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● What are Human rights? / What's presented in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
● Its origin and how is it developing?
● Some cases/examples of violations of the Human Rights
● Why are they so important?
● Statistics about Human rights (countries…)
● Some important Human rights activists and quotes
● What is freedom of religion and its importance (Example of burqas, around the world.
Search also about France + if it fits in the presentation we can talk about “ciganos” in
● Religious intolerance
● Statistics

Give our perspective!! What’s legit or not

(Gender equality is at the very heart of human rights and United Nations values.)
● What is gender inequality and why is it a global issue?
● How does gender inequality affect women? And examples and ad for exemple clothes that
they can not wear in france because it was forbidden
● Why is gender equality important?
● Statistics

Do a contrast between men and women. Their opinions- (MJ idea)

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