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____________________1. Enumerate the five ___________________26. Give the meaning of I

vaccines under RA10152. in LOI
____________________2. ___________________27. Two levels of PHC
___________________29.What is the meaning of
____________________5. INTRA in intrasectoral linkages?
____________________6. Enumerate the 11 ___________________30. The host country of
diseases prevented by the 5 vaccines under ALMA-ATA Conference.
___________________31. Give the ROUTE: HBV
___________________32. AMV1
___________________33. AMV2
___________________34. TT
___________________35. DPT
___________________36. OPV
___________________37. BCG
___________________38. Give the DOSE: OPV
___________________39. AMV2 (MMR)
___________________40. Give the DOSAGE: BCG
___________________41. A herbal plant which
___________________17. Give the meaning lower the cholesterol
___________________18. A herbal plants which ___________________42. Scientific name of
eliminates parasitic worms Bawang
___________________19. A herbal plant with ___________________43. ELEMENTS OF PHC
antifungal property
___________________20. A herbal plant with
anti bacterial property ___________________45.
___________________21. Dosage of TT ___________________46.
___________________22. heart and soul of PHC ___________________47.
___________________23. Legal basis of PHC ___________________48.
___________________24. Who signed the legal ___________________49.
basis of PHC
___________________25. First international
conference on PHC
___________________51. essential health care ___________________59.
(based on practical and scientifically sound
methods) made universally accessible to ___________________60.
individuals and families in the community.
___________________52. KEY PRINCIPLES OF
PHC(4a's) ___________________62.
___________________53. ___________________63.
___________________54. ___________________64.
___________________55. ___________________65.
___________________56. is one who provides ___________________66. This act shall be
basic community health care services known as the "Mandatory infants and children
forpromotion of health, prevention of illness, health immunization act of 2011"
simple treatment and rehabilitation. The services
utilizes thephilosophy, content, method and ___________________67. The responsible for
skills of public health care. parenthood and reproductive health act of 2012.
___________________57. Qualities of a Health ___________________68. Types of postpartum
Care Worker

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