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Topic: Human Rights Violation

Submitted by: Farhad Ali

Submitted to: Mr. Sabir

Date: 05/12/2022
There is now near-universal consensus that all individuals are entitled to
certain basic rights under any circumstances. These include certain civil
liberties and political rights, the most fundamental of which is the right to
life and physical safety. Human rights are the articulation of the need
for justice, tolerance, mutual respect, and human dignity in all of our
activities. Speaking of rights allows us to express the idea that all
individuals are part of the scope of morality and justice.
Sarai Inam was killed by her husband’s name Shahnawaz son of senior
journalist Ayaz Amir. Shahnawaz belonged to the lite-class family. Sara
Inam who are well educated and economist. Her will is to establish her
own family. She also thinks that her children will be her friends.
In Pakistan, most of the elite class people do something which is immoral
they are free from the Judicial system because the court law in Pakistan
is just for poor people that’s why rich people easily violate human rights.
There is a lot of examples in Pakistan that our court law easily free the
criminal. That’s why to are not in fear to do crime. This case is just like
Noor Muqaddam in which murder is free from Judicial system.
In Pakistan women consider as a inferior character in the society and
man is consider as superior character of the society. That’s why man is
violet the women rights easily without any fear.

In the declaration of Human Rights, it is stated that everyone has the right
of his/her own life, liberty and decision-making. Men and women are both
supposed to be free to use their decision-making authority without the
limitations of race, nationality, gender or religion. They have the right to
marry or not to marry, to have children or not to have children. They are
entitled to equal rights as to marriage and its dissolution under many
international human rights conventions. As sketched in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights 1948.

The word patriarchy is from Greek word patria means father, arche
means rule. It means a male head of a family who exercises autocratic
authority on the other female member of family, in broad meaning a
member of the ruling class, group of a society, because of their presumed
capacity to exert control and women disregarded and supposed lack of
control .
“Patriarchy as a social system in which men appropriate all social roles
and keep women in subordinate positions” Women are considered that
they need men's supervision, protection, or control. It is also considered
male centered phenomenon, in which the center of attention is the natural
place for men and boys, and that women should occupy the margins.

Patriarchy can be seen in the primary stage in domestic sphere, the male
child has been preferred to the female child. The male child is often
thought superior, although he born after the female child, He is
automatically considered the head of the family who control, protect and
look after his sisters. The female gender faces further discrimination
because after ~ 10 ~ marriage, she has to join another family. On the
other hand, the male child protects the survival of the family’s good name
by bringing some additional members into the family by his marriage. This
is the main and very much suitable concept or theory, which projects the
violence actually and leads to the death of women by men in the name of
so-called honour.

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