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Resume` Writing:
Objectives: To familiarize with the art of Resume writing.
To understand different styles of Resumes and effective
Resume writing.
Activity-1 Introduction:
Group Discussion A Resume` is the candidate’s calling card, the first meeting
between the employer and self. It is advertising and marketing ourselves. It
Objectives: must make strong initial impressions so as to deserve a call for the interview.
To understand the im p ortance of Group Discussion in the current A good cover letter compels the employer to see the resume`. Resume` is a
context tool to gain an interview. There is no fixed format for a resume`. It should be
To understand the group dynamics long enough to present the prime details like unique set of skills, abilities and
To train and prepare for Group Discussion experience but short enough for quick reading.
A general Resume` should contain all the relevant information to match the
Introduction position one is applying for. A random survey and research of the employer
A Group discussion is a non formal friendly discussion that takes place in a and the position would greatly help to customize the resume to suit the
group wherein each and every member of the group participates. Group employer requirement. It should ultimately and emphatically be a basis for the
Discussion is a modern method of assessing students’ personality. It is both a interviewer to justify the hiring.
technique and an art and a comprehensive tool to judge the worthiness of the
student and his appropriateness for the job. Styles
Components of Group Discussion: There are three resume`s styles. The chronological and functional styles have
Some important components involved in Group Discussion are: been around for a long time. Employers today are requesting the targeted
Personality manifestation, communication skills, knowledge and leadership style. We may also need a scannable or web-based resume`, depending on our
qualities. field.
Parameters of Evaluation: Scannable Resume:
During the process of assessment and evaluation the following parameters are A scannable resume` differs slightly from the conventional resume`. The
taken into consideration Power of expression, knowledge of subject, social punctuation of all sorts, bolding, italicizing are all minimized. Graphs,
adaptability, flexibility, liveliness, confidence, courage, extent of participation pictures, lines-vertical and horizontal, and other symbols are avoided. The
and ability to exert influence on the group. scanning is largely done on the basis of keywords. So key words are to be
2 highlighted. The paper is never folded.
Group discussion is a dynamic pulsating process. The individual has abundant Aspects of a Resume`
opportunity to demonstrate his / her personality traits to advantage. Some of 3
the desirable attributes are A good resume` should reflect most of the following details depending on the
Participation levels, leadership qualities, distinct styles, time sharing, critical style, format and requirement: They are- name, address, mail ID,  phone
issues-handling etc., number, passport details, objective, education,  profile or summary of
Dos qualifications, experience, accomplishments/ achievements, activities and
The participants must remember to observe the following precautions to be honours
able to perform well in the Group Discussion. Don’ts
Take care of body language. There are certain things to be avoided in a resume` like height, weight, age,
Articulate well without fumbling and mumbling. date of birth, place of birth, marital status, sex, race, health (some of these
Make eye contact while speaking. items may be necessary on an International Resume`)
Use short sentences. The word "Resume`" at the top,   any statement that begins with "I" or "My",
Speak at the earliest opportunity. reasons for leaving previous job(s),   photographs,   salary Information for
Exude composure, enthusiasm, confidence, and mental alertness. previous positions or expectations, reference names, religion, political
DONTS affiliations and the like should not find a place in a resume`. Focus should be
Similar every measure is to be taken not to do the following as they may prove on how the job can successfully be done and not on every single skill,
negative. experience, or attribute we possess. Resume` should be tailored to match what
Assume the role of chairperson. the employer is seeking. Brief statements of experience, training and/or
Be impatient and argue unnecessarily. personal abilities summarizing the skills, core competencies, strengths,
Be arrogant and talk down inert participants. abilities and experience could be properly reflected.
Be defensive or take an extreme stance as it gives the impression of rigidity. Cover Letters
Digress from the topic. A resume` should necessarily be accompanied by a cover letter to the
Indulge in parallel conversation. employer. A good cover letter acts as an introduction for our resume`. A cover
Reasons for Failure letter also stands as a sample of the writing skills, so must be written in the
Most candidates fail in their performance in GDs because of some of the best possible manner. If resume` is sent via email - the cover letter is the email
reasons given below: Their lack of depth and understanding of the subject they message itself.
are discussing Attention of the prospective employer is to be captured within the first few
Ignorance about the purpose behind conducting the GD. seconds of reading the cover letter and the resume`. So, meticulous care is to
Poor communication skill. be taken in very minute detail to make the resume` impressive and elegant.
Disagreement without a valid reason. Errors of all types are to be avoided. The idioms and phrases in vogue are to
Very limited knowledge. be used, avoiding decorative style. All relevant information only is to be
Being irrelevant. included and negative information to be avoided. The length of the resume`
Talking unnecessarily without a purpose. could be limited to a page or two, except when additional information about
Not allowing others to speak. projects and other things is provided. It is always preferable to have more than
Undisciplined and very aggressive behaviour. one resume` prepared. It is important that the resume` should be unique
Rough, rude, indecent behavior. Type:.
Being very shy, timid and an introvert While typing, word processor support like using the bold, italics, different
font sizes, upper-case and small capitals lettering for emphasis and to direct
TIPS the reader's eye could be thought of.
Be smart. Type should be between 10 & 12 pt. Professional, readily-available fonts such
Be neatly dressed. as Times New Roman, Arial, Bookman, Garamond, Verdana or Courier .Care
Be cheerful and confident. must be taken to avoid using more than 2 types and all sorts of fancy fonts and
Show interest in what is going on. styles.
Be ready to admit mistakes. Using bullets to draw the reader’s eye is good, but everything should not be
Do not shout, react or bully others bulleted. Bullets must be used only to highlight the strong points of the
resume` such as the qualifications or profile statements.
Group Discussion Skills are vital towards manifestation of personality while
facing the challenges in the interviews and the like.
A general consistency is to be maintained with headings (size, boldness, etc.) discussion to a new topic. If it is found to be blatant discrimination: you have
and body text (indented, not indented, tabs right-justified, tabs left-justified, every right to terminate the interview.
etc.) Leave at home
Paper Facing an interview is an art and science. You have to be methodic and
Plain white or off-white resume paper without any borders and themes is to be systematic. So, leave at home bad manners and negativity. Switch off the
preferred. mobiles. Be careful about inappropriate language. Avoid discussion on
Mail Controversial views or offensive topics, family, friends and health. While
Resume` should not be folded. Correct size envelope is to be obtained. Cover considering the offer and negotiating, be realistic about expectations.
letter is to be placed on top of the resume` before being mailed. If you don’t get the offer
Address label and return address label are to be typed, and then the envelope If the offer is not extended to you, there is a need for introspection. Analyze
is to be mailed. your interview performance. Ask for feedback from interviewer if possible.
. Continue to enhance your interviewing skills. Do not be disappointed or
Activity-3 discouraged. Stay positive!
Interview Skills
Objective Activity-4
The process of demonstrating Interview skills is intended primarily Interpersonal and Intrapersonal relationship Skills
To make the students understand various aspects of interview. Objective:
To prepare them for actual job interviews. Understand the importance of and the various skills involved in developing
Introduction enriching interpersonal relationships.
An interview provides the opportunity for two-way communication and Be more aware of his / her own self – confidence, values.
interaction to determine fit between candidate and employer. There are several Understand and handle emotions of self and others.
formats of Interviews depending on requirements and convenience of the Introduction:
employer and the employee. Some of the formats are: Face to Face Intrapersonal deals with the emotions, feelings, thoughts that are stirred upon
Individual Interview, Group/ Committee Interview, Telephone/Video within an individual which the person next to them might not even be aware
Interview, and Online Interview. of. This is quite different from interpersonal skills, which is immediately
Initial Impressions visible to an external audience. There does however, exist a very strong
Most of the Interviews are over even before they have started. The employer relationship between them; good intrapersonal skills will go a long way in
would have made his choices on the basis of initial impressions. Qualifications producing good interpersonal relationships.
assure an interview, but the initial impressions get you the job. Great initial Intrapersonal facets that play a significant role in our personal and
impressions can be made with a spontaneous smile and firm hand shake, professional lives are:
personal appearance, grooming, eye contact and personality. Speaking clearly, • Self Esteem
politely and direct with pleasant expression on the face will go a long way in • Self Confidence
Interviews. • Assertiveness
Dress Code & Personal Appearance: • Dealing with negative emotions
Personal appearance and dress code have a lot to do in this regard. Gaudy and Self Esteem:
decorative distracting styles of dressing are to be avoided altogether. It is Self-Esteem is actually our assessment of our own self. It is essentially a
always advisable to prefer simple clean and neatly pressed formal dress with a measure of self worth and importance.When this assebbment is positive we
matching tie that reached the middle of the belt buckle when knotted. Tight see ourselves as valuable and worthwhile and we deve;op a strong
fitting and clingy dresses are to be avoided. The shoe should be clean, well esteem.When it is negative we feel worthless incompetent and unfortunate and
polished without any mud, debris and scratches. Jewelry and accessories our self esteem remains weak.self esteem is an important part of the
should be minimal. Proper brushing of teeth, hair and a bath will give great personality development.
feeling of fitness. Fragrances are to be avoided altogether. Foul smelling food Self-Confidence:
stuff, and alcohol is to be avoided  Self-confidence relates to self-assuredness in one’s personal ability, power,
Preparation judgment etc. It is an attitude which allows individuals to have positive yet
Identify your strengths. Conduct research on position and employer. Tailor realistic views of themselves and their situations. Self-confident people trust
and review your resume. 95% of graduates stumble through their first 2-3 their own abilities, have a general sense of control in their lives, and believe
interviews. So conduct a practice interview at the JKC. Practice interviews are that, within reason, they will be able to do what they wish, plan, and expect.
valuable because you receive constructive feedback and see yourself (body People who are not self-confident depend excessively on the approval of
language, expression, nervous habits). You can also listen to yourself (catch others in order to feel good about them. They tend to avoid taking risks
phrases, speech patterns, effective communication of message). because they fear failure. Esteem & Confidence
Telephonic Interview Assertiveness
In the absence of face to face interaction, more dependence on voice qualities Assertiveness is the ability to express yourself and your rights without
is necessary in telephonic interviews. Receive the call in a room where there is violating the rights of others. It is appropriately direct, open, and honest
absolutely no noise or any sort of disturbance. Keep the resume and cover communication which is self-enhancing and expressive. Acting assertively
letter handy. Choose a quality mobile handset to assure quality interactions. will allow you to feel self-confident and will generally gain you the respect of
your peers and friends. It can increase your chances for honest relationships,
The Process of Interview and help you to feel better about yourself and your self-control in everyday
When you meet the interviewer, smile and offer a firm handshake. Introduce situations. This, in turn, will improve your decision-making ability and
yourself. Make eye contact and be pleasant. Do not be judgmental, criticize or possibly your chances of getting what you really want from life.
complain about anything. Stay away from politics, religion and personal Negative Emotions:
relationships.. Your voice & body language should reflect interest and Anger:
enthusiasm in the job/company. Say thanks before you leave. Anger is probably the most poorly handled emotion in our society. Some of
Answering Questions the common causes of anger include frustration, hurt, annoyance,
There could be at least two rounds of Interview, the Technical Interview and disappointment, harassment and threats. It is helpful to realize that anger can
the HR Interview. The same question attracts different answers depending on be our friend or foe, depending on how we express it. Knowing how to
who asks the question. Speak clearly, politely and be direct. Give brief but recognize and express it appropriately can help us to reach goals, handle
complete answers. Never feel ashamed to say ' No' if you don't know the emergencies, solve problems and even protect our health. However, failure to
answer. Never bluff. recognize and understand our anger may lead to a variety of problems.
Illegal Questions Conflict:
The interviewer is not expected to pose questions probing the privacy of the Conflicts can and do occur often at work due to different kinds of people
individual. Questions about age/date of birth, marital status, parental status, involved, the pressure, etc. Here it is very important that the conflict be
national origin, religion, mental health issues, race/ethnicity, arrest history and addressed and resolved as it can reflect adversely on the performances of the
Impairments or disabilities irrelevant to the position are considered illegal individuals or the team as a whole.
questions. Some of the ways in which this can be achieved are:
Handling Illegal Questions 1. The parties involved in the conflict must work closely together to address
If the questions do not embarrass, one can choose to answer. The other the issues.
alternative is a firm but pleasant refusal to answer them. However examining 2. It is essential for both parties to realize that the goals of the project are
the intents of the interviewer becomes important here. If it is out of Ignorance ‘shared goals’. Both must agree that the project’s / team’s interest comes first.
or innocence, answer in brief or ignore the question altogether and redirect the 3. Avoid confrontation and deal specifically with solutions to the identified
issues and be prepared to offer alternatives.
4. Always deal with the issues not the emotions and the people involved.
5. Decide on what you can compromise on, effective resolution usually
requires some form of compromise on both parties behalf.
6. Be sure that your expectations are realistic and reasonable.
7. Specify both long term and short term goals and state when a follow up
should occur. Communication 
8. Both parties need to commit to the recommended solutions and agree
One of the most powerful questions one can ask oneself is “what are the
9. Both parties must rely on each other, it is therefore essential to work out
benefits of communication skills in personality development?” The simple
differences and work together regardless of how sensitive the issue is.
answer to this question is that they can help you to make the most of your own
personality development efforts and to unleash your full potential. With the
right communication skills, anyone-regardless of what their current abilities or
Activity-5 capabilities are-can have a tremendous impact on the growth of themselves
and the people around them!
Personality Development Skills
Objectives: Problem-solving 
Personality development helps the student to develop an impressive
personality and makes them stand apart from the rest. Personality Problem-solving is the one skill that everybody needs to learn and practice if
development also plays an essential role in improving one's communication they want to develop themselves. personality development is about self-
skills. Individuals ought to master the art of expressing their thoughts and discovery and improvement, so you need to be able to identify problems and
feelings in the most desired way. how to solve them. However, most people can’t think creatively or decide on a
Definition: solution for a problem; this is where problem-solving skills come in. The
ability to solve a problem is an inherent part of all human beings, and it is
Personality development is a set of activities, which are intended to develop something that everyone should take time to develop.
and improve an individual’s abilities and competence, build personal capital,
facilitate effective employability, improve quality of life and realization of  Self-confidence 
personal goals and aspirations and facilitate the realization of educational
goals and aspirations. It involves the development and implementation of
policies that are meant to promote an individual’s capabilities, enhance his/her The importance of self-confidence in personality development cannot be
employability and build on his/her capital.  underestimated. It’s a fact that it has been said that we are what we do, not
what we own. That should be motivation enough to help us build and develop
our self-confidence. Strong self-confidence in personality development can
Personality development includes the process of creating personal goals, make the difference between failure and success in anything you attempt to do
targets, acquiring the necessary skills, implementing them, realizing these in life. It’s not hard to build up one’s self-confidence.
goals, and attaining appropriate means to acquire those goals. It also involves
the process of identifying and establishing one’s identity or individuality,
defining and measuring personal worth and worthiness.  Listening skills 

A developed personality is all about  One of the most important factors in personality development is the ability to
listen effectively and be open to learning from others. Listening skills are not
only a skill that people can develop through their education or employment,
● Building one’s support system but it is something that can be improved through personal growth
● Finding and utilizing opportunities and resources,  experiences. 
● Improving communication and social networking, 
● Exercising and maintaining healthy and productive ways of being  While listening is a basic human characteristic, it can be greatly enhanced
and living, through creative endeavors such as those associated with the art of
communication. In fact, a great deal of success in communication depends
● Developing and enhancing one’s self-discipline, 
upon how accurately one can listen. 
● Building on one’s strengths, 
● Developing and implementing effective career strategies, 
 A good listener will be able to pick up on the subtleties of what another
● Managing one’s time and working smarter, person is saying and understand what it is that he or she is trying to
● Accepting and tolerating differences, promoting and empowering communicate.
one’s creativity and inventiveness, 
● Exploring and investigating new ideas, communicating  Interpersonal skills 
● Improving one’s sense of humor, loving, supporting and caring for
Developing interpersonal skills in personality development is a key factor in
others, accepting and tolerating differences,
attaining the life, career, and happiness that we desire. With the skills you
● Appreciating other people’s ideas,  learn to communicate effectively, negotiate effectively, manage effectively,
● Keeping good relationships and generally enjoying life. and lead effectively you will be able to live a fulfilling life. personality
development will provide you with skills and knowledge to help you in every
aspect of your life.
 One of the major benefits of personal growth and development skills is your
ability to identify and achieve your goals. Personality development training
will teach you how to work your self-development skills into your everyday  Adaptability 
routine so you can naturally propel these skills into your life and use them to
accomplish your goals.  
Adaptability can be described as the ability of a person to change and adapt to
various changes, regardless of their environment. The concept of adapting is
1. Communication  related to the concept of personal boundaries since these are created for our
2. Problem-solving  own benefit and to protect us from external influences which may be harmful
3. Self-confidence  to our well-being. 
4. Listening skills 
5. Interpersonal 
 Some of the people who may have great adaptability in their skills are those
6. Adaptability 
who have undergone personality development training or have acquired skills
7. Work-ethic 
through various experiences. Others who may not be as good at this skill are
8. Leadership 
people who have not developed these skills or people with little education on
personal boundaries and development. The importance of adaptability in
personality development deals with the fact that in life we always have to be long enough to extend above your pant cuff when seated so as not to reveal
change and adapt and thus learn to develop our skills to get through different the skin on your legs. Refrain from wearing jewelry, unless it’s a watch,
situations.  wedding ring or fraternity ring.
Women have more choices when it comes to outfit variety since they can also
wear skirts, however skirts should be approximately knee-length or longer.
Mix and match pieces to create the illusion of a larger wardrobe by buying the
Work ethics in personality development is essential for attaining personality same three-piece suit -- skirt, slack and jacket -- in multiple colors. Your
development and improving your quality of life. As you go through your daily clothing should not be too short, tight or revealing. When it comes to
routines, there are certain tasks that you tend to ignore or take for granted. If accessories, less is more. Avoid over-accessorizing and ensure your jewelry or
you want to maximize the positive effects of your effort in personality scarves match your outfit and are not too flashy. Choose simple earrings and
development, you need to be more assertive and focused. These are just the bracelets that are not noisy and distracting. Wear closed-toe, closed-heel
things that work ethics in personality development can do to help you achieve shoes.
your goals.
Non verbal
During an interview, your mouth is not the only thing that is speaking.  Your
 Leadership body language is saying a great deal about how you are feeling and what you
are thinking.  In order to ensure your nonverbal messages are aligned with
The leader is always the star in an organization. As a leader, you have to lead your words, be aware of the following gestures that are all signs of
by example, inspire your team members by your qualities and nervousness, laziness, boredom or disrespect:
accomplishments, encourage them to take up challenges and be the best they Swinging your foot or leg, twirling your hair, touching your mouth and
can be, and strive for the impossible. It includes success at work, in sports, in gnawing at your bottom lip are all indicators that you are uncomfortable. Keep
life itself, and with your personality development.  your feet stable and your hands away from your face. You will instantly
appear more composed.
Faking a cough when asked a difficult question suggests “stalling”. Instead,
Leadership skills are important in personality development because the best take a moment to respond and if you are not sure, or need more time to think
leaders not only know how to lead others but also how to help themselves about it, be honest and let the interviewer know you will need some time to
grow, develop and achieve. Personality development goals are the result of the formulate an appropriate response. You can also say, “I am not familiar with
accumulation of these lessons learned. A good leader is someone who that project but I will certainly look into it and get back with you.”
inspires, provides clarity, and makes his team members feel like they are Crossing your arms across your body signals uneasiness or aggression. Keep
doing something worthwhile. your arms neutral, and allow your wrists to rest on the table.
Slouching in your seat delivers a negative message.
  *************** Avoiding eye contact is a clear sign that you have something to hide. If you’re
fighting nervousness, you can always focus on the area between his or her
eyes, which gives the appearance of direct eye contact.
A weak handshake or too strong a handshake sends the message of insecurity.
Activity-6 Your tone of voice is telling.  If you speak too softly or mumble, you appear
CORPORATE ETIQUETTE unsure of yourself.  Practice a strong tone and confident composure with a
Aim: To know the etiquette of Dining, Dressing, Nonverbal Communication friend or family member before your interview.
and Proximity of Place with regard to work place. Keep your fingers out of your mouth. Chewed nails and damaged cuticles are
Introduction: Etiquette is a code that governs the expectations of social distracting and show signs of nervous behavior. If you’re a nail biter, schedule
behaviour within a society, social class or group, which is usually unwritten. a manicure for a quick clean-up.
Etiquette has to do with good manners. Arrive prepared and with thoughtful questions. Respond in a focused,
DINING ETIQUETTE organized manner
Wash hands before sitting down at the table. Also, if needed, take off your hat An interviewer is interested in seeing how you handle yourself under
and put on your shirt. pressure.  Make a positive impression by letting your nonverbal messages
Sit up straight, with feet off the seat. speak loud and clear.  
Place your napkin on your lap when you sit down to eat (and use it only to
wipe your mouth – not for blowing your nose!)
Help others to get their food and be prepared to share - don't grab everything
you want first.
Wait for everyone to be served before eating.
Use your cutlery unless the meal includes designated finger foods.
Stay seated, without wiggling in the chair, going under the table, or getting up
and down.
No yelling or fighting at the table.
Slurping, burping, squealing, singing, humming are all sounds that are not to
be made at the table.
Don't stuff your mouth too full.
Do not talk with your mouth full.
Chew with your mouth closed. 4
Do not put your elbows on the table. Gd Topics for Practice
Ask for something to be passed to you, do not lean over the table.
“May I please” should be used when children would like something to be 1. Demonetization of old 500 & 1000 rupees notes – Is it a good
passed to them. move?
Ask to be excused before leaving the table by saying, “May I please be 2. Present Education System in India
excused?” 3. Women Empowerment in India
Wait for everyone to finish eating before asking to be excused. 4. Will GST be a success?
Have a nice dinner conversation. 5. Will ‘New India’ be a reality?
Always say thank you for your meal. 6. How to eliminate the threat of Nuclear war?
Dress Etiquette 7. Can we rely on Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin?
Dress codes vary from one company to the next, depending on the industry, 8. Should kids’ reality shows be banned?
culture and environment. Business dress at a bank may look different from 9. Smart work vs Hard work
business dress at a call center. Typically, dress in a business environment 10. How to reduce NPA?
includes wearing conservative suits in black, gray, navy, brown and white. 11. Ever growing air pollution levels – Where does the problem lie?
Look polished by putting on pressed and well-tailored pieces. 12. Is India becoming intolerant?
Men 13. Is group discussion necessary for the elimination process
Wear long-sleeved, collared shirts with your suits and basic ties that reach Effect of cinema on Youth
your waistline. Select dark-colored shoes that match your suit with matching Education in India compared to Foreign nations
socks and a belt. Socks should match your shoes, slacks or entire suit and must
Is China a threat to the indian software industry? 17. Tell me about a time you made a poor decision?
About Hockey being the Indian National Game When I was doing an audit for a small company, there was a problem with one
of the accounts. I tried to contact the company to ask questions, but they were
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& not there. I made the decision to keep looking for the answer. Four hours later,
they returned my call and I realized it was a simple typo. I wasted 4 hours of
my day. In this case, I was too sensitive about detail. So I learned how not to
Sample HR Questions be so detailed and picky.
1 Tell me a little about yourself. 18. Tell me about a time you fired someone?
Thank you madam/sir… I am Lakshmi, hailing from Nellore. I am good at I've never had to fire somebody yet. I believe that a manager should mentor
both hard skills and soft skills. I am an easy going person that works well with and lead all team members to be a solid performer. But I know that there are
everyone. I enjoy being around different types of people and I like to always some people who can't or won't perform despite management's best effort. So
challenge myself to improve at everything I do. in that case, I would have to let someone go in a professional manner
2. What are your strengths? following the procedures set by the company."
I believe my strongest trait is my attention to detail. This trait has helped me
tremendously in this field of work (or) 19. Tell me about a time you aimed too high
I have always been a great team player. I am good at keeping a team together We had a new project that I was interested in. Even though I was busy, I
and producing a quality work in a team environment. volunteered to take on the assignment. I had to work so much more. Although
3. What are your weaknesses? I managed to complete the assignment, it really burned me out. I feel I aimed
I feel my weakness is not being detail oriented enough. I am a person that too high and I would have benefited by doing a better job on my current
wants to accomplish as much as possible. I realized this hurts the quality and assignments instead of wanting more challenges.
I’m currently working on finding a balance between quantity and quality.
4. What are your short term goals? 20. Last but not least Answer the above question with enough
My Short term goal is to find a position where I can use the knowledge and confidence, make sure you maintain eye to eye contact with pleasant smile on
strengths that I have. I want to partake in the growth and success of the your face, should not get panic any point of time.
company I work for.
5. What do you want to be doing five years from now?
In five years, I want to be a senior analyst. I want my expertise to directly ***
impact the company in a positive way. Though I really enjoy working hands
as an Electrical engineer, I want to eventually become a manager. I want to
continue gaining experience and after learning many different aspects, I see
myself in management.
6. If you could change one thing about your personality, what it
would be why?
I get easily frustrated at people who don’t work very hard. But I know people
have different work styles different work habbits.So if I could change
something, I would like to be more understanding.(or)I would like to be more
an extrovert. I am a little quiet and a little closer to the introvert side. I would
like to change this because I would appear more friendly.
7. What does success mean to you?
To me, success means to have a goal, plan to the steps to achieve the goal,
implement the plan, and finally achieve the goal.
8. What does failure mean to you?
I think to fail at something is making a mistake and not learning anything from
9. Are you an organized person?
I am a very organized person .I like to know exactly what I’m going to do for
the day and the week. So I outline my tasks and organize my work load. By
doing this so, I can organize my time and work better.
10. Do you manage your time well? In what ways do you manage your
time well?
I am good at managing my time .I stay busy both at home and work and being
able to manage my time is necessary for me to do everything that I want to do
11. How do you make important decisions?
I make important decisions by examining all the details and then weighing the
pro’s and con’s for each decision.
12. How do you handle a change?
I handle changes smoothly. Whenever there’s a change of any sort, I analyze
the situation and I always try to find ways I can contribute to the change in a
positive way.
13. Do you work well under pressure?
I work well under pressure because I don't panic. I maintain self control and
work as efficiently as possible. In all my experiences, I did well and I always
enjoyed the experience.

14. Are you a risk taker or do you like to stay away from risks?
I consider myself to be in the middle, but if I were to choose from my past
experience, I would think I would call myself a careful risk taker.

15. Why should I hire you?

I should be hired because I'm efficient, smart, and friendly. I'm great at
solving problems and love challenges. Most importantly, I'm dependable and
16. Tell me about a time you made a mistake?
During my last project, we ran into a difficult problem. This was high priority
so everyone was instructed to find a solution. I started looking for more
information on the Internet; I even talked to a different manager on a different
team. This helped tremendously and our problem was solved. I made a
decision to use every resource I could find, and in the end, it solved the

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