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adjacent sides of a parallelogram, alue

then write the value of

of ite
4. If a and b represent the area
Ans. 1a x b

5. What is the area of triangle whose vertices are A(a ), B(6), C(C )?
Ans. Area AE xAI

- a)*( -)
6 x
-a x-b xa+a xa1

( ax a = o)

Objective verify that angle in a semicircle is a right angle, using vector method.
Pre-requisite knowledge : Knowledge of circle and its properties, knowledge of vectors.
Materials required Cardboard, white sheets of paper, nails, hammer, thread, gluestick, paper arrowheads, etc.
1. On a cardboard of size 25 cm x 25 cm, paste a white sheet of paper.
2. On the white sheet of paper, draw a circle of radius 10 cm, with centre O.
3. Draw a diameter PQ of this circle.
4. Take any point A on the circumference of this circle, as shown in figure 21.1.
5. Fix nails at O, P, Q and A.
6. Join OP, OQ, OA, PA and QA, using thread. Stick arrowheads on threads along OP, OQ, OA, PA
and QA, as shown in fig 21.1.
Arrowheads show that OP, OQ, OA, PA and QA are vectors.


Fig. 211
Fig. 21.2
7. Now take another cardboard sheet of dimensions 25
25 cm and repeat steps 1, 2 and
cm x o
8. Take any two points B and C on the circumference of the circle, as shown in figure 21.2.

9. Fix nails at O, P, Q, B and C.

10. Join OP, OQ, OB, OC, PB, PC, QB, QC using threads. Stick arrowheads on threads along OP, OG,
OB, OC, PB, PC, QB and QC, as shown in figure 21.2 These arrowheads are to make them vectors.

1. By actual measurement (figure 21.1) we have :
OA 10 cm, |OF| = 10 cm, lol =10 cm
PA 12 cm, QA| = 16 cm. IP| = 20 cm

PAPQAF 144+ 256 =400 = |PÕP

LPAQ = 90° [Pythagoras theorem]

PA QA |PA||QA| cos 90
= 0
2. Similarly by actual measurements (figure 21.2), we have

O8 OI |OFI |o6j
= = = =
10 cm

P 8 cm, (Q8| =
18.3 cm, IP | 20 cm

PCI 17 cm, |Q| = 10.5 cm

PBP|Q81 = 82 + (18.3P 400 PR

PBQ 90° [Pythagoras theorem]

PE.Q =|PB| |Q8| cos 90° =0.

Also. P P+ QCP 172 +(10.5 400 PáP

2PCQ = 90°.

P . a c = PC| |a| cos 90° 0.

between the vectors PA and Q it comes out to
3. Also using a protractor, if we measure the angle
be 90°, ie., PAQ = 90

and QB, is 90, i.e, <PBQ =

90° and angle
the vectors P
Similarly, measuring: angles between
is 90°, i.e., 2PCQ 90°.

between the vectors PC and QC

Conclusion semicircle is a right angle.

it is verified that the angle in a
From the above activity,
of dot product and perpendicular vectors.
Application Useful to understand the concept


To measure the shortest distance between two skew lines and vertity it analytically.
Pre-requisite knowledge Knowledge of various forms of equations of a straight line, skew lines, shortest

distance between two skew lines.

Materials required: Thick cardboard sheets, graph paper (squared paper), three wooden blocks of dimen.

1 cm 1 wooden block of size 1 cm

* 1 cm * 3 cm, thread, gluestick, etc,
SIons 1 cm x x cm each, one

1. On a cardboard sheet of dimensions 30 cm 20 cm, paste a graph paper.
2. On this graph paper, draw two perpendicular lines OX and OY. These lines represent x-axis and

y-axis respectively.
3. Mark the points P(2, 2), Q(7, 2), R(11, 9) and S(4, 8) on the graph paper.
4. Label the three wooden blocks of dimensions 1 cm x 1 cm * 1 cm as a, b and c. Label the other
wooden block of dimensions 1 cm x 1 cm x 3 cm as d.


(11, 9,3)

(4,8, 0) d

(2, 2, 1)


4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 X

Fig. 26.1
5. Now fix the wooden blocks labelled as a, b and
that their base centres fall exacty at these points. Fix
c at P(2,
2), Q(7, 2) and S(4, 8)
the wooden block labelled
respectively, susuch
with its centre exactly
at (11, 9). as d at R
6 Using gluestick, fix a piece of thread joining points A and D, where A and D are centres or tne
of blocks a and d op
Here keep in
mind that the thread remains
tight (i.e., it does not bend).
7. Similarly TIX a piece of
thread joining points B and C, where B andC are centres of bases or DioCKS
b and c respectively.
8. Take a thread and join it
perpendicularly with the lines AD and BC and measure the actual distance
9. Place a set square such that its one
side forming the right angle is along the thread BC.
10. Move the set square along AD till its other side forming the right angle touches the other plece or
11.Measure the distance between the two threads in this
between AD and BC. position, to get the required shortest distance
1. The threads joining AD and BC represent two skew lines.
2. On actual measurement in
step 11 (above), the shortest distance between the skew lines =
1.8 cm
3. Equations of the line joining A(2, 2, 1) and D(11, 9, 3) given by
or 2-2-1 (i)
Equations of the lines joining B(7, 2, 0) and C(4, 8, 0) are
4-7 8-2 . (i)
4. Now know that the shortest distance d between the lines
h-4 is
a b, C
given by
a b
d 2 ba
a, b-ab, +(6, c -bc,} +(c,a, -C,a,¥|
So, the shortest distance d between the lines () and (i) in 3 (above) is
given by
7-2 2-2 0-1
9 2
-36 cm
V54 +21 +(0 -12) (-6+0
76.19 Cm =
1.77 cm.
5. From 3 and 4 above, we see that the shortest
distance between skew lines AD and
measurement is approximately equal to the shortest distance obtained
BC, by actual
From the above activity, we observe that the
shortest distance between two skew lines obtained
measurement and obtained analytically comes out to be equal. by actual
6 Fri TT

Viva-Voce Questions
1. What is the equations of a straight line passing through the point and whose
whose direction
cosines are I, m, n? (X Y24) and
Ans. Required equations are
X-XYY-Z-2 m n
2. What are the direction ratios of the line
joining Alx, Y, Z,) and B
(x Ya Z2)?
Required direction ratios are
x2 -

x,. Y2 -

Y, and z2 Z
What is the condition for the two lines given below to become parallel?

XA _ Y=-2-4, X-%-yy_-2-2
b, C a2 b2 C2
Ans. The wo lines will be parallel if and only if - -
4. What are skew lines?
Ans. Two straight lines in space are said to be skew lines, if they are neither parallel nor thev
5. Can two skew lines exist in a plane? they intersec
Ans. No. Two lines are skew lines if they do not lie in the same plane.
6. What is the condition for the lines given below to intersect?

y%-Z4 and -X- y-y=2-2

d b C ba2 C2
X-X Y-y Z-z
Ans. The required condition is a b C = 0
7. What is the shortest distance d between two parallel lines
7 =
a +
au and =
b + 4u?
Ans. Required S.D. is given by d =- a )

Activity 27
Objective: To explain the computation of conditional probability of a given event A when event
has already occurred, through an example of throwing a pair of dice.
Pre-requisite knowledge : Knowledge of probability, terms related to it, (i.e., random experime
sample space, event, equally likely events, etc.), conditional
etc. probau
Materials required: Oardboard sheet, squared sheet (2 cm x 2 cm), gluestick, etc.
1 On a cardboard sheet, paste a squared paper containing 36 squares, each square
2 cm 2 cm, as shown in figure 27.1.


Write all possible outcomes obtained by throwing two dice on the squared paper e., W

the following outcomes on the squared paper as shown in figure 27.1.

(1. 1). (1, 2). (1, 3), (1, 4). (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6). (5, T
(3. 2). (3, 3). (3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6), (4, 1), (4, 2) (4, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5), (4, 6). (5, 1), (5, 2)
(5. 3). (5, 4), (5, 5), (5, 6). (6, 1). (6, 2). (6, 3). (6, 4), (6, 5), (5, 6)

(1, 1) (1, 2)| (1, 3) (1,4) (1, 5) (1, 6)|

(2, 1) (2, 2)| (2, 3) (2, 4) (2, 5) (2, 6)

(3, 1)|(3, 2)| (3, 3)|(3, 4) (3, 5) (3, 6)

(4,1) (4, 2) (4, 3)| (4, 4) (4, 5) (4, 6)|

(5, 1) (5, 2) (5, 3) (5, 4) (5, 5) (5, 6)

(6, 1) (6, 2) (6, 3) (6 4)| (6, 5) (6, 6)

Fig. 27.1

Case I To find the conditional probability of an event A, when B has
already occurred, where A is the
event a number 4 appears on both dice and B is the event 4 has
already appeared on one of the
dice. Here we have to find P(A/B)
1. From the figure 27.1
Outcome favourable to A is (4, 4)
No. of outcomes favourable to A, i.e., n (A) =
Outcomes favourable to B are
(1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 4), (4, 4), (5, 4). (6, 4), (4, 1). (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 5), (4,6)
No of outcomes favourable to B, i.e.,
n(B) 11 =

Outcome which is common to A and B is (4, 4)

No of outcomes favourable to (An B) i.e., n (An B) = 1
Hence, P(AB) = 2(AnB)_
Another Method: We can also use P(A/B) =
P(A n B)
Total no. of outcomes 36
n(S) 36
P(B) B) 11
n(S) 36
P(A n B) N(AnB) 1
n(S) 36

13 AE II1-Vil
ay 1X, X
of X,
So, P(A/B) = P(AnB)_ 36
P(B) 11
Case 2: To find the conditional probability of an event A when B has already occurred, where
getting a sum 10 and B is the event a Ais
already occured. findthePAR
doublet has Here also, we have to fin
2.From the figure 27.1: Outcomes
favourable to A are (4, 6), (5, 5), (6, 4)
N o of outcomes favourable
to A, i.e., n (A) =3
Outcomes favourable to B are (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6).
No of outcomes favourable to B i.e,
n(B) 6 =
Outcome which is common to A and B is (5, 5).
.. No of outcomes favourable to 1.
(An B), i.e., n(AnB) =
Hence, P(A/B) = "ANB)_1
Another method
We can also use P(A/B) = P(AOB)
n(S) = 36
P(B)n(S) Ao B)2 n(A nB) 1
P(A n
B) =
n(S) 36
So, P(A/B) P(B)) P(AB)-36- 1
Case 3: To find the conditional
event the sum of the numbers
probabilityof an event A when B has already occurred, where A is the
on the two dice is 6 and B is the event
dice are different. numbers appearing on two
Here also we have to find P(A/B).
3. From figure 27.1, we have
Outcomes favourable to A are (1, 5), (2, 4), (3, 3), (4, 2), (5, 1).
.. No of outcomes favourable to A, i.e.,
n{A) 5 =
Outcomes favourable to B are
(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 1), (2, 3).
(4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 5), (4, 6), (5, 1), (5, 2), (5,(2,
4), (2, 5). (2, 6), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6,
(4, 1), 3), (5, 4), (5, 6),. (6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3),
N o of outcomes (6, 4) (6, 5)
favourable to B, i.e., n (B) =
Outcomes which are common to A and B are (1, 5), (2, 4), (4, 2), (5, 1)
N o of outcomes favourable to (An B) =4
Hence, P(A/B) = 2(A O B)_4
n(B) 30 15
Another Method
We can also use PA/B) = FANB)
n(S) 36

P(B)n(s) 36 18
P(A B) = "{A O B)_4 1
ns) 36 9
So, P(A/B) = AOB) 9 - 2

The above activity explains how to compute the conditional
has already occurred. probability of an event, when another eve

Application Useful to illustrate the concept of

Bayes' theorem.

Viva-Voce Questions
1. What is the probability of an event?
Ans. If there are m elementary events associated with a random experiment and n of them are favoum
to an event A, then probability of occurrence of A is
given by the ratio
2. What is conditional probability? m

Ans. Let A and B be two events associated with a random

experiment. Then the probability of occurrm
of Aunder the condition that B has already occurred and P(B) #0, is called the conditional prob
and is denoted by P(A/B).
3. What is a compound event?
Ans. If there are more than one elements of the
sample space in the set representing an event, the=
event is called a compound event.
4. A coin is tossed thrice. How many possible outcomes are there?
Ans. There are 23 8
5. P(A/B) =
P{B/B) =
1, where B S A. Is it true?
Ans. Yes, if BCA, then P(A/B) = P(B/B) = 1
6. What are
independent events?
Ans. If A and B are two events such that the
probability of occurrence of one of them is not affec
the information of occurrence of the other, such type of events are known as
independent e
7. fA and B are two
independent events, then A and B are also independent. Is it true?
Ans. Yes, the statement is true.
8. FA and B are two
independent events, then write the value of P(An B).
Ans. P(A B) =
P{A) P(B)

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