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NARRATOR: The three little pigs lived with their mother.

Their names were Piggy 1, Piggy

2, and Piggy 3. One day their mother said.

MOTHER: Dear sons, you are now all grown up. You need to find your own place to live

MOTHER: Good-bye, my sons… but be careful of the wolf. The wolf likes to eat little pigs.
He is a bad wolf!.

NARRATOR: The three little pigs walked, and walked, and walked. Finally, Piggy 1 saw a
pile of straw and said.

PIGGY 1: I am going to build my house here. Good-bye, dear brothers!.

NARRATOR: Piggy 2 and 3 left, and a few hours later Piggy 1 finished building his own
straw house.

PIGGY 1: Mmm, my house is not strong, but I don´t care. I like it anyway. Now, I´m going
to play.

NARRATOR: Meanwhile Piggy 2 and 3 walked and walked. Finally, Piggy 2 saw a pile of
wood, and he said.

PIGGY 2: I am going to build my house here. Good-bye, brother!

NARRATOR: Piggy 2 soon finished his house made of wood, and he said.

PIGGY 2: Mmm, my house is not strong, but I don´t care. I like it anyway. Now, I´m going
to play.

NARRATOR: Meanwile, Piggy 3 walked and walked. Finally, he saw a pile of bricks, and
he said.

PIGGY 3: I am going to build my house here.

NARRATOR: He worked and worked until he finished his brick house, and then he said.

PIGGY 3: I like my house. My house is strong!.

NARRATOR: One day the bad wolf knocked at the door of Piggy 1 house, and he said.

WOLF: Little pig, little pig, let me come in!.

PIGGY 1: I am not going to open the door. Go away, bad wolf!.

WOLF: Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff and I´ll blow your house in!. You will see!.

NARRATOR: The wolf huffed and puffed three times, and he blew the house in. Then
Piggy 1 ran and ran to Piggy 2 house. He knocked at the door, and he said.

PIGGY 1: Open the door!. Open the door!. The bad wolf is coming!.
PIGGY 2: Come in quickly!.

PIGGY 1: I am scared!.

NARRATOR: Suddenly the bad wolf knocked at the door, and he said.

WOLF: Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!.

PIGGY 2: I am not going to open the door!. Go away, bad wolf!.

WOLF: Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff and I´ll blow your house in!. You will see!.

NARRATOR: The wolf huffed and puffed three times, and he blew the house in. Then
Piggy 1 and Piggy 2 ran and ran to Piggy 3 house. They knocked at the door, and they

PIGGY 1: Open the door!.

PIGGY 2: The bad wolf is coming and we are scared!.

PIGGY 1: Open the door!.

NARRATOR: Piggy 3 opened the door, and Piggy 1 and 2 hid under the bed.

PIGGY 3: Don´t be scared!. My house is strong. The wolf can´t destroy my house.

NARRATOR: Then they heard a knock at the door.

WOLF: Little pig, little pig, let me come in!.

PIGGY 3: I am not going to open the door!. Go away, bad wolf!.

WOLF: Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff and I´ll blow your house in!. You will see!.

NARRATOR: The wolf huffed and puffed but nothing happened. He huffed and puffed
again but he couldn´t destroy the house.

PIGGY 3: Ha, ha, ha, ha, the wolf can´t destroy my house!.

WOLF: I´m going up to the roof, up to the roof, up to the roof!. I´m going down the
chimney, down the chimney, down the chimney!.

NARRATOR: Meanwhile, the three little pigs placed a pot of boiling water under the
chimney, and the wolf screamed.

WOLF: Ahhhhhhhh!. It´s too hot!. It hurts, it hurts!.

NARRATOR: The wolf went out the door, and ran, and ran, and ran away.

WOLF: I don´t want to eat those little pigs!. No, no, no!


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