
duction of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF- sensitivity of pro-inflammatory cytokine (TNF-
α, IL-1β, and IL-6).106 This effect was medi- α and IL-6) production following psychosocial
ated via binding on ghrelin receptors expressed stress testing.113 These data suggest that psycho-
on peripheral T cells and monocytes. There logical factors may be implicated in regulating
is some evidence for increased stomach ghrelin peripheral GC sensitivity during healthy aging.
production in the aged rat.107 Increased periph- The acquired resistance to GC may have an im-
eral ghrelin levels may thus attenuate cytokine portant physiological significance of protecting
levels during aging. It remains to be investi- cells from the dangerous effects of prolonged
gated, however, whether psychological stress GC-related immunosuppression. Additionally,
is capable of producing significant effects on altered steroid immunoregulation may have
stomach or immunoreactive ghrelin levels. important therapeutic implications in clinical
situations where GCs are administered, includ-
ing treatment of autoimmune diseases, organ
Chronic Stress and Aging transplantation, and allergies.
Are Associated with Resistance
to Glucocorticoids
The Impact of Chronic Stress on
The functional effect of a stress hormone will Strictly Healthy Aging—Damaging
depend on the sensitivity of the target tissue for and Protecting Effects
that particular hormone. It has been shown that
GC sensitivity changes dramatically during on- The caregiving to demented patients is a rec-
togeny. Kavelaars and colleagues have shown ognized model to study the impact of chronic
that cord blood T cells of human newborns ap- stress in elderly populations.45,70,114 Care of the
pear to be extremely sensitive to inhibition of chronically ill is a demanding task that is as-
the proliferative response.108 At 1 year of age, sociated with increased stress, depression, and
the adult response pattern has been acquired. poorer immune function.115 Furthermore, pro-
It is interesting that the increased sensitivity of viding care for a relative with dementia typi-
the immune system to GC inhibition occurs at cally falls on the partners who are themselves
a period in life when the endogenous levels of elderly and often ill prepared for the physical
GC are low.109 and emotional demands placed upon them.
Recent evidence suggests that aging, chronic The daily stress experienced by the care-
stress, or chronic GC levels are associated with givers of Alzheimer’s disease patients may ac-
significant resistance to GC effects. We have as- celerate many age-related changes, particu-
sessed the effects of GC in suppressing T cell larly on neuroendocrine and immune systems.
proliferation in vitro and so examined whether We have previously demonstrated that care-
aging was associated with alterations in neu- givers of demented patients had a blunted T
roendocrine immunoregulation.71 It was found cell proliferation in association with increased
that strictly healthy elderly subjects had a re- cortisol levels compared to nonstressed elderly
duced (a reduction of 19%) in vitro lymphocyte adults.70 Furthermore, lymphocytes of elderly
sensitivity to dexamethasone when compared caregivers were more resistant to GC treatment
to young adults. This phenomenon has previ- in vitro compared to elderly non-caregivers.
ously been described during chronic stress,70,110 When stressed elderly individuals are com-
major depression,77,111,112 or in clinical situa- pared to healthy elderly and young adults, these
tions where GCs are administered, including immunological changes are found in similar
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Bauer et al.: Stress Factors and Aging 147

Figure 1. Psychological stress accelerates aging at various levels. Abbreviations: DHEA,

dehydroepiandrosterone; NK, natural killer. (In color in Annals online.)

magnitude to increased cortisol levels.3 These cal pneumonia vaccines,117 they present a slow
data suggest that chronic stress and cortisol wound healing,118 they are at greater risk for
would thus accelerate human senescence. In- developing mild hypertension,119 and they may
deed, it has recently been observed that psycho- be at greater risk for coronary heart disease.120
logical stress (both perceived stress and chronic- In addition, a prospective longitudinal study
ity of stress) was significantly associated with found that the relative risk for mortality among
higher oxidative stress, lower telomerase ac- caregivers was significantly higher (63%) than
tivity, and shorter telomere length, which are non-caregiving controls.121 A recent study in-
known determinants of cell senescence and dicates that a pro-inflammatory cytokine (IL-6)
longevity.116 Therefore, chronic stress may ac- may be involved with this increased morbidity
celerate key allostatic systems and senescent in caregiving populations.122
features can be described at various levels Recent data produced by our laboratory
(Fig. 1). have suggested that the maintenance of health
Several studies have implicated caregiving status during aging may protect elderly people
as a risk factor for the health of elderly pop- from chronic stress exposure. We have recruited
ulations. Compared with non-caregivers, sub- strictly healthy (SENIEUR) elderly caregivers
jects who provide care to a spouse with a from a large population of primary caregivers
stroke or dementia report more infectious ill- of demented patients (n = 342). Only 12% of
ness episodes,114 they have poorer immune re- caregivers were considered “strictly healthy”
sponses to influenza virus45,46 and pneumococ- according to this stringent protocol, and this
17496632, 2009, 1, Downloaded from by Eotvos Lorand University, Wiley Online Library on [13/01/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
148 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

may further confirm that chronic stress ex- systems (including brain and immune system)
posure is associated with increased morbidity to the cytotoxic/immunomodulatory effects of
in elderly populations. Therefore, we investi- GCs.
gated whether a stringent health status would Human aging is associated with changes in
protect caregivers from chronic stress expo- allostatic systems (endocrine and immune) that
sure and compared psychoneuroendocrine and play major roles in the adaptation of organ-
immunological changes to nonstressed con- isms to outside forces that are threatening the
trols. Although the SENIEUR elderly care- homeostasis of the internal milieu. In particu-
givers were significantly distressed, their sali- lar, healthy aging is associated with significant
vary cortisol levels remained unchanged com- psychological distress and activation of the HPA
pared to nonstressed controls (C. M. Moriguchi axis (increased cortisol and reduced DHEA).
Jeckel et al., submitted for publication). This Over weeks, months, or years, exposure to in-
could be of beneficial value for the caregiver creased secretion of stress hormones would re-
and may indicate that a stringent health sta- sult in allostatic load (“wear and tear”) and its
tus in elderly individuals can buffer the impact pathophysiologic consequences.123 Given the
of chronic stress on neuroendocrine responses. findings that even discrete HPA axis activation
Therefore, healthy caregivers would be pro- may impair cognitive function124 and induce
tected from the deleterious effects of cortisol sleep disturbances,125 conditions frequently as-
excess in the organism. The peripheral lym- sociated in the elderly, psychological or phar-
phoid cells could be spared from the increased macological strategies attenuating or prevent-
and deleterious cortisol signaling normally ob- ing increased HPA function during aging might
served during chronic stress exposure. Indeed, be of considerable benefit for the elderly
it was observed that healthy caregivers had in- population.
creased T cell proliferation when compared to Chronic stressed elderly subjects may be par-
nonstressed healthy controls. Taken together, ticularly at risk of stress-related pathology be-
these results suggest that a strictly healthy (SE- cause of further increases in tissue exposure
NIEUR) aging may buffer or attenuate many to cortisol. Elderly individuals who experience
deleterious neuroendocrine and immunolog- chronic stress exhibit poorer immune functions,
ical effects associated with chronic stress and thus increased disease vulnerability, than
exposure. nonstressed controls. Overall, these data sug-
gest that chronic stress leads to premature ag-
ing of key allostatic systems involved in the
Conclusions and Outlook adaptation of the organisms to environmental
changes. Stress management and psychosocial
The studies reviewed here support the notion support may thus promote a better quality of
that immunological changes observed during life for the elderly individual as well as reducing
healthy aging may be closely related to both hospitalization costs.
psychological distress and stress hormones. Of
note, changes in cellular trafficking as well as Conflicts of Interest
cell-mediated immunity observed during aging
are similarly found following stress or chronic The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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