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A scenario for Steve Jackson Games’ Ogre Miniatures rules by Joseph Bloch.
Copyright © 2012 Joseph Bloch, all rights reserved

SCENARIO: The Combine is staging a raid on a PanEuropean space complex in Frederikshavn, Denmark to halt
testing of a new space plane. A fast attack force of GEVs has been sent over the North Sea, while an Ogre has been
sent along the sea bottom to stage a coordinated attack. The PanEuropean forces must hold off the Combine attack
until sufficient reinforcements arrive to drive them off or destroy them.

SETUP: The PanEuropean player gets 24 points of infantry, 24 points of other units, and a MK-III Ogre. The
Combine gets 60 points worth of units, all of which must be GEVs or capable of being carried by GEVs (thus,
infantry riding GEV-PCs is allowed) plus a MK-IIIB Ogre.

The PanEuropean spaceport consists of town areas, roads, forest, and marsh. In addition, there is the spaceplane
itself on the gantry, two administrative buildings, and four depots. One side of the board is ocean. The PanEuropean
forces may start anywhere up to 1’ away from the ocean; the Combine forces must all begin the game in the ocean
(they may start as close to the shore as they wish). One PanEuropean building must be within 1’ of the ocean, the
rest must be at least 1’ away from the opposite side of the board. The space plane gantry may be anywhere on the

Both sides choose their units secretly. The PanEuropean player places his units on the board first.

REINFORCEMENTS: At the beginning of each turn, the PanEuropean player should roll 2d6. The result will indicate
the reinforcement that will appear at the beginning of the following turn. Reinforcements appear on the side of the
board opposite the ocean; that side of the board should be divided into 6 equal zones. When the reinforcement
arrives, roll 1d6 to determine which zone it appears in. Reinforcements appear at the beginning of the PanEuropean
player’s movement phase and may move normally during the turn they appear.

Die Roll Reinforcement Type Die Roll Reinforcement Type

2 Superheavy Tank 8 2 Light GEVs
3 Missle Tank 9 3 INF riding a GEV-PC
4 2 Light tanks 10 Heavy Tank
5 GEV 11 9 squads of infantry
6 2 Light GEVs 12 Mobile howitzer

If multiple units are indicated, they all arrive in the same zone together.

VICTORY POINTS: Victory points are determined by how many objectives in the spaceport are destroyed. Destroyed
enemy units or town areas do not count for victory points. Each objective has 10 structure points.

• Spaceplane on gantry: 100 victory points.

• Administrative buildings (2): Each of these buildings is worth 35 victory points.
• Fuel depots (4): Each of these buildings is worth 20 victory points.

Victory is determined as follows:

150+ victory points........... Decisive Combine victory

100-149 victory points...... Marginal Combine victory
80-99 victory points ......... Draw
30-79 victory points ......... Marginal PanEuropean victory
0-29 victory points ........... Decisive PanEuropean victory

OPTIONAL RULES: Instant ranging and destruction of town and forest is allowed.

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