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Are you ready to work out ?

1. Read the paragraph below.

Hi, my name is Cheryl, and I’m a health maniac! I like to work out throughout the week. On
Saturdays and Sundays, I get up early and enjoy a big breakfast, but I make up for it by running
10 kilometers in the afternoon. During the week, I participate in a boot camp. It’s really hard to
get through it because the exercises are intense. It’s also hard to put up with the coach who is
very tough with us!

Which phrasal verbs do you recognize?

Do you know what these phrasal verbs mean?

What’s the difference between a literal and metaphorical phrasal verb?

Give an example from the paragraph.

2. Phrasal Verbs are used to express another meaning that is used with the verb alone.
A phrasal verb is created when one verb is joined to a preposition or two prepositions.
Phrasal verbs can be literal or metaphorical, separable or inseparable.

Literal, inseparable phrasal verb:

Get + on (mount): Let’s get on the train.

Metaphorical, inseparable phrasal verb:

Get + on (be friendly with): I get on well with my friend Jack.

Separable phrasal verbs can be separated by a direct object noun or pronoun.

For example: take out is a literal, separable phrasal verb:

Can you take out the trash?

Can you take the trash out?

When the direct object (the trash) becomes a pronoun (it), the pronoun must come between
the verb (take) and the preposition (out).

Can you take it out?

3. Let’s practice!
Match the verb TAKE with a preposition and add the missing phrasal verb to each sentence:

after / over/ up / out /on

1. I’m going to take ______ French classes to prepare for my trip to Paris.
2. Chris takes ______ his brother Peter in both his looks and character.
3. During colonization, Great Britain took ______ many regions in the world.
4. I decided to take ______ a stray cat that I found wandering in the street.
5. I took ______ the cake from the oven because it was fully baked.

4. Literal or metaphorical?
Read the sentences below and insert the phrasal verbs into the correct column.

1. Use this knife to cut off the bad part of the potato.
2. That drive just cut me off in traffic. How rude!
3. Look through this window! You can see a little garden.
4. Once you get over your cold, please come back to work immediately.
5. The prisoner got over a very high wall to escape the prison.
6. The team came up with good solutions to the problem.

Literal Metaphorical

5. Match the phrasal verbs with their meaning:

work out test something

work off punch one's opponent very hard
warm up do sports
try out for prepare muscles before sports
knock out get rid of

6. Read the essay below written by a student about sports

It’s vital to exercise to stay physically and mentally healthy. My friend Bill likes weightlifting. It’s
really strenuous, but it’s great for muscular development and building strength. Team sports
are great to build a sense of solidarity and competition. Rugby is a useful sport to develop
team spirit and to keep fit. People who can’t stand rugby often prefer individual sports, like
running. Personally, I prefer water sports like diving. I feel free and adventurous to explore
underwater! My friend Sarah prefers martial arts and self-defense sports like karate and judo.
Recently, she started Tai-chi to reduce stress as she has a demanding job as an ambulance
driver. Tai-Chi is a martial art that uses energy. It’s very slow but relaxing and a good way to
meditate. I might take it up soon.

7. Complete the sentences with the correct word/expression.

dislike / liberating / loyalty / doing / strength training

1. Weightlifting is a good sport for __________ .

2. Team sports foster a sense of __________.
3. Individual sports are good for people who __________ team sports.
4. The writer finds water sports __________ .
5. The writer is considering __________ Tai-chi.

8. Gap fill
Select the correct word to fill the gaps:

meditate / strenuous / team spirit / reduce / adventurous

1. Jane prefers __________ sports like Pilates so she can build muscle.
2. If you are __________, you will enjoy hiking to explore new places.
3. The group of football players had a strong __________. They supported each other.
4. Running is a great sport to __________ weight and get in shape.
5. If you __________ every morning, you will feel more relaxed during the day.

9. Let’s play!
Read the passage about sports:

Part I
Football, volleyball, rugby, and basketball are all dynamic team sports. Basketball is a
particularly exciting and fast activity. To become a strong basketball player, you must be
cooperative, a team player, and fast on your feet. If you are tall and strong, it’s a plus!

Yoga is the ideal sport for the woman or man who prefers a solo activity. This activity
incorporates both mental and physical exercise, challenging the individual to push himself to
the limits in both meditation and physical endurance. Yoga is effective for both mental peace of
mind and physical development.

Part II

Karate is a martial art that originated in Japan. Each stage in karate is marked by a different
colored belt. This martial art is a highly skilled combat activity played between duos or more

One good point about swimming is that people of all ages can practice it, both alone and in
groups. Moreover, it’s probably the best sport for the development of muscular strength and
stamina. Swimming can also encourage you to try other water activities such as snorkeling,
diving, water skiing or boating.

10. Answer the following questions:

1. Which sport is the most individualist? ________

2. A good basketball player needs to be ________
3. Which activity involves mindfulness? ________
4. Which sport is an East Asian art form? ________
5. ________ is practiced by at least two players.

11. Match the metaphors with their meanings.

skate around in competition for

neck and neck change unfairly
score an own goal equal situation
move the goalposts do easily
level playing field avoid
in the running equal in a race
sail through score against oneself

12. Now, insert the metaphors into the boxes to match the sport they belong to.

skate around / neck and neck / score an own goal / move the goalposts / level playing field /
in the running / sail through

soccer sailing skating horse-racing athletics hockey

13. In this exercise, insert the correct metaphor to complete the sentences.

skate around / neck and neck / score an own goal / move the goalposts / level playing field /
in the running / sail through

1. It was ______________ between Tom Richardson and Michael Watkins in the final 100
meters of the race.
2. Two new politicians are ______________ for the position of Prime Minister in the big
3. More female sports stars are urging for a ______________ for investment in women’s
sports teams.
4. Don’t ______________ the issue of the Christmas bonus. Explain whether workers will
receive it or not.
5. Mary ______________ her maths exams as she had prepared well for it.
6. Marks’ team were furious when he scored ______________ after shooting the ball in the
wrong hoop.
7. The left-wing party has accused the right wing leaders of ______________ during the last

14. Matching!
Match the expression to the sport:

Umpire / Spiral / Saddle / Steps / Hoop / Forward / Caddy Dribble / Rink / Ball girl / Clubs /
Stirrups / Mid-field / Boogie

Soccer Tennis Ice-skating Dance Basketball Golf Horse-riding

15. Read the paragraph about running and answer the questions, choosing the correct word.

What are the benefits of running regularly?

There are both psychological and physical effects of routine jogging or faster running. A recent
scientific study showed that running reduces the risk of depression by lowering stress levels. As
a person runs, oxygen to the brain boosts motor neuron cells and improves blood flow through
the body. According to Dr. David Linden at John Hopkins University, regular running lowers the
speed of cognitive decline and improves overall brain function.

1. According to the text, running has important ____________ (advantages / outcomes).

2. Runners experience physical and ____________ (psychic / mental) benefits.
3. Oxygen ____________ (increases / improves) nerve cells in the brain.
4. Cognitive decline is ____________ (enhanced / declined) by running.


Watch the video and learn how to breathe more efficiently while running:

How To Breathe Whilst Running | Make Your Running More Efficient

Answer the questions about the video:

✔ Why is ‘’effective breathing’’ important for running?
✔ When should you breathe through your mouth while running?
✔ What does ‘’chest breathing’’ mean?
✔ Your breathing ____________ ratio is important as you pace yourself.

17. Word families
​Complete the Word Family Table with the missing words

Noun Person / Object Adjective

Athletics Athletic

Sports Sports person

Champion Championing

Competition Competitor

Participant Participating

Opposition Opponent

Professional Professional


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