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Name Content Pronunciation Comment

2 5 -Pronouncing slowly and sometimes not

Nguyễn Trần correctly.
Hương Giang -

2.5 6 - Correct pronunciation of individual sounds,

Lương Thu Hằng word stress, word endings, intonation and

- Exactly what is requested

Đặng Hương Giang 2 5 - Pretty accurate pronunciation of individual
words, word endings, word stress
- Sometimes using intonation, the way to
break sentences is not in the right place,
causing confusion

2 5 - Exactly what is requested

Hồ Thị Hoa - Pretty accurate pronunciation of individual
words, word endings
- Sometimes stop and hesitate
- Sometimes using intonation, the way to
break sentences is not in the right place,
causing confusion

Lê Thị Dung 2,5 6,5 - Correct pronunciation of individual

sounds, word stress, word endings,
intonation and rhythm

- Speak fluently without hesitation

and easily
- Right content required

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