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According to a science research paper, the study of potato battery aims to prove whether

fruits and vegetables are good reserves of electricity. The potato‚ known for its high Phosphoric
Acid and Sulfuric Acid‚ has been as our chosen fruit to prove and conduct our answers upon the
accessibility of fruits and vegetables as an effective renewable energy source.

If the potato battery do not work, check the setup of the potato battery. Perhaps the ends
are not all connected from negative to positive, or perhaps there is not enough potato voltage.
Check the voltage of the potato using a multimeter or voltmeter.

What the potato does is simply help conduct electricity by acting as what's called a salt-
bridge between the the two metals, allowing the electron current to move freely across the wire
to create electricity. Numerous fruits rich in electrolytes like bananas and strawberries can also
form this chemical reaction.

A potato battery does not have enough power to shock you, but the potato can run a small
digital clock.

The reason small potatoes fail can be caused by a lack of sunlight, improper watering,
nutrient deficiency, high temperatures, or harvesting too early. Some potato varieties will
naturally grow smaller than others, and even the potatoes on one plant can vary in size.

One slice of potato can generate 20 hours of light, and several slices could provide enough
energy to power simple medical equipment and even a low-power computer, said a research
team from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

To demonstrate, the researchers created a series of batteries out of slices of boiled

Desiree potatoes about the size of a standard mobile phone, though they say the type and size
of potato slice do not determine its power.

"Potatoes were chosen because of their availability all over including the tropics and sub-
tropics," said Rabinowitch. They are the world's fourth most abundant food crop."

Agricultural science professor Haim Rabinowitch and his team wanted to prove that a
system that can be used to provide rooms with LED-powered lighting for as long as 40 days. At
around one-tenth the cost of a typical AA battery, a potato could supply power for cell phone
and other personal electronics in poor, underdeveloped and remote regions without access to a
power grid.

Like any battery, a potato battery has a limited life span. The electrodes undergo chemical
reactions that block the flow of electricity. The electromotive force diminishes and the battery
stops working.

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