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Answer the following processing questions in the context of the results of the

Work Values Test.

1. How does personal values guide you in making a career choice?

- Personal values are anything that is important or valuable in our opinion.
As a result, it may influence how we make decisions, such as how we plan
our careers. Values are essentially our priorities and aligning them with our
career choice increases the likelihood that we'll be content and fulfilled at
jobs, this is important especially in the long run in order to ensure our
career satisfaction and happiness in the future.

2. How does work values improve an individual's performance at work?

- Our personal values and attitudes capture the variety of ideas and
emotions that defines our working experiences. Work values, because
they are more solid and long-lasting, can have a significant impact on
work ethics and, as a result, our job satisfaction. If we were to choose
careers that align with our values, then we’d be less likely to quit our jobs,
or be absent from work, be less stressed and will even perform better as
we’d feel inspired and motivated to continue in a career that we find
fulfillment and purpose in.

3. What work values do you find applicable in your chosen field of work? Enumerate
them and explain each.
- From the work values provided by the test I found Work Relationships and
Structure to be the two most applicable values related to the med field. I
find Work Relationships to be extremely important in the hospital setting
as creating strong and healthy relationships with the team of people
around is essential not just for the betterment of the team’s performance
but also to the potential care that we can provide. Structure is also a value
that I find applicable in the medical field as diagnosing and providing
treatment to patients often go through clear frameworks and set rules that
are placed and followed to cure and create solutions to illnesses.

Attach a screenshot of the results below showing a summary or list of work

values and their corresponding results.

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