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The Bullying is a very worrying social problem, because it ranges from simple shoves and

insulting comments to the humiliation of an entire group, causing such serious psychological

damage that it can even lead to the victim's suicide.


This problem occurs in children of all ages, but especially in those between 11 and 13

years old. It is usually related to what happens at home. It should be remembered that

"children are a reflection of their parents", When parents begin to neglect or even mistreat

their children, they develop insecurities that make them prone to being harassed by their

peers or very aggressive children who have trouble communicating And they are victims of

their peers.

This problem represents a bleak future for society, as children who suffer and are forced to

suffer will become adults in the future, and the problem seems to be getting worse as the

population grows. The idea that many adults will have personal problems at work and at

home as a result of untreated emotional trauma, and that this vicious cycle does not seem to

be about to stop, shows us that the problem is far from being solved.


In conclusion, we now know how devastating it can be for both the victim and the

aggressor if not treated properly; that is why parents are advised to pay more attention to their

children and try not to reflect their problems on them, so that they become healthy and self-

confident children, observing and paying attention to any abnormal behavior that may arise at

the moment .

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