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One of the most important aspects of happiness is having a sense of purpose in life. Without it,
you’ll live less focused, and less efficiently, and you will frequently feel restless and stressed
because you are not aligned with the things you do. Time plays a significant role in our lives.
The one commodity that is valuable in this world where we live is time. There’s only one thing
in our lives that we’re never able to reacquire once it has gone. It’s not about money, love, or
even material things, I’m talking about time and this is what we all have. It is a unique idea, a
unique concept because when we use it properly it can lead us to happiness, prosperity,
growth, success, or anything we want to achieve in life. Nevertheless, time does not stop for
anyone it keeps on moving and it will automatically waste you.

I remember a certain challenge that I faced in my life when I didn't consider what the future
might hold. The time that I do not consider my time as valuable as I valued it now. I used to be a
lazy person and as a Filipino, we have a habit called “Manana Habit”. Every time I have tasks to
do, assignments, activities, or even house chores I do not start quickly. I always say “mamaya
na” or “bukas na” and then there’s a time when my mom got mad at me because I forgot to do
what she ordered me to do. I used to cram all my tasks, assignments, and activities and it comes
to the point that I only sleeps 4 hours at night just to make sure I finished all my tasks in just
one day, to the point that I gained a lot of weight because I felt stressed and my only coping
mechanism at that moment is eating. Lastly, I came up to the point that I lost my confidence, I
felt ugly for all the pimples on my face and for all the weight I gained.

At that moment I realized that time is really important, I start to believe that “time is gold”.
Because of that I changed my mindset, I changed all my bad habits, I changed my perspective
about time, and through this, it helps me change my whole personality as a human being. I told
myself that I have to grow to achieve all my goals and dreams in life. The only advice I can give
based on what I experience is that do not waste your time on the things that aren’t important.
Create reminders for all of your tasks, and create a plan.

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