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Reflection (Vacation)

Vacation is one word that instantly brings a

smile on my face. And why not? It offers a great
respite from the dull and boring routine we follow
each day. It is time to try new things and bond with
our family. Summer vacations for me means a
house full of cousins, delectable food and the noisy
yet soothing sound of the air cooler. I live in a joint
family and ever since my childhood, all my paternal
aunts and cousins pour in our house during
summer vacations. I have many cousins and aunts.
We share various common interests, so we have a
lot of fun together, but we also fight a lot. Now, this
is not to say that I do not enjoy with my other
cousins. I rejoice their company too. Besides, we
indulge in various indoor and outdoor activities. We
go for morning walks and evening strolls, we play,
have street food, and visit the nearby canteens
accompanied by our elders. We are all also made to
sit for around two-three hours each day to study.
We get yummy refreshments during this time and
get to giggle and whisper in between that makes
these sessions fun. I love the way my cousins
pamper me. The presence of my cousins in the
house also means that we get a variety of
delectable foods each day. They all have good
culinary skills, and we love the items cooked by
them. Vacation are full of fun and summer
vacations are simply the best. They are the longest
vacations and I look forward to them every year. It
truly is a time to catch up on a lot of sleep and
bond with our extended family members.

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