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Soft skills, also known as interpersonal or social skills, are personal qualities

that enable people to effectively communicate, interact, and work with others. They
are often contrasted with hard skills, which are technical skills or abilities that
are specific to a particular job or task.

Examples of soft skills include communication, problem-solving, teamwork,

leadership, adaptability, time management, and conflict resolution. These skills
are important in a wide range of settings, including the workplace, school, and
personal relationships.

Having strong soft skills can be beneficial in many ways. For example, they can
help you build and maintain positive relationships with others, work effectively in
teams, and handle difficult situations more effectively. They can also help you
communicate effectively and persuasively, which can be important in both personal
and professional settings.

Overall, soft skills are an essential part of any successful career or personal
life, and they can be developed and improved through practice, experience, and

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