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Conversation with Buddha

When everyone is choosing the easy way out and saving themselves from
hardships then why should I care about the right path and ideals?
Verse 245: Hirimata ca dujjivam niccam sucigavesina

alinena' ppagabbhena suddhajivena passata.

Verse 245: Life is hard for one with a sense of shame, who always seeks purity, who sees beyond attachments what is ideal.

Utthanavato satimato sucikammassa nisammakarino

sannatassa dhammajivino appamattassa yaso bhivaddhati.

Verse 24: But remember, fame and fortune steadily increase for who is pure in his thought, word and deed, and uphold righteousness.
But I do not see the result of being considerate every time. Is there a point being
mindful for even the small things?
Mavamannetha punnassa na mandam agamissati

Udabindunipatena udakumbhopi purati 

dhiro purati punnassa thokam thokampi acinam.

Verse 122: Never undervalue good deeds imagining ‘little will not be rewarded’; The wise gets filled up with merit accumulating little
by little.
Dure santo pakasenti himavantova pabbato

asantettha na dissanti rattim khitta yatha sara.

Verse 304: Know, like the Himalayas, the good are visible even from afar and respected; No admiration comes to the wicked.
Sometimes situations sway me, and I make wrong decisions. What should I do to
not forget righteousness and not submit to situations?
Verse 282: Yoga ve jayati bhuri ayoga bhurisankhayo

etam dvedhapatham natva bhavaya vibhavaya ca

tatha ttanam niveseyya yatha bhuri pavaddhati.

Verse 282: Indeed, the sense of right judgement is lost without the realization of self; Who has realized self certainly finds the true path
and happiness.

Stay tuned for more life hacks and the exploration of ‘you’.

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