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Symphonic Literature Online

Instructor: Tomasz Golka

Test #2 – December 11, 2020

Your name: Zachary Cruz c

Answer the following questions: (13 points each)

1) Name two Impressionist composers? What are characteristics of Impressionist music?

- Respighi and Debussy

2) What is Gesamtkunstwerk? What composer first used this term?

- Wagner was the first composer to use the term Gesamtkunstwerk, which mean “complete
work” meaning the combination of singing, stage production, acting and writing.

3) How was 12-tonality inevitable after Romanticism? What composers were associated with 12
tonality? What late 19th century composers guided music in that inevitable direction?

- One of the only places music could go after the Romantic era. Schoenberg was a
composer who was associated with 12-tone music.

4) Who was considered the Father of Russian Classical music? How did this person influence the
“kuchka”? And who were the “kuchka”?

5) Who were the most important composers of early film scores? (name at least 3) What was the
first feature film that had a musical score as part of the movie? And who was the composer?

- Max Steiner, Alfred Newman, and Erich Korngold were three of the most important
composers for early film music. L’Assassiant du duc de Guise was the first feature film
that had a musical score and, the score was composed by Camile Saint-Saens.

6) How were compositions written by Soviet composers during the period 1930-1950 different
from their Western European and American counterparts? How does the term “formalism” fit in?

Score Identification: (11 points each)

Remember: why you think it is the most important part of the question.

7) Who do you think is the composer of the score page labeled Test #2_Question 7.pdf? What is
the approximate date of its composition? Why do you think this?

8) Who do you think is the composer of the score page labeled Test #2_Question 8.pdf? What is
the approximate date of its composition? Why do you think this?

Extra Credit (15 points): (pick one)

• Whom do you consider the most important symphonic composer of color? Why? (it does not
need to be someone we covered in class)

• Whom do you consider the most important female symphonic composer? Why? (it does not
need to be someone we covered in class)

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